


Bug #2181

Savegames are not listed on the homescreen based on the "savegames" directory contents (needs retesting)

Added by Drako over 8 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:




Build 2109 (and earlier).

I order to run the new build I had to get rid off the "runtime" directory which contains "savegames" directory. I backed up the savegames before deletion of "runtime". I run doomsday.exe, then I quit. New "runtime" directory has been created. I moved my "savegames" there. I run doomsday again. The savegames are not listed on the home screen but they are seen from inside the game - I can load them there.

Related issues

Related to Bug #2360: [UI] Savegames from Deathkings are not showing up in HomeClosed2019-12-03


#1 Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from Savegames are not listed on the homescreen based on the "savegames" directory content. to Savegames are not listed on the homescreen based on the "savegames" directory contents (needs retesting)
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Drako

#2 Updated by Drako almost 8 years ago

After repeating steps described above I see only one savegame listed in the home screen in Ultimate Doomsday profile and no other savegames even though savegames directory contains many saves for Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Doom 2 Plutonia and Doom 2 TNT. All the savegames are visible in-game. However, they are not loadable due to "Incompatible Addons" message.

#3 Updated by Drako almost 8 years ago

The above was about build #2283 (Apr 03)

#4 Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

From your description, I think things are working as designed. The Home screen only shows savegames when it can reliably determine that they are compatible with a game profile. In the case of old saves, or saves made before the various metadata fixes that occurred during the late 2.0 unstable and RC builds, the compatibility check may prevent saves from showing up.

In any case, you can still load up a game via the in-game menu, and override the compatibility warning dialog by holding down the Alt key when the dialog is open. In this case, you are responsible for making sure that the currently loaded add-ons and other packages are compatible with the ones that were used in the save.

When a new save is written, its updated metadata should then allow it to show up in Home. If you are experiencing that a newly written save does not appear in Home even though you have the same packages available, please submit a new bug report for that specific situation and attach the savegame in question.

#5 Updated by thesourcehim over 5 years ago

I'm currently using linux build 2.3.0_3257, even saves created with this build for Hexen: DeathKings are not shown. Hexen and Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Rider saves are listed properly.

#6 Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago

  • Related to Bug #2360: [UI] Savegames from Deathkings are not showing up in Home added

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