Bug #1026
Load console command music oversight
Using the ‘load’ console command to load a pwad, on a games title screen causes Dday to play the music for the first level of the game, instead of resetting the title music.
Labels: Console
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Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
This needs testing again with a current version of Doomsday.
Updated by sonicdoommario about 10 years ago
I typed in load av.wad into the title screen on build 1525. The title screen music stops and does not switch to the AV title screen. When starting a new game, some of AV's graphic replacements (like the title in the menu or the status bar) are not loaded.
Also, trying to load a PWAD in-game will crash Doomsday. I get a Segmentation Violation:
Application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Doomsday\Bin\Doomsday.exe
Created a new 32.0 MB memory volume.
Config::read: modules/Config matches version [ 2, 0, 0, 1525 ]
Segmentation Violation
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
sonicdoommario wrote:
I typed in load av.wad into the title screen...
Note that Alien Vendetta is comprised of several files, including a couple of .WADs and a .DEH patch. This mod is usually distributed in .ZIP form and can be loaded from Doomsday as-is (no need to unpack the .ZIP before loading (which would mean multiple load commands)).
In AV's case, menu text string replacements are provided by the accompanying .DEH patch, which you didn't load (explaining why they didn't change in the menu).
However it does appear to be the case that the title loop is not being restarted when it should be.
Updated by sonicdoommario about 10 years ago
Hm, you shouldn't need the .DEH to load up AV's graphics. I started up Chocolate Doom without av.deh and everything loaded up fine. Same with Doomsday too.
For AV, the .DEH file replaces the automap names and the story texts.
I believe the zip file only contains one WAD, one .deh, and a text file.
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
Sounds like we're looking at different versions of AV since the one I'm using has seven files including two .WADs (OTTOMH that is, I'm not at my dev system).
But still, there is clearly an issue with the title loop not restarting. I'll run some further tests...
Updated by sonicdoommario almost 10 years ago
Did you get your AV zip from http://www.doom2.net/wads/av.zip? We may be using the same version as I did undershoot the amount of files in the zip in my previous post. But even if you loaded up just AV.WAD from that zip, you wouldn't need the .deh for any graphic replacements.
The other WAD in that Zip, AVMOVFIX.WAD, only applies to Map20 (it removes the mountain area in Map20, the pyramid map, for demo/speedrunning purposes, as the map is too large for demo recording with it in place).
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #2209: Materials do not get correctly reset when loading/unloading data files while a game is loaded added
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed