Bug #784
TNT: YKey missing on MAP31
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The yellow keycard is missing around this area in Sector 1060 of MAP31 of TNT: Evilution: X: 2739.74, Y: 2109.92, Z: 0
It's the same for every difficulty. I checked the IWAD in Doom Builder, and the keycard is set for all difficulties, but it won't show up in-game with or without mods.
Labels: jDoom
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
This is a well known issue in the original release of TNT. You can find a patch which fixes this issue here: http://www.teamtnt.com/bugfixes.htm (install this ZIP as an addon in the Doomsday Frontend (aka Snowberry) and then enable it when playing DOOM2:TNT).