From 2009-09-21 to 2009-10-04
23:05 Feature #1318: Creating Bullet Holes
- The current objlink and dynlist implementation could easily be modified to handle decals.
21:58 Feature #1318: Creating Bullet Holes
- Logged In: YES
Making this an RFE. -
22:46 Feature #1149: MD3 support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
SOF pains affects would be great. -
22:43 Feature #1226: Bumpmapping
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
It is an ambitious idea, but damn the effects are nice. -
22:42 Feature #1227: Per pixel lighting
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
no I meant all lightsources already available in
doo... -
22:36 Feature #1231: Ragdoll physics
- Logged In: YES
It would require skeletal animation for models, and the ragdoll math is
quite compli... -
22:34 Feature #1233: Surface decorations using 3D models
- Logged In: YES
This would all be very sweet! Its awesome to here the cool
new stuff in plan for 2.0. -
22:30 Feature #1297: Halo Customization + Halo Maps
- Logged In: YES
Implemented in SVN for 1.9.0-beta4 -
22:27 Feature #1389: [InFine] Check if resource originates from an IWAD
- - **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson --> nobody
22:26 Feature #1336: Random textured particle direction
- Logged In: YES
Also it would be very nice if particle model rotation could be
bound to the movemen... -
22:24 Feature #1377: "BUILD Engine" games
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: YES
The best thing that I can tell you i... -
22:22 Feature #1400: Strife support
- Logged In: YES
Doomsday does not currently support Strife on any platform.
jStrife is planned for... -
22:21 Feature #1401: [MP] Options for retaining or acquiring items/keys/weapons at (re)spawn; allow cheats with more granularity
- Logged In: YES
Starting weapons for Deathmatch/Coop set via the UI would be
nice. Need to explicitl... -
22:18 Feature #1431: [GAME REQUEST] -Blood-
- Logged In: YES
There's two problems I can see with this request.
The first is that blood was built ... -
22:12 Feature #1467: [XG] Incorporate vanilla line/sector types
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
Indeed, you have stated that as your ultimate goal before and indeed... -
22:11 Feature #1469: Changing the blood sprite's color
- Example picture
* -
22:08 Feature #1146: Ducking
- Logged In: YES
Adding an option to duck must be optional like jumping is.
There's only a problem li... -
22:07 Feature #1147: Windows NT4?
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
removing from self -
22:04 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Is there anyway to tell the engine to use the particl... -
21:54 Feature #1310: Specular maps
- Logged In: YES
What does Specular do? Is it DX 8.1 compatible? -
21:51 Feature #1209: Lava/water whatever effects
- Logged In: YES
Yea that would be awesome if possible. -
21:45 Feature #1235: Plugin weapons, etc....
- Logged In: YES
These are somewhat related to RFE 761665. -
21:41 Feature #1235: Plugin weapons, etc....
- Considering as duplicate, closing.
21:35 Feature #1275: Lightmap decorations on surfaces (emission mapping)
- Logged In: YES
Or is this better approached using Shaders?
I'd assume you'd use multitexturing and ... -
21:27 Feature #1277: Texture Definitions
- Logged In: YES
Eventually (ver 2 probably) I'd like to see the ability to use
any graphic resource... -
21:21 Feature #1301: Redesigned DED Reader
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
I think we've gotten to the end of the road with the current DED reade... -
21:16 Feature #1309: EAX Advanced HD Support
- Logged In: YES
I don't think it would be quite worth the effort... Pretty
cool, though. -
21:14 Feature #1328: Modify Default Grid and Textures on Sector Planes
- Logged In: YES
The ability to scale textures on any surface would indeed be
a great addition.
Th... -
20:53 Feature #1462: Light Amp Goggles and Torches affect dynamic lights
- Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
True, the light source itself isn't visible at 255, but if the light... -
20:48 Feature #1468: Sky layers seperate vertical offset
- The vertical offset adjusts the level of the horizon not the individual sky layers. A vertical offset can surely be a...
20:37 Feature #1490: Can the "secret found" sounds be given their own defs?
- Implemented for 1.9.0-Beta6.9
20:23 Feature #1494: InFine script for "MapTitle" display
- Or perhaps the ability to disable the map title and/or automap level title at map level (i.e. via a map def). Current...
07:54 Bug #801 (Closed): [Deng v1.9.0 beta 6.7] Heretic Can't get to the boss level
- After entering the exit of the E2M7 or E3M7 map (and probably any other M7 map from each episode) the game goes STRAI...
21:29 Bug #800: Heretic and HeXen: hud weapon graphics set too low
- Fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.8
21:25 Bug #800: Heretic and HeXen: hud weapon graphics set too low
- Also not all games, just Heretic and HeXen. Doh!
21:24 Bug #800 (Closed): Heretic and HeXen: hud weapon graphics set too low
- In Beta6.6, in all games, the players hud weapon is being displayed about a half dozen pixels lower than it should wh...
18:57 Revision 8a52a047 (github): Removed old thinker lists.
09:04 Revision dfe5e268 (github): Added GAME_SYMBOL() macro and refactored de::Map slightly.
- There is actually no need to store the objects in a separate map,
it just complicates matters. -
05:27 Bug #799 (Closed): [Hexen] Excessive Wind sounds
- There appears to be something going a bit wrong within the logical sound manager leading to continual allocation of m...
02:00 Revision 090199ed (github): Fixed: "Invisible Objects seen on Automap" (see here
00:05 Bug #784: TNT: YKey missing on MAP31
- This is a well known issue in the original release of TNT. You can find a patch which fixes this issue here: http://w...
23:33 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- I didn't really expect the changes I made to make a difference to be quite honest. This is pretty much outside of our...
22:54 Bug #799: [Hexen] Excessive Wind sounds
- In 1.9.7 I'm not seeing any misbehavior save for a lacking forced stopping of logical sounds from the same origin.
20:54 Bug #798 (Closed): Invisible Objects seen on Automap
- When you use the automap cheat to reveal all of the objects on the automap, the invisible things are seen. These incl...
16:47 Bug #795: Offsetted Textures Misaligned
06:56 Bug #795: Offsetted Textures Misaligned
- Fixed in 1.9.0-Beta6.9
06:56 Bug #795 (Closed): Offsetted Textures Misaligned
- Some textures that have offsets applied to them are mysteriously unaligned in Doomsday. For example, in E1M8, the swi...
16:43 Bug #788: Momentary pause during looped MIDI playback
- According to what I've read recently in numerous places across the net this is a known issue with SDL_mixer.
The c... -
16:42 Bug #788: Momentary pause during looped MIDI playback
- If however the problem is also affecting OS X then I think we can safely say that its the handling of MIDI files (i.e...
07:49 Bug #788: Momentary pause during looped MIDI playback
- No, its not exclusive to the titlescreen. The pause occurs any time the current music track is changed or reloaded. I...
16:13 Bug #797 (Closed): Blank map titles no longer blank
- In Beta6.7, blank map names (i.e Name = " ";) lead to a small shadow appearing at the top of the screen when you sta...
16:06 Bug #796 (Closed): Automap updating whilst fading away
- I wasn't sure whether to class this as a "bug". But it isn't an RFE either IMO.
In Heretic and HeXen, the map does... -
06:54 Bug #794: Monsters get stuck within each other
- This appears to be the same issue as described here:
06:54 Bug #794 (Closed): Monsters get stuck within each other
- Sometimes, the monsters can get stuck within each other, making them unable to move or attack. Is this related to the...
14:41 Revision 395a9c4f (github): Bump version number in Windows auto-install builder script.
14:32 Revision a066e2fc (github): Bump jDoom, jHeretic and jHexen versions.
12:30 Bug #793 (Closed): HeXen: Mana giving script on Dark Crucibe not functioning
- The Dark Crucible is the final map of HeXen.
The mana giving switches in the room before the halls don't spawn any...
17:42 Revision d23ebb15 (github): Running map thinkers.
- As part of the main loop, the current map's thinkers will get to think.
