


Feature #1711

Automatically switching external music

Added by vermil almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

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Something crazy probably.

There are many classic user mods out there that contain duplicate, but renamed, music lumps from the Iwad (i.e they take the D_E2M6 music lump from the Doom Iwad and stick it in their pwad named D_E1M1, so they get E2M6's music on E1M1).

It's probably crazy, but if a user is loading an external music pack, could Dday detect the Pwads 'shuffling' around of the music lumps and remap the external music packs music accordingly?

Obviously, whether the user is 'shuffling' around the music lumps from within the same Iwad (i.e the above example) or taking the lump from another Iwad (i.e using a Doom2 music lump in Doom1 or even Heretic or HeXen) would each need to be handled separately and require the user to be loading external music packs that contain tracks for those games (and of course, that Final Doom and Doom2's music lump names conflict).

Well, just a crazy idea that the practicality of might not make feasible; but no reason why one can't make an RFE for it.


#1 Updated by vermil almost 11 years ago

Just thinking about it; obviously I understand that it's easy for me to sit here and write this, but another thing entirely to actually code.

It would require some additional 'if game mode X' options in deds that tell Dday to only skip down to the next if statement, rather than just 'if' options that skip the rest of the file. This would be to allow users to load multiple music def set's from a single ded.

It would also require Dday to have an internal list it could use to identify that X pwads music lump is a renamed version of X iwad music lump.

Dday's ability to remap the iwad music lumps to external files of any name can already handle the conflicting names between the Doom2 and Final Doom iwad music lumps (and Chex Quest versus Doom1).

#2 Updated by skyjake almost 11 years ago

  • Tags set to Resources, Music
  • Category set to Enhancement

#3 Updated by skyjake almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

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