Bug #1858
0 tic/time handling
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Modern Dday with it's higher precision math (I assume this is the cause) is unable to handle 0 tic/time lengths in ded's reliably (i.e XG, mobj defs etc) unlike 1.8.6; it seg faults, infinite loops etc.
May I raise the possibility of DDay automatically correcting such (i.e automatically converting 0 time values to the equivalent of the minimum amount of time the definition type supports? To avoid fatal errors and crashes in Dday.
I suggest an automatic correction because older mods may have used 0 tic/time values.
Updated by vermil over 10 years ago
Obviously, I am aware that Dday never officially supported 0 time lengths.
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
- Category set to Defect
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to Modding
Seg faults and infinite loops certainly are bugs that should be fixed.