From 2016-07-27 to 2016-08-09
16:54 Revision e8aca674 (github): World: Map now maintains/provides fast Id to Subsector lookup
15:01 Revision 56c60d8f (github): World|Client: Schedule missing material fixes in ClientSubsector
- ClientSubsector is the first to know about any changes to subspace
geometry so scheduling of missing material fixes s... -
13:24 Revision e03bfc55 (github): Fixed|UI: Crash when refreshing add-ons
- When removing add-on folders and adding new ones at the same time,
apparently during the operation some items were re... -
13:23 Revision f8cbf096 (github): Fixed: Build failure (missing headers)
11:52 Bug #2171 (Closed): Binding different commands to different joystick hat directions
- It appears bindings for the other hat directions are being overridden? See "forums comment":
11:09 Feature #1578 (Rejected): "doom-all" folder
- Instead of folders, the planned solution for this kind of stuff is asset scoping (e.g., 3D model definitions in Dooms...
11:06 Feature #1396 (Rejected): Turbo
11:02 Feature #1393 (Rejected): "version" should print IWAD info/version
11:01 Feature #1349: IWAD version number instead of ID number
- Obsoleted by the new package management system that allows for reliable version checking.
11:00 Feature #1349 (Closed): IWAD version number instead of ID number
10:59 Feature #1329 (Closed): Improved specularity with shiny skins
- Obsoleted by the new 3D model renderer.
10:58 Feature #1317 (Rejected): Leaning
10:57 Feature #1313 (Rejected): Submodel rotation angles
- Obsoleted by newer model file formats.
10:56 Feature #1274 (Rejected): Projectiles meet sky
10:52 Feature #1281 (Closed): Random monster variations
- This is now possible with the new 3D models, where Doomsday Script can be used for random textures, for instance. Als...
10:49 Feature #1259 (Rejected): Divide 3D models into hitzones
10:49 Feature #1256 (Closed): Maximum number of visible models
10:49 Feature #1254 (Rejected): Portal based rendering
10:48 Feature #1245 (Rejected): Local models for viewpoint object
10:47 Feature #1208 (Rejected): Game extension plugins
- Doomsday Script is a better approach.
10:44 Feature #1195 (Rejected): Enable keyboard during Demo Playback
10:43 Feature #1322 (Rejected): Setting submodel scale independently
10:42 Feature #1185 (Rejected): Controls for moving camera up/down
10:41 Feature #1189 (Rejected): Music restart at respawn should be optional
10:36 Feature #1216 (Rejected): Using alternative resources alongside the originals
10:35 Feature #1210 (Rejected): Skins support
10:33 Feature #1165 (Rejected): Multipart 3D models
- Obsoleted by newer model file formats.
10:32 Feature #1545 (Rejected): Limit removal for MD2Tool
- Obsoleted by newer model file formats.
10:29 Bug #2141 (Closed): Use server IDs to detect which public/private entries belong to the same server in the Multiplayer list
- This has been handled as part of #2196.
10:29 Bug #1882 (Closed): 1.15.0 Build #1385 Multiplayer options game server list
- This will be handled as part of #2141.
03:41 Revision 023bc117 (github): World|Debug: Include decoration and mapped plane info in Subsector descriptions
02:33 Revision 856ab203 (github): Fixed|Sector|World: Invalid light color/level values in Sector descriptions
02:29 Revision 382a6d84 (github): World|Debug: Include bounding box info in Sector/Subsector descriptions
01:50 Revision afa8b374 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
01:48 Revision d03490de (github): World|Debug: Include subsector info in Sector descriptions (inspectsector cmd)
19:43 Revision bdeb2998 (github): UI|Client: Rearranged Input Settings dialog layout slightly
19:29 Revision 7a8120ac (github): UI|Home: Improvements to focus behavior in Home columns
- Moving the focus with Tab will cause the highlighted column to
change. -
19:29 Revision bd656ac0 (github): UI|Default Style: Adjusted focus indicator color
15:30 Revision 7efdd524 (github): Cleanup
15:10 Revision 986f9766 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
15:10 Revision fd6a6a23 (github): World|Client: Schedule map surface redecoration in ClientSubsector
- ClientSubsector is the first to know about any changes to subspace
geometry and as the decorations are dependent on s... -
14:46 Revision 7b9aa18b (github): Fixed|Audio: Playing a music file
- When playing a music file (e.g., OGG), prioritize the audio plugin's
PlayFile function. Apparently FMOD is having pro... -
11:29 Revision 5a14b249 (github): Widgets|libappfw: PanelButtonWidget closes itself if parent popup closes
11:29 Revision e688ef13 (github): Cleanup
10:42 Feature #1794 (In Progress): Mobile apps and shared client/server code (more modular code structure)
10:41 Feature #1794: Mobile apps and shared client/server code (more modular code structure)
- Progress in resource management.
10:27 Revision 3a4896d6 (github): Cleanup
10:00 Bug #2077 (Closed): Odd lighting glitch in latest builds
08:59 Feature #2101 (In Progress): Select audio plugin using Audio Settings dialog
- The plan is to add a simple @ChoiceWidget@ in Audio Settings with instructions to restart Doomsday for the plugin cha...
08:52 Feature #1890 (Closed): New sequence-based model animation mechanism
08:51 Feature #2170 (Progressed): Improved sequence-based model animation mechanism
- Continuing work in #1890, skeletal animation enables doing more sophisticated animations:
* Animating parts of the s...
17:31 Revision d26b297e (github): Fixed|Ubuntu: Crash when launching Doomsday
- The crash occurs only in the release build when destroying the
ArgWithParams's QList. Could be a bug in Qt 5.5.1 and/...
10:51 Revision 5269088b (github): UI|libappfw: Further focus navigation and appearance improvements
- Focus navigation now gives priority to widgets that overlap the
currently focused widget along the movement axis. Als...
11:01 Revision 2d50c33f (github): Fixed|MSVC: Build failure
10:16 Revision 3a14ce8a (github): UI|libappfw: Focus indicator appearance and navigation improvements
21:35 Revision 29825115 (github): UI|Home: Working on Home keyboard navigation
- Todo: Event handling while in menus still needs work.
21:28 Revision c8ad7b3a (github): Widgets|libappfw: Tweaked keyboard navigation
21:28 Revision 6a527e0f (github): Fixed|libappfw: Crash when triggering button with keys
21:17 Revision e8a95f44 (github): Widgets|libappfw: Restore focus after opening and closing a popup
- GuiRootWidget maintains a stack of widgets that were focused before
a popup was opened.
20:51 Revision fa60fcfd (github): Widgets|UI: Focus navigation favors edge-connected widgets
- Also, Tab cycling won't allow escaping the current popup.
18:30 Revision 3ffa85f3 (github): Widgets|Refactor: Handling of arrow keys in text editor vs. navigation
- The editor widget should allow focus navigation to occur when trying
to move out of the widget. -
18:19 Revision 91def506 (github): Widgets: Focus navigation is confined within the parent popup
- Also, better scoring for finding the appropriate adjacent widget.
16:40 Revision f8f5caa9 (github): Homepage: Rearranged Download button
- [ci skip]
16:40 Revision 4a51f7d1 (github): Widgets|libappfw|libcore: Basic navigation with arrow keys
16:40 Revision fdcd63f8 (github): Fixed|Windows|libdoomsday: Missing return value
16:30 Revision f3986802 (github): Windows|Fixed: Build errors (normal config)
- tab_tables.cpp wasn't externed as C, and readfile.cpp was defining
"open" before Qt headers. -
12:19 Revision 04c66f32 (github): OS X|Default Style: Use system font names for the UI fonts
19:46 Revision e352720d (github): Homepage: Added a second news item
- Ideally this would be dynamically balanced, but dev posts are usually
pretty long so this should balance the columns ... -
19:32 Revision 20168638 (github): Homepage: Tweaks on the front page
- Move the Download button to the top, place dev blogs on the left
as a poor imitation of a chronological sorting.
[ci... -
10:45 Revision 7ead6178 (github): FS|libcore: Make everything under "/sys" writable
- The "/sys" folder is meant for non-persistent runtime data, so it is
not read-only. Addresses the case where DataBund...
21:57 Revision 7e765e43 (github): Cleanup|libcore: Undefined more conflicting X11 defines
21:27 Revision 343686de (github): Cleanup: Client/server specific behavior
- Cleared up a few unnecessary errors in the server runtime logs.
20:56 Bug #2166 (Closed): Chat doesn't work when pressing "t" in unstable builds
18:43 Revision 9bc24444 (github): Refactor|Resources: Finished cleanup of ClientResources
- All client-specific functionality now remains in the ClientResources
class, while the base class Resources (in libdoo... -
17:24 Revision 8df03bcb (github): Cleanup|libdoomsday: Whitespace
16:27 Revision 385623ef (github): Refactor|Resources: Clearing resources at client and libdoomsday level
15:37 Revision 8c944a6f (github): Refactor: Moved composite, flat and sprite texture init to libdoomsday
- Further breaking down ClientResources.
15:35 Revision dc201639 (github): Cleanup: Moved old texture gamma to liblegacy
13:40 Revision f9aafa52 (github): Refactor: Continued splitting up ClientResources
- A couple of methods not specific to the client moved to libdoomsday.
11:14 Revision f28763c1 (github): Cleanup
11:11 Revision da0a44d2 (github): Fixed: Formatting of config profiles written to .dei files
- Missing newlines.
11:10 Revision bb6271a7 (github): Fixed|UI|Home: Home remains hidden when no IWADs found at startup
10:49 Revision 93fec0d3 (github): Cleanup: Reducing header dependencies
- "de/App" no longer includes "de/FileSystem".
