From 2019-11-20 to 2019-12-03
22:54 Revision 77891d47 (github): Cleanup
22:20 Revision 4d70c382 (github): UI|GameProfiles: Upgrade some profile packages automatically
- IssueID #2361
22:19 Revision 9c6e9461 (github): UI|GameProfiles: Upgrade some profile packages automatically
- IssueID #2361
22:17 Feature #2361 (Closed): Upgrade profile PWADs (and certain other packages) to later version automatically
- PWADs and other data files get an autogenerated version number in the case they don't have associated metadata. This ...
19:29 Revision 3c24a899 (github): Fixed|InFine: "filter" does not affect whole screen
- According to the InFine reference, "filter" is supposed to affect the whole screen, so disable the bordered projectio...
19:27 Bug #2319 (Resolved): [Infine] Screen filters don't fully fill the screen unless the window has 4:3 aspect ratio
19:27 Revision 76339ce6 (github): Fixed|InFine: "filter" does not affect whole screen
- According to the InFine reference, "filter" is supposed to affect the whole screen, so disable the bordered projectio...
18:01 Revision 5f4b16c0 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Workaround for warping while dead
- IssueID #2357
17:56 Feature #2244 (Resolved): Create an official portable Linux distribution
17:54 Bug #2357 (Resolved): [Hexen] Warping while player is dead leads to inoperable player weapon
- The problem was that after warping, player state would be restored to what it was before the warp (zero health).
T... -
17:53 Revision 92f3df8f (github): Fixed|Hexen: Workaround for warping while dead
- IssueID #2357
17:53 Revision 7ae4d61b (github): Cleanup
12:02 Revision cf3b12b9 (github): UI|Home: Tweaked profile metadata color
12:02 Revision b0257434 (github): Fixed|libdoomsday: Comparing package IDs with alternatives
- IssueID #2360
12:01 Bug #2360 (Resolved): [UI] Savegames from Deathkings are not showing up in Home
07:55 Bug #2360: [UI] Savegames from Deathkings are not showing up in Home
- See comment by @thesourcehim:
07:53 Bug #2360 (Closed): [UI] Savegames from Deathkings are not showing up in Home
- When a save is created in Hexen DK, it doesn't show up in the game library under the Deathkings profile.
However, ... -
12:00 Revision 5e9b1817 (github): Fixed|libdoomsday: Comparing package IDs with alternatives
- IssueID #2360
08:28 Revision b75b2bd6 (github): UI|Home: Tweaked profile metadata color
06:19 Bug #2181: Savegames are not listed on the homescreen based on the "savegames" directory contents (needs retesting)
- I'm currently using linux build 2.3.0_3257, even saves created with this build for Hexen: DeathKings are not shown. H...
22:16 Revision 73ebb5ab (github): CMake: Root-level project name
22:15 Revision 6827702c (github): Builder|Flatpak: AppStream metadata XML file
22:14 Revision bbd34235 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Music missing on MAP26 (Desolate Garden)
- Hexen's music.ded had a typo for MAP26 (not "belchr").
IssueID #2359 -
22:12 Bug #2359 (Resolved): [Hexen] No music on Desolate Garden (MAP26)
- A very old typo?
10:21 Bug #2359 (In Progress): [Hexen] No music on Desolate Garden (MAP26)
03:56 Bug #2359 (Closed): [Hexen] No music on Desolate Garden (MAP26)
- When loading Desolate Garden map the warning message appears that no music is bound to that map, can not start playba...
22:06 Revision 30869076 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Music missing on MAP26 (Desolate Garden)
- Hexen's music.ded had a typo for MAP26 (not "belchr").
IssueID #2359 -
12:06 Revision 00b57324 (github): Builder|Flatpak: AppStream metadata XML file
22:32 Bug #2337 (Feedback): No doom II can be selected from the master list in the server tab
- Some additional information would be useful:
* Is this still happening, or did you figure out some config issue to w... -
22:27 Bug #2319: [Infine] Screen filters don't fully fill the screen unless the window has 4:3 aspect ratio
- I accidently missed the 'non' out of the title of this report.
