From 2016-06-23 to 2016-07-06
20:40 Bug #2161 (Closed): Build 2002 No Data Files
20:09 Bug #2161: Build 2002 No Data Files
- Problem Solved Thank you.
18:12 Bug #2161 (In Progress): Build 2002 No Data Files
- It should be noted that Doomsday now applies stricter rules for matching which game IWADs are being used. For instanc...
20:26 Revision cfc26f69 (github): Game Save|Resources|libdoomsday: Savegames know which packages were in use
- The packages used when a savegame is created are included in the
save metadata. The Home UI can then match these agai... -
20:16 Revision c29619d6 (github): libcore: Minor improvements (utility methods)
18:36 Bug #2163 (Rejected): Build 2013 No Data Files
- Please see my comment in the previously submitted issue #2161.
18:34 Bug #2163 (Rejected): Build 2013 No Data Files
- Can you tell me why I'm getting no data files on some of my games. (IE: Doom Registered.)I uploaded a screen shot.
18:02 Bug #2162 (Closed): Buld 2005 has a black screen
09:25 Bug #2025 (Progressed): Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
09:25 Bug #2022 (Progressed): p_enemy.c in doom64 plugin uses ~15 different copies of A_KeenDie
09:24 Feature #2033 (Progressed): Runtime map editor
09:24 Bug #911 (Progressed): [Hexen] Poison cloud vs Repulsion Disc
09:23 Feature #1620 (Progressed): XG 2.0
09:22 Feature #1891 (Progressed): Notification area animations
00:08 Feature #1608 (Progressed): Integrate Doomsday Script
00:05 Bug #1591 (Progressed): [BSP] Fully overlapped map geometry is not always split
00:04 Feature #1162 (Closed): Global engine configuration
- Closing as done/obsolete.
00:03 Feature #1625 (Progressed): Per-pixel surface shading (bump/specular/reflection etc. mapping)
00:03 Bug #1089 (Progressed): [MP] Client cannot dismiss "Help/Info" finale
00:03 Feature #1648 (Progressed): Complete vanilla DOOM emulation
00:02 Feature #7 (Progressed): Next-gen renderer (codename "Gloom")
00:02 Feature #1623 (Progressed): Shaders
00:02 Feature #1643 (Progressed): Windows installer using WiX Toolset
00:02 Feature #1325 (Progressed): Boom line types and sectors
00:01 Feature #1541 (Progressed): Joystick axis settings (sensitivity, max speed)
00:01 Feature #1996 (Progressed): Engine-managed "map spot / point of interest" mechanism
00:01 Feature #1890 (Progressed): New sequence-based model animation mechanism
00:01 Feature #1900 (Progressed): OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile
00:01 Bug #778 (Progressed): Gamepad usability issues
00:01 Feature #1768 (Progressed): Boom compatibility
00:01 Bug #1821 (Progressed): [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
00:01 Feature #1675 (Progressed): Switch to new Qt 5.4+ OpenGL APIs (from QGLWidget)
00:01 Bug #1734 (Progressed): Games' Help InFine scripts have no sounds
23:59 Bug #2009 (Closed): Taskbar doesn't scale itself and game world correctly in small display modes
- Closing this as there are now several ways to rescale the UI:
* Small scaling adjustments via the UI Settings dialog... -
23:57 Feature #1840 (Progressed): Support ZDoom-extended MAPINFO format
23:57 Feature #6 (Progressed): Draw lens flares using GL2
23:57 Bug #849 (Progressed): Sound effects lower pitch and longer at higher frequencies
23:57 Feature #1252 (Progressed): Integrate Hexen features into libcommon
23:57 Feature #1794 (Progressed): Mobile apps and shared client/server code (more modular code structure)
23:56 Feature #1745 (Closed): Performance optimization
23:56 Feature #1640 (Progressed): Support for id Tech 1 audio/graphic resource hacks
23:56 Feature #1687 (Progressed): In-game error dialogs (e.g., corrupt savegame)
23:56 Feature #1842 (Progressed): Support ZDoom's episode and hub definitions in MAPINFO
23:56 Bug #1952 (Progressed): Eternal Doom MAP26 malformed map hack causing memory release error
23:56 Bug #566 (Progressed): [Resampler] Low quality sound samples play distorted
23:56 Feature #1548 (Progressed): Multi-monitor support
23:55 Feature #1755 (Closed): Use FS2 for runtime files
23:55 Feature #1468 (Progressed): Sky layers seperate vertical offset
