Bug #1821
[Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
Using the seven portals hub, I seem to notice that bad guys flagged as deaf in HeXen don't appear to be switching from deaf to non-deaf upon hearing a shot (i.e their vision doesn't appear to be switching from 180 degrees to 360 degrees).
Also, I can't get the Chaos Serpent thing 56 to wake up until I either shoot it or move close to it; in Vanilla HeXen he would wake up on sight from any distance.
Finally, bad guys are incorrectly loosing their alerted status when the player returns to the map (i.e they aren't staying woken up). This one I can confirm. (see #2068)
Related issues
Updated by vermil almost 11 years ago
Latest unstable build 1256.
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- File wakeuptest.wad wakeuptest.wad added
I built wakeuptest.wad (attached) to try out Chaos Serpent wakeup behavior and could find no issue in build 1528. Did you notice this behavior on a specific map? Maybe after loading a saved game?
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- Assignee set to vermil
Updated by vermil about 10 years ago
I used HeXen's Seven Portals hub map as a test, yes.
I sent you a save game to test this with a month or so ago, but here is another :)
Updated by vermil about 10 years ago
But here is another.
Updated by vermil about 10 years ago
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
A saved game is no good to me until we've decided this issue is related. As I said I cannot replicate any issue with the Chaos Serpent specifically, irrespective of whether one loads a saved game or not.
What we need to do is to determine whether this issue occurs on other maps and if so what they have in common.
Updated by vermil about 10 years ago
Please note that in my initial report above, that I said Seven Portals (the main hub or Map02 to use it's ID) and Chaos Serpent thing 56 (a specific mobj on that map, rather than a mobj type) :)
I used him as an example of a bad guy that always appears to be affected by one of the three possible issues mentioned in my original report.
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification; your original report now makes a lot more sense to me. I've a couple of working theories so lets see what I can turn up in the debugger...
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- Subject changed from [Hexen] multiple issues of bad guys seemingly not waking up or retaining woken up status, correctly to [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken in Seven Portals
- Category set to Regression
- Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
- Assignee changed from vermil to danij
Initial testing indicates that those specific monsters, on this particular map, are not waking up when they otherwise should because of the significantly broken line and sector geometry in this map. If I manually fix that broken geometry in a map editor those monsters wake when they should.
The next step is to determine whether this is a regression in the line of sight algorithm, or, a fault with the interpretation of broken map geometry in Doomsday's internal BSP builder.
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- File wakeuptest2.wad wakeuptest2.wad added
Tackling the original map data in the debugger was proving to be very time consuming. So I decided to try a different approach and reduce the geometric complexity of the map. After some considered experimentation I was able to reduce the map to a far simpler test case, which I've attached as wakeuptest2.wad
It should now be a lot easier to determine the real fault here (another day...).
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Updated by danij about 10 years ago
- Category changed from Regression to Vanilla emulation
Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago
I'm perhaps being a bit presumptuous here, but I'm just going to remind of this report due to:
"bad guys are incorrectly loosing their alerted status when the player returns to the map (i.e they aren't staying woken up). This one I can confirm."
I believe this is an important gameplay issue that may accidently be buried by the perhaps lesser seemingly map specific (i.e because it seems map specific) issue also included in this report.
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
- Tags set to Hexen, PlaySim
I attached a save from Shadow Wood, after the puzzle has been completed. Is it correct behavior that the monsters in the final room face the wrong way and don't wake up easily?
Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago
You have reminded me, that I meant to update this report; I've noticed occasions on Herisarch's seminary where where monsters weren't seeing the player when there was/is a polyobj between them and the player.
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
vermil wrote:
when there was/is a polyobj between them and the player
This sounds like something that definitely needs investigating.
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
- Subject changed from [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken in Seven Portals to [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
Updated by danij almost 10 years ago
skyjake wrote:
I attached a save from Shadow Wood, after the puzzle has been completed. Is it correct behavior that the monsters in the final room face the wrong way and don't wake up easily?
Vermil informed me via ICQ that he tested vanilla and it behaved in the same way.
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
danij wrote:
Vermil informed me via ICQ that he tested vanilla and it behaved in the same way.
Question then is, how many of the other waking up problems fall under the same "vanilla bugs" category?
Updated by danij almost 10 years ago
Indeed. This is why I've found it tricky to resolve this issue because all the evidence seems to suggest there is either a) not a single underlying cause, or b) vanilla behavior is at least partially dependent on some broken logic and/or map geometry.
Solving this particular issue is likely going to be quite time consuming.
Updated by vermil almost 10 years ago
I'm going to duplicate the HeXen 'bad guys are incorrectly loosing their alerted status when the player returns to the map (i.e they aren't staying woken up' issue in a new report as given the way this discussion has progressed, I fear it risks being buried.
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by skyjake almost 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #2068: [HeXen] Badguys not retaining alerted status upon return to a map added
Updated by skyjake over 8 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Progressed
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Target version set to 2.1 (Late 2018)
Updated by skyjake over 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #2261: Mobj cross-references not always fully restored after loading a save added
Updated by skyjake over 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from danij to skyjake
Should be retested in light of #2261.
Updated by skyjake over 6 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Updated by skyjake over 5 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.1 (Late 2018) to Vanilla / Gameplay