Feature #1331
[InFine] Evaluate cvars with IF condition
Would it be possible for InFine to evaluate CVARS using:
IF (cvar) (argument) DO
This would open up all kinds of possibilities for scripted
animations or even fully interactive computer terminals
in custom wads...
This would require either the ability to define custom
cvars via a ded file or a bank of empty cvars that level
authors can use for scripting via both XG and InFine.
Labels: Scripting
Related issues
#1 Updated by skyjake almost 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
I agree that evaluation of user-defined variables (or any cvars) in InFine
scripts would be a handy feature, but I think it would lead things down the
wrong path if we consider the bigger picture here. What you really want is
a proper scripting language to use for stuff like setting up the animations,
menus, XG effects, etc. Extending InFine in its current form would confine
the benefits of this customizability to the animations department.
In version 1.8 I will be integrating these separate subsystems (console
commands, InFine scripts, ACS, interactive overlays / menus) into a
single, more powerful scripting system. XG will be one way to start the
scripts. The end result should be much better than what we have in 1.7,
although not as elegant as a system designed from scratch.
#2 Updated by danij almost 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
That sounds too good to be true :)
So essentially this new combined scripting language would in
theory be able to change any aspect of not just the current
level but global settings and basically any part of Doomsday?
That is gonna be a VERY powerfull/flexible system when you
combine the features of the seperate subsystem!
#3 Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to InFine, Scripting
- Subject changed from Evaluation of CVARS with InFine IF condition to [InFine] Evaluate cvars with IF condition
- Category set to Enhancement
- Priority changed from Normal to High
#4 Updated by skyjake about 5 years ago
- Target version set to Modding
This should wait until InFine is based on Doomsday Script. Then it will be trivial to implement all kinds of expressions for branching.
#5 Updated by skyjake about 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #1632: InFine 2.0 (on top of Doomsday Script) added