23:42 Bug #793: HeXen: Mana giving script on Dark Crucibe not functioning
- Fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.8
22:48 Bug #792 (Closed): Heretic slowdown leading to Blue Screen error
- OK, so I'm pretty sure this one is related to the second case I cited on this topic:
22:11 Bug #792: Heretic slowdown leading to Blue Screen error
- This is a fairly common and well known issue with the older Nvidia display adaptor drivers. There is nothing we can d...
09:27 Bug #791: Odd map exit behaviour with switches
- Not really sure about this, as I was facing away from the switch and a little bit far away from it to have activated ...
04:32 Bug #791 (Closed): Odd map exit behaviour with switches
- I've noticed this happened once with me on Doom, and now it just happened on Heretic too. Sometimes when you're near ...
23:11 Bug #790: [DEH] Max Health and Max Armor do not work
- The problem with the max health and max armour values being ignored has been fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.8
I'm not sure ... -
20:57 Bug #790: [DEH] Max Health and Max Armor do not work
- Well, from further testing, I have found out that I was mistaken about the Mega Sphere health value not working. It s...
16:58 Bug #790 (Closed): [DEH] Max Health and Max Armor do not work
- I'm sure it's known that Dday's Dehacked support isn't quite 100%. But I couldn't see a tracker item detailing exactl...
16:49 Bug #789 (Closed): [DEH] Thing speed misinterpretation (HACX)
- It seems that Dday's Dehacked reading code is making a mistake with one of the bad guys in this well known vanilla Do...
07:19 Bug #788: Momentary pause during looped MIDI playback
- I don't think this is exclusive to the title screen though. When a MIDI stops playing, there is a brief pause, even t...
03:32 Bug #788 (Closed): Momentary pause during looped MIDI playback
- During the title loops of all games, a short music piece is played non-looped at the beginning of the sequence (calle...
06:39 Revision 257dae25 (github): Merge branch '1.9.0-beta6' of ssh:// into 1.9.0-beta6
06:37 Revision 9bc055c0 (github): Changed: Minor changes to how Doomsday interfaces with SDL_mixer to hopefully avoid a fatal exception thrown in winmm.dll (see here
05:01 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- Hello, it appears that the issue wasn't resolved because I just got this to happen again.
04:48 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- Yes, the "Default" setting for sound driver under Snowberry instructs Doomsday to use SDL_mixer for both sound effect...
03:18 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- Does Default on the sound options use SDL_mixer?
18:00 Revision 22a2ecf8 (github): Changed version to beta6.7.
09:08 Bug #787 (New): [Co-op] Voodoo dolls not supported
- JDoom doesn't support Voodoo dolls in co-op at tall. They only appear in Single Player.
Vanilla Doom "supports" vo... -
08:09 Bug #786 (Closed): Heretic: Puff Pod spawns
- In Beta6.6, Puff Pod generators (MT_PODGENERATOR) are spawning their pods (A_MakePod) on the ceiling, at which point ...
06:07 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- This evening I decided to investigate this problem further. Turns out that the error being reported is from a child p...
06:03 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- MCI command handling window error
04:45 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- Today I got new information. Not only I got it to happen again and took a screenshot of it, but I also got it to happ...
05:02 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
02:11 Bug #783: Heretic crash & slowdown (possibly related to melee)
- Thanks for the new information.
Can you enable the highest level of verbose log messages (under settings>developer...
21:38 Bug #785 (Closed): PK3 virtual file mapping directive for /data vs model files
- The following issue appears to have come about since the model file hash and the resource locator were combined for 1...
15:01 Bug #785: PK3 virtual file mapping directive for /data vs model files
- Fixed in branch beta6-ringzero
12:25 Bug #784 (Closed): TNT: YKey missing on MAP31
- The yellow keycard is missing around this area in Sector 1060 of MAP31 of TNT: Evilution: X: 2739.74, Y: 2109.92, Z:...
12:57 Feature #1499 (New): Flag to disable mobj respawn on specific types
- A mobj based flag to disable it from respawning if item or bad guy respawn is turned on (i.e if the player is playing...
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