The issue is that the Infine screen filter doesn't ... -
18:18 Revision e9e73aeb (github): Fixed|Documentation: Links to the Manual
18:14 Revision dc98b569 (github): Fixed|Documentation: Links to the Manual
14:12 Bug #2234: Fov 160 + near clip plane issues with MD2 and FBX HUD Models
- skyjake wrote:
> Mainly to verify whether the fixed FOV angle for weapons in version 2.2 resolves this issue, so it ... -
14:10 Bug #2234: Fov 160 + near clip plane issues with MD2 and FBX HUD Models
- Mainly to verify whether the fixed FOV angle for weapons in version 2.2 resolves this issue, so it can be closed.
14:08 Bug #2234: Fov 160 + near clip plane issues with MD2 and FBX HUD Models
- Hi skyjake
you changed status to feedback and assignee to me - this mean something is required from my side? If ye... -
14:03 Bug #2234 (Feedback): Fov 160 + near clip plane issues with MD2 and FBX HUD Models
14:02 Bug #2234: Fov 160 + near clip plane issues with MD2 and FBX HUD Models
- This should be solved by #2358.
14:01 Feature #2358 (Closed): Fixed FOV for rendering weapon models
- The cvar "rend-model-fov" specifies the FOV for weapon models, which is separate from the rest of the view. This alle...
22:15 Bug #2357 (Closed): [Hexen] Warping while player is dead leads to inoperable player weapon
- At least in Hexen:
# Die in combat.
# Warp to another map using the console.
# The player weapon is immediately lo... -
21:16 Revision b1728225 (github): CMake: Root-level project name
16:31 Bug #2309 (Closed): Incompatible addon error appears sometimes
16:26 Revision ff0d0ae6 (github): Definitions: Removed fatal error if DED parsing fails
- Just print an error message in the log.
16:21 Revision 4c28869e (github): Bumped version number to 2.3
16:13 Revision 73a5f700 (github): Changed release type to "Candidate" for 2.2
15:51 Revision a4adf117 (github): Definitions: Removed fatal error if DED parsing fails
- Just print an error message in the log.
15:43 Feature #2352 (Resolved): [Heretic] Scripted touch action for special things
15:42 Bug #2327 (Resolved): [Heretic] Linetype 98 is nonfunctional
15:40 Bug #2356 (Resolved): Compatibility issues with Sigil v1.21
09:30 Bug #2356 (Closed): Compatibility issues with Sigil v1.21
- * ☑️ Failure to parse Map Infos in DD_DEFNS of Sigil v1.21. The DD_DEFNS says it uses version 5 syntax, but it lacks ...
15:36 Revision def2bc78 (github): Fixed|Doom: Intermission label has incorrect offset
- IssueID #1983
15:35 Bug #1983 (Resolved): [Doom] "Finished" graphic placed too low
13:09 Revision 87cb85e3 (github): Music: Find music lump if Music definition is missing
- IssueID #2356
12:50 Bug #2350: [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1
- vermil wrote:
> Before you renamed the report title, it explicitly said Doom 1.1 in it.
Right you are, I didn't u... -
11:02 Bug #2350: [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1
- screenshot and doomsday.out log
10:57 Bug #2350: [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1
- GL wrote:
> When I play Doom E1M1 status bar is displayed incorrectly.
The problem only occurs in the first versi... -
10:39 Bug #2350: [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1
- Before you renamed the report title, it explicitly said Doom 1.1 in it.
10:24 Bug #2350: [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1
- Perhaps the OP can elaborate on which IWAD was being used here? Attaching the doomsday.out log file would clarify thi...
09:52 Bug #2350: [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1
- I believe the status bar graphics were comprised of different graphics in Doom 1.0 and 1.1.
Please view the V1.2 p... -
09:57 Revision 11009a4e (github): Definitions: Some semicolons are optional even in DED v5 syntax
- IssueID #2356
09:56 Revision ba6ac32b (github): Resources: Ignore ZDaemon MAPINFO lump
- Simple detection logic: look for a comment "// ZDaemon".