10:47 Revision 3333bef3 (github): Refactor: Moved top-level savegames management to libdoomsday
10:45 Revision 0d7653f3 (github): CMake: Updated copyright text
09:28 Revision 380d276a (github): Cleanup
08:41 Bug #2169 (Closed): Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- commit:95e0660 should take care of the crash.
06:39 Bug #2169 (In Progress): Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- It could also be due to my recent refactoring of the DED ownership. I'll run a few tests.
08:40 Revision 95e0660f (github): Fixed|libdoomsday: Crash during startup
- Constructing the global ded_t lead to accessing of other global-scope
variables that apparently had not been initiali...
23:05 Bug #2169: Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- It seems i was a little too fast with my reply... Compilation ran fine but i didn't run the resulting binary afterwar...
22:23 Bug #2169 (Closed): Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- Great!
22:18 Bug #2169: Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- 6ac789da compiled fine with -DDENG_ENABLE_TURBO=NO, and b835690 with -DDENG_ENABLE_TURBO=ON too. Thanks for the fast ...
22:01 Bug #2169: Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- This does not occur on my system and build config (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)... Could you please try a new build with commit:...
21:46 Bug #2169: Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- As a workaround, you should disable the DENG_ENABLE_TURBO build option. You can read about it here: http://wiki.dengi...
21:42 Bug #2169 (Closed): Revision 6ac789da : Linux compile error : Doomsday-Engine/doomsday/sdk/libcore/include/de/core/../data/numbervalue.h:45:9: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
- Here's the full output:...
22:54 Revision 24c79394 (github): Fixed|Client: Incorrect class name
21:58 Revision b8356905 (github): libcore|NumberValue: Undefine conflicting True/False defines
21:35 Revision 7996a3f2 (github): Refactor: Moved DED database and sprite building to libdoomsday
- Instead of the global variable `defs`, the definitions are now
available via the `DED_Definitions()` function. -
19:20 Revision 6ac789da (github): Assimp|CMake: Disable unnecessary model importers
- Only build the model importers that are relevant at this time.
19:19 Revision 206297a7 (github): Cleanup|CMake: Tweaked source file merging script
19:18 Revision a41d1d37 (github): Refactor: Moved sprites from ClientResources to libdoomsday
- Also added some missing includes.
12:53 Revision 3064eac0 (github): Refactor|Resources: Raw textures are used by the client only
12:13 Revision 78acf568 (github): Cleanup: Moved Uri symbol resolving function to libdoomsday
11:27 Revision 41bb3e12 (github): Refactor: Moved AnimGroups from ClientResources to libdoomsday
10:55 Revision 89e4d00a (github): Cleanup: Moved old PCX/TGA routines and AnimGroup to libdoomsday
21:44 Revision 91543b39 (github): Cleanup: Moved m_nodepile and m_decomp64 out of the client sources
20:59 Revision 71d38ca0 (github): UI|Client: Launching directly into game keeps Home offscreen
20:58 Revision 9e51ab2f (github): libcore|FS: Adjusted file descriptions
- After 12a7694, file descriptions have been a bit too verbose.
18:48 Revision cc113afa (github): Cleanup
18:48 Revision eec68a40 (github): Cleanup: Moved M_ReadFile and LZSS dependency to libdoomsday
17:58 Revision 09449e01 (github): Cleanup: Moved aabox functions from client's m_misc to liblegacy
17:41 Revision 6ef8cad2 (github): Cleanup: Removed obsolete public API and misc functions
- Bumped the FS API version.
14:19 Revision b024b9df (github): Widgets: Setting input focus depending on the context
- Added a method for offering focus to widgets. This is used for setting
the appropriate focus when a popup is opened (... -
13:02 Revision 5beae8bf (github): Cleanup|Server: Apply Turbo for server sources
12:14 Revision 5e580f78 (github): Cleanup|Client|Server: Moving source files to subdirectories
- Added "misc" so generic sources don't have to be at the root level.
Added a few "base" subdirectories for future refa... -
09:51 Bug #2166 (Resolved): Chat doesn't work when pressing "t" in unstable builds
- Applied in changeset commit:github|2929ccc32ca680024bf0282a0f531843376cd5d2.
09:26 Bug #2165 (Closed): [2019] Automap visualization broken
09:18 Revision f7ad2f61 (github): Widgets|libappfw: CommandWidget focus cannot be cycled when it has text
09:15 Revision 7d551c74 (github): libcore: Added a utility for converting FlagOp arguments
09:14 Revision 2929ccc3 (github): Fixed|Multiplayer|All Games: Chat messages not displayed
- This commit fixes sloppy text string handling in the libcommon
ChatWidget and the "chat" console command.
Fixes #2166 -
09:08 Revision 664221c2 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Clearing the input focus
- Input focus shouldn't be held by a widget has been moved offscreen.
Also available in: Atom