23:55 Feature #1517 (Progressed): Autoselect missing interfaces from other audio plugins
23:55 Feature #1639 (Progressed): Optimize GridMap
23:55 Feature #1197 (Progressed): Scriptable UI
23:55 Feature #1624 (Progressed): Render particles to textures
23:55 Bug #251 (Progressed): [Doom] Nightmare monsters sometimes not fast
23:55 Bug #287 (Progressed): Changes to BLOOD states ignored
23:54 Feature #1585 (Progressed): [Map Hack] Extra plane (e.g., Hell Revealed II MAP01)
23:54 Feature #1361 (Progressed): Rotation of objects away from walls during map load
23:54 Feature #1407 (Progressed): Customizable console keys
23:54 Feature #1486 (Progressed): UI language translation/localization
23:54 Bug #1606 (Progressed): M_THERMM and HUD message font replacement
23:54 Bug #921 (Progressed): Blockmap-defined Linedef crossing order
23:54 Bug #966 (Progressed): [Doom] Use of CWILV graphics on automap
23:54 Bug #1104 (Progressed): Replacement flats VS texture animations
23:54 Feature #1308 (Progressed): Splitscreen multiplayer
23:54 Feature #1341 (Progressed): Soft edges for sector lighting
23:54 Bug #874 (Progressed): [Hexen] Stalker gib levitates
23:54 Feature #9 (Progressed): Use local server to run single-player games
23:54 Feature #1449 (Progressed): Setup bindings/controls via taskbar UI
23:53 Feature #1429 (Progressed): Support for Freedoom
23:53 Feature #2016 (Progressed): "Portable app" package (app contained in a folder, with all user data included; e.g., for USB sticks)
23:53 Bug #1589 (Progressed): [Windows] Missing icons
23:46 Bug #2085 (Progressed): [Dehacked] Sprite name table patches not supported (Crashes)
23:46 Feature #1666 (Progressed): [Dehacked] Support for sprite renaming
23:46 Bug #1808 (Progressed): New sprites in addons do not work
23:46 Bug #1929 (Progressed): Sprite priority handling
23:46 Feature #2015 (Progressed): Remove server-side audio system
23:46 Bug #1029 (Progressed): Switch sound origin
23:32 Bug #916 (In Progress): [Savegame] Restored state invalid if same addons not present
- The plan is to include the list of loaded packages in savegame metadata and ensure that the same ones are loaded when...
23:27 Feature #1601 (In Progress): Package management
23:27 Feature #1647: Replace FS1 with FS2-based resource management
- The @DataBundle@ class now exists to interpret legacy data files into Doomsday 2 (runtime) packages.
23:24 Feature #1263 (Closed): Directory structure grouped by game
- Closing as obsolete.
23:22 Feature #1586 (Resolved): Load/manage add-ons from the home screen
23:21 Feature #1834 (Resolved): Import Snowberry addon formats as Doomsday 2 packages
20:20 Revision 7a10e989 (github): Fixed|UI|Home: Initial list item action button animation
18:45 Revision 92d2c588 (github): UI|Resources|Home: PackagesDialog can be used for selecting optionals
- The [...] buttons in PackagesDialog now show a "Select Packages" item
if the package has optional content. -
18:44 Revision 2c7d91ba (github): Refactor|libappfw: All popups may optionally have a close button
14:34 Revision 8508c456 (github): Cleanup|Client: Cleaned up error message if app init fails
14:34 Revision eb029a96 (github): Refactor|FS|Resources: PackageLoader handles optional package contents
- Rather than doing it in libdoomsday, optional package contents
(recommends, extras) are now handled at the lowest lev... -
11:27 Revision fb331a0d (github): UI|Resources|Home: Selecting .box add-on contents
- Added a new popup for selecting which contained add-ons are loaded
when a .box is loaded. The selections are saved in... -
11:25 Revision dc6d6b95 (github): Mac|Default Style: Adjusted fonts
- Italic variant of SF UI Display does not seem to exist.
11:24 Revision 586cb84a (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Handling of .box contents
- Contained data bundles are now divided to three categories:
required, recommended, and extra. These are taken into ac... -
11:21 Revision f110dea0 (github): Widgets|libappfw: Minor improvements
- ToggleWidget does not animate its state before the first update.
MenuWidget provides a public rule for querying the c... -
11:19 Revision bf3e332d (github): libcore: Minor improvements
- New utility method for Record, and cleaning escape sequences out of
fatal error messages. -
11:18 Revision 030a6eaf (github): Client: Moved PanelButtonWidget to another source directory
17:47 Bug #2162: Buld 2005 has a black screen
- Build 2010 took care of the Black screen but I still get Missing data files. I included a screen shot.
09:28 Revision 47b53a4b (github): Cleanup: Renamed the `Instance` private implementations to `Impl`
- `Impl` is aligned with the PIMPL idiom terminology, and is shorter
and therefore more succinct. Also, "Instance" is u... -
00:17 Revision a5b3cebf (github): UI|Home: Added menu option for configuring .box add-ons
00:16 Revision b0920b24 (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Querying the data file format of a package
23:40 Revision 3a4ebc3d (github): Hexen: Mage wand missile smoke should not hit anything
- The smoke is supposed to be stationary, however now that a tiny
amount of momentum is applied, the object may conceiv... -
23:38 Revision b3679505 (github): libdoomsday|libcore: Package tags should be unique
22:56 Revision 8d95c942 (github): Mac|Default Style|Client: Use San Francisco as the UI font
22:55 Revision e6ad1f87 (github): UI|Home: Use a "file" icon for data files
- Packages are represented by the package box icon, other files use
the new file icon. -
22:52 Revision 8fdbcc86 (github): Fixed|Resources|libdoomsday: Sidecar manifest files not found
- If the file system was still being populated while data files were
being identified, the folder contents may not have... -
22:51 Revision bd2886e9 (github): Widgets|libappfw: Minor appearance and behavior tuning
22:49 Revision 14b3d358 (github): Log|libcore: Tweaked text styling of error messages and file descriptions
22:47 Bug #2161: Build 2002 No Data Files
- There has been a number of file handling changes going on the recent builds, so things may have been broken in that b...
22:37 Bug #2161 (Closed): Build 2002 No Data Files
- When I opened Build 2002 on my Sony Windows 10 computer 80% of the games said no data files. Looking in the Data menu...
22:43 Bug #2162: Buld 2005 has a black screen
- Yeah, there is a known lockup bug in build 2005. Please try again with the next build.
22:39 Bug #2162 (Closed): Buld 2005 has a black screen
- When I try to start the program I get a black screen on startup.
18:08 Revision 9705658d (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Allow .zip files to be treated as .pk3 packages
11:47 Revision 81eb9ad2 (github): Cleanup: Whitespace style update in "apps/client/src/ui/"
- This commit only contains whitespace changes.
11:45 Revision 0022a616 (github): Refactor|libdoomsday: Cleanup of package tagging
- Use the Record::appendWord().
11:44 Revision 995fe429 (github): libcore|Record: Appending a word to a variable
10:53 Revision b291c464 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Mouse cursor should never be hidden in Home
- When Home was fullscreen, and one would change focus away and then
back to Doomsday, the mouse cursor would be hidden... -
10:53 Revision fad0f2e6 (github): UI|Home: Tweaked package Info popup contents
09:05 Revision 952c4d47 (github): Cleanup: Inadvertent search and replace
09:03 Revision 8b3d5f2b (github): Fixed|Client: Warnings about double-to-float conversions
09:03 Revision 1659202b (github): Windows|Fixed|libappfw: Build failure (missing exports)
18:02 Revision dacba34a (github): Fixed|FS|libcore: Potential lockup when saving/loading the game
- Synchronous FS operations should not even try to run the task in the
background. Otherwise both the main thread and t... -
11:16 Revision dabadc62 (github): Multiplayer|UI|Home: LAN games shown first in Home
11:16 Revision 52bb3bea (github): Log|libcore: Build number is not needed in every log entry
- Build number is printed one time in the beginning of the log, and
individual entries just have a time delta.
23:04 Revision de9f78be (github): Fixed|Client|libcore: Connecting to an IPv6 address
12:57 Revision 0804b2d6 (github): UI|Home: Jumping to a specific package
- Virtualized items may not exist as a widget, so the position must
be estimated. -
10:15 Revision 0d3a5d8e (github): UI|Home|libappfw: Improved list item virtualization
- This commit implements a more robust child widget virtualization
in ChildWidgetOrganizer. Since filtering is no longe...
11:32 Revision 6986ad35 (github): Refactor|libappfw: More robust child widget virtualization for menus
- Since filtering is no longer a concern for ChildWidgetOrganizer, it
can now use simpler and more robust virtualizatio... -
08:39 Revision 7e21f292 (github): Refactor|Widgets|libappfw|Client|UI: Use FilteredData in widgets
- Instead of setting a filter in ChildWidgetOrganizer, use a filtered
data model to select a subset of items. -
08:32 Revision 520e88d3 (github): libappfw|ListData: Added utility template ListDataT
- Also, some cleanup.
08:30 Revision d903a724 (github): libappfw: Added ui::FilteredData for filtering other data models
21:30 Revision 56916bf3 (github): Renderer|Hexen: More accurate movement alignment for models
- Now using the system-provided atan2() function instead of a
low-precision lookup table. Also, the pitch angle takes i... -
18:55 Revision ecce45aa (github): Cleanup
18:55 Revision 577a1fde (github): libcore|Path: Path segment hashing uses CRC-32
- For better-quality hashes, Path now uses CRC-32 as the hash for each
segment, computed from the lower-case UTF-16 rep... -
18:53 Revision 0f97c045 (github): Fixed|libcore: Wildcard-based path matching
- Wildcards were not being matched correctly in data lookups. This
affected lookup of external music files, among other... -
16:26 Revision b2ec5b4c (github): Fixed|libdoomsday: Basic multithreading in savegame file index
15:22 Revision 14a073ca (github): Fixed|libcore|libappfw: Observers concurrency and cleanup
- ObserverBase was not being locked for multithreaded access.
TextDrawable did not empty its deletion audience early e... -
13:10 Revision 2a8a7ddf (github): Fixed|libgui: HiDPI screenshots did not cover the full frame
- The window size is returned in logical pixels, not actual pixels.
13:01 Revision 14d118f8 (github): UI|Client: Layout for progress indicator in the Packages sidebar
22:54 Revision 28755e5a (github): UI|Home: Thinner side navigation buttons, compatible with scrollbars
22:53 Revision a5bd7100 (github): Widgets|libappfw: Scroll bars can be dragged with the mouse
- When a scroll bar indicator is visible, it can be dragged with
the mouse. Updated existing widgets to use the common ... -
22:52 Revision 129e715e (github): CMake: Use Qt Creator's qmake path as a hint
17:37 Revision b4255897 (github): Cleanup
17:37 Revision 6604bac2 (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Abort bundle identification during teardown
17:36 Revision 7027b734 (github): Fixed|libappfw: Use-after-free during text layout
- When TextDrawable was destroyed while it was still laying out long
text content, it was possible that already deleted... -
14:19 Revision 058aae83 (github): Fixed|Windows|libcore: Build failure (missing header)
13:39 Revision a71771ed (github): Refactor|libcore|Qt: Compatibility with older Qt versions
- reverse_iterator in QList is a recent addition.
13:27 Revision 19a579b1 (github): UI|libdoomsday: Refresh packages in the background
- PackagesWidget now has a progress indicator to show when packages
are being refreshed.
Games only notifies about gam... -
13:20 Revision 29ae9fe4 (github): Refactor|Cleanup: Updated for new Folder and Feed APIs
13:17 Revision 89632860 (github): FS|libcore: Asynchronous folder population and FS refresh
- Feeds' populate methods can now be run in background tasks, and an
audience is notified when the population is finish... -
13:08 Revision 2fe7f265 (github): FS|libcore: No errors about empty container packages without metadata
- An empty .pack folder is allowed if it is used for nesting.
13:03 Revision 794555dd (github): Performance|libcore: Faster destroying of audiences
- When an observer audience is being destroyed, there is no need to
clear the members first.
18:38 Revision a2b3e52a (github): Resources|Home|libdoomsday: Identify data files asynchronously
- A background task is used for identifying all the found data bundles.
Notifications are used for informing about the ... -
18:36 Revision ba48bfe4 (github): libcore|FS: Folder concurrency
- One shouldn't lock a Folder for the duration of the entire path
lookup, as this leads easily to lockups.
Todo: Recon... -
14:50 Revision 293bae7e (github): Refactor|FS: Use Qt containers in Folder
- Folder uses Qt containers to keep track of its contents.
Also, TaskPool now supports simple callbacks instead of jus...
19:06 Revision a837a5bb (github): UI|Home: Added dialog for selecting where add-ons are searched from
- The Packages column's popup menu now has one item for configuring
the folders for add-ons. -
19:05 Revision c2a81994 (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Multiple package folders via Config
- Improved management of data bundle links, with the capability to
recreate and re-identify all the bundles.
A new aud... -
19:03 Revision 04f22a78 (github): libcore|FS|Debug: More verbose file source description
Also available in: Atom