


Feature #1259

Divide 3D models into hitzones

Added by skyjake over 21 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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% Done:




That way it would be possible to detect headshots and
make them do more damage. I think that this would be a
very nice bonus for experienced players. This would be
especially helpful on the higher skill levels. Of course it
isn't that easy to divide the models into zones (think
about the cacodemon which is all head :p Maybe make
the player aim for the eye ...)

Quaky ()

Labels: Gameplay


#1 Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago

(originally posted by anonymous user)

Logged In: NO

whenever I read an headshot request I think someone should
remove mouse aiming, you guys will never understand that
there are monsters in doom that are nothing but a flying head?

#2 Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago

(originally posted by anonymous user)

Logged In: NO

Interesting idea. I have a good way to implement this.
Play in classic mode so basically everthing is the way it
always was.
PLay in realistic mode. Now you have the hitzones, move a
little slower, reload weapons, etc... shoot monsters arms off,

#3 Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago

(originally posted by anonymous user)

Logged In: NO

I would like the original gameplay, like movement speed and
stuff to stay the way it was. But I would like the hitzones to
make the game a little easier on the ultra violence skill. Not
that I'm such a wuss in doom, but the final doom maps are
hard on ultra violence. I would like to see it get a little easier,
but only if you are an experienced player...

If your aiming is good, you can reduce the amount of shots
needed to kill an enemy. eg. a chaingunner can do you a lot
of damage from close by, and he takes 2 hits from the single
shotgun. Now if you could kill him with one shot of the
shotgun, it would eliminate the delay between the shots and
minimize the chance you get killed while reloading your

If the realistic mode is implemented, I would like the posibility
of turning the headshot bonus on during normal mode via the
console (I really like my movement speed :p)

The realistic mode can IMHO allready be implemented (without
the headshots) with a new .ded file that describes player
speeds and whatever you want changed. Maybe an idea for a

Quaky ()

#4 Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago

  • Tags set to Gameplay
  • Subject changed from Divide md2 models in Hitzones to Divide 3D models into hitzones
  • Priority changed from Normal to Lowest

#5 Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

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