IssueID #2356 -
09:55 Revision 8a515a31 (github): Definitions: Report syntax errors in DD_DEFNS
- IssueID #2356
08:30 Revision fb58ec65 (github): All Games: Hide "Unknown" map author
- Added cvar "hud-title-author-nounknown", default to 1.
IssueID #2303 -
08:25 Feature #2345 (Closed): Revise distribution scripts, move to separate repository
08:25 Feature #2347 (Closed): Use the same UI font on macOS as on other platforms
08:25 Bug #2348 (Closed): Translucent 3D model blending issue versus sprites
08:25 Bug #2338 (Closed): does not have a 'Bundle Identifier' on macOS
08:25 Bug #2339 (Closed): Doomsday has conflicting version information on macOS
08:04 Feature #2346 (Closed): macOS notarization
08:00 Feature #2346: macOS notarization
- Note to self: this seems fragile. Just now it was quietly failing because I hadn't agreed to updated terms and condit...
08:03 Feature #2355 (New): Build must fail on macOS notarization error
- If Apple's notarization server does not successfully complete the notarization, the entire build should be stopped un...
07:59 Bug #2321 (Closed): [Heretic] Helstaff rain doesn't spawn while shooting close to the target
07:58 Bug #2342 (Closed): Skybox rendering broken: only box is visible
23:25 Feature #1806 (Rejected): "Headless" vanilla playsim for old demo compatibility
23:15 Bug #1136 (Rejected): Mouse look laggy
- From the Readme:
>*Minimizing mouse latency.* The default input settings try to replicate the feel of the original 3... -
23:08 Bug #1812 (Closed): Weapon sometimes fires only when mouse button is released
- Closing as obsolete. SDL2 in version 3 should anyway resolve input issues like this.
22:54 Feature #2116 (Closed): Compatibility with limited FBO functionality (old OpenGL drivers)
- Closing as obsolete.
22:46 Bug #2350: [Doom] Status bar drawing glitch in Doom Registered v1.1
- Potentially an issue with GL draw call batching, since it looks like the status bar background is confused with the v...
22:40 Feature #2335: [Shell] Command line option for opening connection to a server address
- Should be pretty simple to implement.
22:37 Bug #2334: Client should load server's data files when connecting via command line
- This sounds like a bug, actually. The autoload feature introduced in 2.1 is supposed to work regardless of how the co...
22:35 Feature #2333: Extend info about server wads (filename, checksum)
- While the package IDs are there already, it does make sense to provide names and checksums so one can identify the fi...
22:33 Bug #2332: Duplicate server entries on master-server
- Master should clear records of stopped servers quicker.
22:25 Bug #2323: Saved games are deleted after opening game
- This could be a glitch with the savegame conversion tool. At least the log seems to contain a lot of messages about l...
22:22 Feature #2322 (Rejected): Material def scroll options
22:19 Feature #2241 (Progressed): Configure games via Home UI (advanced users, cf. autoexec.cfg)
- The Home game library UI now has profile-specific options for a few things, such as Fast Monsters.
Profile-specifi... -
22:16 Feature #2124 (Rejected): Surround Sound Upmixing for the music...
22:14 Feature #2110 (Rejected): Recolour materials at def level
22:00 Feature #2047 (Closed): Allow user to select a specific IWAD file for a (custom) game session
- Done in 2.1.
21:57 Bug #1992 (Closed): Load console command segfaults (needs retesting)
- Closing as obsolete.
21:35 Feature #1686 (Closed): Derived resource packs
- This is already possible using include directives in Info files, and referencing the base package via the "/packs/(id...
21:30 Feature #1517 (Closed): Autoselect missing interfaces from other audio plugins
- Closing as obsolete.
In general, the audio backends could use refinement so that 1) all of them are available, 2) ... -
21:26 Feature #1468 (Closed): Sky layers seperate vertical offset
- Closing as obsolete.
21:20 Feature #2018 (Rejected): Textured Automap
21:19 Feature #1410 (Rejected): [Automap] Unified stats display
21:17 Feature #2008 (Closed): Keyboard-only usage of the new Doomsday UI (Home, task bar, popups, etc.)
21:16 Feature #2001 (Rejected): Uninstall savegames, configs and other runtime files (optionally)
21:15 Feature #1979 (Feedback): Additional sound formats
- At least in theory this would be useful. Would MP3 and maybe Ogg Vorbis be enough?
21:12 Feature #1949 (Rejected): Support for Windows Quick Launch bar
21:05 Bug #1858: 0 tic/time handling
- Seg faults and infinite loops certainly are bugs that should be fixed.
21:02 Feature #1798 (Rejected): Generate Doomsday Script API documentation
- Documenting in the Manual should be enough. And if the docs follow conventions, Doomsday could pull and parse them st...
20:17 Feature #1759 (Rejected): Plugins 2.0
- Plugins will be static extensions in version 3.
19:25 Feature #1711 (Rejected): Automatically switching external music
19:23 Feature #1678 (Rejected): Optimize stereoscopic pixel formats
19:22 Feature #1501 (Rejected): Non-64-pixel flats
19:20 Feature #1540 (Rejected): Smaller near clip distance
19:17 Feature #1570 (Rejected): [Heretic] Use IWAD original episode end graphics (E2PAL)
19:15 Feature #1564 (Rejected): Runtime option for enabling/disabling texture compression
- Nowadays GPUs have lots of memory available, so texture compression is less relevant.
19:13 Feature #1556 (Closed): [InFine] Randomized placement/selection
- Closing since #1632 gives this automatically.
19:12 Feature #1555 (Rejected): Add dynamic lights without having to alter the mob def
19:10 Feature #1550 (Rejected): Command to 'kill all'
- Repeated use of "kill" should be sufficient (perhaps using a console alias with slight delays).
19:07 Feature #1539 (Progressed): Armor, powerups (object status) controls 3D model representation
- The progress reflects the use of mobj hitpoints in 3D model scripting.
19:02 Feature #1533 (Rejected): Decoration light color from sector
19:01 Feature #1531: "take" cmd to take away pickup powers
- Heretic has a "take" cheat command now, for ammo and weapons.
18:56 Feature #1520: Realistic switch sound origin (compatibility option)
- See commit commit:0f5abef8.
18:55 Feature #1520 (Closed): Realistic switch sound origin (compatibility option)
18:53 Feature #1519 (Rejected): Custom pixel aspect ratio for a material
18:51 Feature #1494 (Rejected): InFine script for "MapTitle" display
18:48 Feature #1483 (Closed): Shine maps and mask (greyscale or palleted)
- Closing as obsolete, solved by PBR materials.
18:47 Feature #1481 (Rejected): Command to change to last weapon used
18:46 Feature #1452 (Rejected): [Hexen] Monster respawn rate
18:44 Feature #1433 (Rejected): Hexen style Hub system in Doom and Heretic
18:38 Feature #1389: [InFine] Check if resource originates from an IWAD
18:37 Feature #1386: Stopping monster infighting
- Perhaps not a DED file option as suggested, but a gameplay rule anyway.
18:36 Feature #1621 (Closed): Evaluation of runtime conditions
- Closing as obsolete.
18:34 Feature #1607: Reset settings to defaults
- Some settings can now be reset but not all cvars.
18:31 Feature #1484 (Rejected): [MP] Bindings for group chat
18:26 Feature #1404 (Rejected): Stopping time, while allowing camera movement
16:44 Feature #1370 (Rejected): Halos with fading trails (to go with the slowed occlusion)
16:43 Feature #1346 (Rejected): High-res textures built from patches
16:41 Feature #1331: [InFine] Evaluate cvars with IF condition
- This should wait until InFine is based on Doomsday Script. Then it will be trivial to implement all kinds of expressi...
16:40 Feature #1321 (Rejected): Scoring points in 1p and MP
16:39 Feature #1319 (Rejected): Different models for LOD
16:37 Feature #1624 (Rejected): Render particles to textures
16:37 Feature #1486 (Rejected): UI language translation/localization
16:36 Bug #2022 (Closed): p_enemy.c in doom64 plugin uses ~15 different copies of A_KeenDie
- Closing as obsolete.
16:34 Feature #1647: Replace FS1 with FS2-based resource management
- As work with version 3 continues, I expect the FS1 based code to be eventually retired.
16:33 Feature #1548: Multi-monitor support
- Incrementing progress as 3.0 supports rendering to multiple windows with a shared GL context.
16:31 Feature #1794 (Closed): Mobile apps and shared client/server code (more modular code structure)
- Closing as obsolete.
16:31 Feature #2016 (Closed): "Portable app" package (app contained in a folder, with all user data included; e.g., for USB sticks)
16:29 Feature #1341 (Rejected): Soft edges for sector lighting
16:27 Feature #1301: Redesigned DED Reader
- The DED parser is pretty much in maintenance mode already, and definitions are accessible internally via @Defs@.
16:25 Feature #1300 (Closed): Differentiating variants of monster attacks
- In the new model renderer, object animation is scriptable and independent of mobj states, so this should not be an is...
16:22 Feature #1275 (Closed): Lightmap decorations on surfaces (emission mapping)
- Closing as obsolete. PBR materials have an emissive channel.
16:18 Feature #1203 (Progressed): Additional save slots — revised save management
- Savegame folders are now specific to game profile.
Still could use an infinite number of save slots, though. Make ... -
16:12 Feature #1190 (Progressed): External scripts for mobj behavior
- Some progress in this area. In 2.2, it is possible to use Doomsday Script in state actions functions. Given the right...
16:10 Feature #1171 (Rejected): Center HUD weapon position when firing
16:10 Feature #553: Performance of many scrolling surface materials
- Closing as obsolete.
16:10 Feature #553 (Closed): Performance of many scrolling surface materials
16:07 Feature #1745 (Progressed): Performance optimization
- Opening this as a tracking issue.
16:07 Feature #1745 (In Progress): Performance optimization
16:05 Feature #1231: Ragdoll physics
- Now that skeletal models are available, this could be done. However, needs a 3rd party library for calculating the ph...
16:03 Feature #1220 (Rejected): Cutscenes
16:02 Feature #1219 (Rejected): Configurable missile spawn points
16:02 Feature #1197 (Rejected): Scriptable UI
- While cool, I don't think there is much use for this feature as described.
The native UI fulfills its current requ... -
15:59 Feature #1179 (Rejected): Flying creatures - Tilt up/down if moving in z dimension
15:58 Feature #1151 (Rejected): Strife support
15:58 Feature #1143 (Rejected): Bots
15:58 Feature #1141 (Closed): Third-person view
- This kind of already exists. Try "viewmode" in the console. Of course, a proper 3rd person view would require more so...
15:56 Feature #1139: More variations within repeated texture patterns with alternative textures (for detail textures)
- Assuming detail textures will be revised in the future, this would be rather nifty for them.
* Have a pattern textur... -
15:53 Bug #890 (Rejected): [Windows] Crash caused by SDL_mixer
15:53 Feature #2038 (Closed): Replace `define` with `static const ...` where possible
- This is good advice, and recent code already does it this way.
Closing as acknowledged. -
15:52 Feature #1944 (Rejected): Master audio volume slider
15:52 Feature #1874 (Rejected): Defer creation of savegame folders until needed
15:50 Feature #1669 (Rejected): Invisibility affects player automap arrow (option)
15:50 Feature #1584 (Rejected): [Deathkings] Option for monster respawn rate
15:48 Feature #1583 (Rejected): [InFine] Disable texture compression for ximages
15:48 Feature #1581 (Rejected): Melee attacks affected by looking up/down
15:48 Feature #1572 (Rejected): Frameless window option (-noframe)
15:47 Feature #1567 (Rejected): [Automap] Quick hide/show markers
15:47 Feature #1560 (Rejected): [Heretic|Hexen] Original freelook range option
15:46 Feature #1549 (Rejected): Material property that allows disabling ambient occlusion
15:44 Feature #1522 (Rejected): Sprite scaling
15:41 Feature #1505 (Resolved): [Heretic] Boss drop off physics (never instantly drop down)
- Heretic falloff physics have been updated so that objects do not warp down ledges. Currently there is no compatibilit...
