Feature #1494
InFine script for "MapTitle" display
As the title suggests.
I would like to say have my map's name displayed on the auto map, but not when I start my map and vice versa.
Labels: Map Editing
Related issues
Updated by vermil almost 16 years ago
While I'm talking about this. The ability for the map/auto map titles and author line to support infine like features. Currently it doesn't support any, not even the ability to start a new line.
Both also have character limits.
Updated by vermil over 15 years ago
Or perhaps the ability to disable the map title and/or automap level title at map level (i.e. via a map def). Currently the former can only be disabled globally in the console, while the later can't at tall.
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Can you give an example of a situation where you think denying the user this information would be desirable?
Updated by vermil over 15 years ago
When one wants not to display a map name at map start up, but still wants their map to have a name on the automap and vice versa.
Seriously though. The Map title is currently very limited in features. One can't choose a location for it on screen, how long it's there for etc etc
As such, in a mod of mine I use Infine to display my maps title how I wish to, simply because the map title get's in the way of other Infine I have set to run at map start up. This means I blanked the map name field in my Map def and as a consequence also lost the map title on the automap.
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Sounds to me what you actually want is a way to utilize your "MapTitle" InFine script instead of the built in display. Rather than forcing the mod author to turn a bunch of different options off it would be much better to:
Check at map start whether this script is present
if so, run it.
else use the built in display.
Updated by danij almost 15 years ago
Actually, no need to have any internal display. If we move the current display out to an InFine script, a mod author can simply override it with their own script.
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to UI, InFine, Mod
On a general level, it would make a lot of sense to have InFine draw the map title, however this requires serious upgrades to InFine's scripting capabilities. (Fortunately, this is in the plans: #1608)
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected