Feature #1254
Portal based rendering
I think if the renderer was changed so that a bsp
structure is not needed at runtime in favour of Portal
rendering (a la BUILD), it would allow for various
features planned in ver 2 ie:
Sector Over Sector
Sector's sharing the same world space
Dynamic sectors that can move on the horizontal plane.
This would also make polyobjects redundant.
Labels: Data
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Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
This is interesting. I will first have to study how exactly
the portals work, though. Doomsday 2.0 should use the best
method available.
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Logged In: NO
Good thinking. The possibility of a Buildsday is even closer
now. Two similiar but different engines. If SkyJake works on
Doom and someone translates and code's a Build version,
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to MapData, Renderer, Geometry
- Subject changed from BSP structure - Change to Portal based rendering to Portal based rendering
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected