Bug #1104
Replacement flats VS texture animations
Due to the way texture animations are built by the original game algorithm there can be two versions of a flat with a given name in active use.
To test this create a new PWAD and include in it replacement flats for RROCK06 and RROCK07.
As the lump name search algorithm returns the last lump with a given name, the replacements in the PWAD will appear in the map if RROCK06/RROCK07 is used on say a sector floor.
However because the animations are built using offsets in the lump index, the RROCK animation will use the original and not the replaced versions of these flats.
Doomsday currently gets it nearly correct however the RROCK animation is missing flats RROCK06 and RROCK07.
Labels: Graphics, Add-ons, Texture Animations
Updated by danij about 12 years ago
Handling this correctly therefore requires the engine to implement some special case handling to allow both versions of such textures to coexist.
As the texture lists are built before the game attempts to build the animations (which is presently a task of game pre-init) we consequently don't have the knowledge needed to handle it at this time.
Updated by skyjake about 12 years ago
Affected by the recent work on material animations?
Updated by danij about 12 years ago
Not directly affected but that work will make addressing this a little easier.
Updated by danij almost 12 years ago
- status: open --> accepted
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to Graphics, Mod, Animation, Textures
- Category set to Vanilla emulation
- Target version deleted (
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Progressed
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Target version set to Modding