15:39 Feature #1498 (Rejected): [Hexen] Option for ringing the bell from below
15:38 Feature #1497 (Rejected): Queueing multiple digital songs for one song lump
15:37 Feature #1482 (Closed): Indication of scrolling menus
- In long game menus, the cursor position is retained in the middle of the screen while the menu items scroll around. F...
15:34 Feature #1474 (Rejected): Customization options for object shadows
15:34 Feature #1455 (Rejected): Persistent player achievement stats
15:33 Feature #1443 (Rejected): Fog options should be available in UI
15:29 Feature #1285 (Rejected): Spawn particle generator from generator stage
15:28 Feature #1385 (Rejected): Option to not pick up health/armor bonuses if already 200%
15:25 Feature #1534 (Rejected): Alternative for decoration light pattern skip
15:22 Feature #1192 (Rejected): 3D models for menu/HUD graphics
15:22 Feature #1294 (Rejected): Toggle command for non-boolean cvars
15:21 Feature #1221 (Rejected): Movies playing on world surfaces (monitors, etc.)
15:20 Feature #1250 (Rejected): Improved flying suggestions for Hexen/Heretic
15:18 Feature #1152 (Rejected): Support for Wolfenstein Spear of Destiny
13:15 Feature #1198 (Rejected): Support for Rise of the Triad
12:57 Feature #1312 (Rejected): Stereo sound effects
12:57 Feature #1594 (Rejected): [Audio] Default number of sound channels should be "max"
12:56 Feature #1469 (Rejected): Changing the blood sprite's color
12:55 Feature #1558 (Rejected): [Hexen] Smooth Reivers Z movement
12:55 Feature #1738 (Rejected): xBR for graphics upscaling
12:54 Feature #1161 (Rejected): Stealth mode cheat
12:53 Feature #1405 (Rejected): Crouch
12:53 Feature #1442 (Rejected): PC Speaker Sounds/Emulation
12:52 Feature #1561 (Rejected): Send MIDI data to external GM synth
12:52 Bug #1026 (Closed): Load console command music oversight
12:50 Feature #1343 (Rejected): Chaingunner/chaingun sounds
12:49 Feature #1458 (Closed): Handling obsolete IWADs
12:49 Feature #1619 (Rejected): Adaptive LOD for models
12:32 Feature #1788 (Rejected): Command line options should take native paths relative to cwd
07:54 Revision 9928c74a (github): Documentation: Updated Readme for 2.2 release
14:52 Revision 7bc853c7 (github): Freedesktop: App metainfo screenshot order
14:29 Revision cbd83691 (github): Readme: Updated links
13:28 Revision 625fc84b (github): Freedesktop: Added metainfo XML, tweaked .desktop file
10:27 Feature #2244 (In Progress): Create an official portable Linux distribution
- There are actually a couple of further things:
* ☑️ Prepare appdata XML for Flathub submission
* Possible Autobuild... -
08:18 Feature #2244 (Resolved): Create an official portable Linux distribution
- Added fluidsynth (2.0.9 built from source). Will leave out FMOD from this since it's closed source.
06:20 Bug #2300: [Doom] Secret exit switch in E3M6 placed too low
- Great, thanks!
03:10 Bug #2300: [Doom] Secret exit switch in E3M6 placed too low
- Played through Ultimate Doom and didn't notice anything broken, the switch also displays properly now, thanks!
22:07 Feature #2244: Create an official portable Linux distribution
- I've decided to go with Flatpak for now.
Flatpak manifest: -
21:03 Revision d4488ad4 (github): Fixed|Freedesktop: Rename the app icon file
20:53 Revision d39675be (github): Freedesktop: Adapt desktop file and icon for Flatpak
16:28 Revision a8b23ff1 (github): Builder|CMake: Added root CMakeLists; tweaks for Unix config
- There is now a root-level CMakeLists.txt for easier automation.
The Unix build configuration was made more robust by...
22:01 Revision c3e0e5d4 (github): Resources: Detect future versions of Freedoom
- IssueID #2267
22:01 Feature #2267 (Resolved): Detect future Freedoom IWADs
- Changing this issue to be specific to Freedoom.
Added a generic detection rule for the Freedoom IWADs so that Doom... -
21:34 Bug #814 (Resolved): [XG] Cooperative and Deathmatch flags only check for MP
21:33 Revision dfc0f5e5 (github): Fixed|XG: Check for deathmatch and cooperative line flags
- IssueID #814
21:18 Bug #1876 (In Progress): [XG] Floor chains appear infunctional
- The attached floor chain works in build 3251.
The second room has a floor chain that inflicts damage once per seco... -
21:16 Revision f16b14d9 (github): XG: Mobj position test for floor chain
- IssueID #1876
16:30 Bug #1875 (Resolved): [XG] Colored sector lighting does not affect the transition frame
16:29 Revision 940ba00c (github): Fixed|XG: Sector lighting not updated on first tick
- IssueID #1875
15:49 Bug #2354 (In Progress): Compatibility with TNT: Revilution (MAP30)
- ☑️ Sprite replacements fail to show: The map 30 uses dehacked nazi and keens replacements. Nazis are plasma turrets a...
13:54 Bug #2272 (Rejected): Build Error - ByteSwapper.h
- Closing this issue now because the build error is in an external software library.
In the future, Doomsday can use... -
11:53 Bug #2327 (In Progress): [Heretic] Linetype 98 is nonfunctional
- Line special 98 was completely missing from @p_spec.cpp@ in Heretic.
Now using code from vanilla Heretic. Please t... -
11:52 Revision 3a4b63be (github): Fixed|Heretic: Line special 98 is missing
- IssueID #2327
09:14 Bug #1822 (Resolved): [XG] Line class "teleport" can't find teleport destination mobj
09:13 Revision 8b602710 (github): Fixed|XG: Teleporting to a teleport destination mobj
- IssueID #1822
08:24 Revision 01f36dff (github): Fixed|XG: Teleport "No Flash" parameter inverted
- IssueID #2255
08:24 Bug #2255 (Resolved): Line teleport (XG class) - "No Flash" parameter inverted
23:04 Bug #2300 (Resolved): [Doom] Secret exit switch in E3M6 placed too low
- Applied a fix. Please test if this causes regressions elsewhere...
22:47 Bug #2300: [Doom] Secret exit switch in E3M6 placed too low
- For future reference, the problem is likely around @walledge.cpp:323@, and pertains to material origin calculation of...
23:04 Revision ee54cd23 (github): Fixed|Renderer: Lower texture alignment in E3M6
- This is perhaps an uncommon situation, where there is a switch on the front lower texture, but the back sector ceilin...
11:11 Bug #2353 (Closed): Bugs in Doomsday Script parsing and execution
- * "doomsdayscript" tool can't import modules from the same directory
* parser fails when encountering a single-line ... -
09:08 Revision a8d13089 (github): Fixed: Narrowing integer conversion
14:20 Revision 7e60d563 (github): Scripting: Removed the "export" keyword
- Exporting doesn't seem to have a use case:
- return values can be used to move values to the caller
- global assignme... -
10:14 Revision a6e1c030 (github): Fixed|Scripting: Functions' global namespaces
- Each function remembers the global namespace it was defined in, in case the function accesses those globals when it's...
10:13 Revision 748f9dd9 (github): Fixed|Scripting: Allow text representation of null reference
21:30 Revision a1c7f393 (github): Scripting: Converting a dictionary to record using Record()
20:29 Revision 02b4d8e6 (github): Fixed|Scripting: Passing records by reference in arguments
12:23 Revision 0b62389f (github): Scripting: Allow scope notation to be used sequentially
- This is now legal: `a->b->c`
20:31 Revision f4fd4d71 (github): Fixed|Scripting: Improved message of script exceptions
20:15 Revision c4486edc (github): Fixed|Scripting: Edge cases in parser and slice operator
- The parser would fail if a single-line catch compound was used at the end of the script.
Slice operator would not om...
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