


Feature #1497

Queueing multiple digital songs for one song lump

Added by kresjah over 15 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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From what I've gathered, the sound system is currently not fully up and running, so I set this as an "eventually" as I gather this one be first priority so to speak. Basically, what I'd like is for it to be possible to set it so that you can associate two songs with a map (as replacement for a music lump). This may at first sound like an odd thing, but hear me out.

Pretend you are creating a revamped version of a song that you want to loop perfectly like the original (meaning no fadeout at the end, just snapping back to the start as if there never was an end). Now, you create the song, and you apply reverb to the instrumentation to make it sound cooler/more realistic/whatever. What happens now is that reverb will naturally still be in the soundscape and dissipate slower than the original sounds of the instrumentation. When you output the song into the game, you'll notice that when it loops the song it suddenly cuts whole chunks of sounds, namely the reverb, as naturally there is no reverb at the start of the song.

A suggestion to solve this is to allow having one introductory song and one looping song per lump. The introductory song will contain a version of the song that starts out clean, whilst the looping version of the song will contain a version of the start that is already saturated with reverb. It plays the introductory song once, and then progress seamlessly to the looping song, and from thereon out loops that version of the song.

Labels: Sound


#1 Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago

  • Tags set to Music, Mod
  • Subject changed from Setting multiple digital songs for one song lump to Sequencing multiple digital songs for one song lump
  • Category set to Enhancement
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low

#2 Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from Sequencing multiple digital songs for one song lump to Queueing multiple digital songs for one song lump

#3 Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

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