From 2012-08-23 to 2012-09-05
14:29 Revision a2bb038e (github): libcommon: Experimenting with a console command EventSequence handler
- Presently the cheat console commands use a somewhat awkward mechanic
where the arguments are converted to integers, p... -
09:59 Revision bb87d545 (github): Fixed|Doom: Missing prompt for "idbehold" cheat
- See:
09:48 Revision d08e1810 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Reimplemented EventSequence handling in C++
07:05 Bug #991: [Doom] IDBEHOLDx cheat not completely functional
- Wanted to correct this report. I tested out IDBEHOLDS in Vanilla Doom and using IDBEHOLDS when you had a Berserk powe...
06:57 Bug #991: [Doom] IDBEHOLDx cheat not completely functional
- The changes in behavior to the IDBEHOLDA and IDBEHOLDS cheats are indeed intentional. The other issues mentioned here...
06:57 Bug #991: [Doom] IDBEHOLDx cheat not completely functional
- The missing "idbehold" prompt has now been fixed for the upcoming 1.9.9 release.
05:46 Revision 2a72a265 (github): Server|libcommon: If cheats are disabled, send clients attempting to cheat a response
- Rather than quietly ignore the client's attempt to cheat, the server
will now respond by sending the client a game me... -
05:24 Revision 2980aee2 (github): Optimize|libcommon: Avoid memory allocs when drawing the multiplayer scoreboard
- Plus some minor cleanup refactorings in hu_stuff.cpp
05:20 Revision 256c3ea0 (github): libdeng: Added a C++ constructor for RectRaw
18:53 Feature #1573 (New): Setting for number of samples used for antialiasing
- There should a way to configure the number of antialiasing samples for GL multisampling.
*Labels:* Graphics, Conso... -
18:51 Revision ec673bd1 (github): GCC|Clang: Fixed build
- Resolved uninitialized struct values and char*/const char*
inconsistency. Removed obsolete pragmas and used the Point... -
18:49 Revision 6df1be0d (github): libdeng: Added a C++ constructor for Point2Raw
14:20 Revision a80bc042 (github): Homepage|Build Repository: Shorten URLs to bug tracker items in the build log
- Shorten bug tracker URLs in the commit log (cleaner, human-friendly).
11:48 Revision 2d46bed3 (github): Homepage: Cleanup
11:45 Revision 6057de2b (github): Homepage|Build Repository: Fixed URL rewriting in commit messages
- Replaced the commit message URL rewriting rules with a set derived
from Søren Løvborg's UrlLinker, cheers! (See: http... -
07:29 Revision d7fd3d13 (github): Optimize|libcommon: Addressed Patch replacement related performance issues
- Determining a replacement Text for a given patch is a somewhat costy
exercise, requiring dynamic memory allocations a... -
06:43 Revision 0ff7608a (github): API: Added Def_Get() type argument DD_DEF_VALUE_BY_INDEX
- Lookup a Value definition by index and set the out argument pointer
to the associated text value string if found, ret... -
06:27 Revision 798a0708 (github): API: Def_Get() now returns the index of a found text definition
- If the type argument specified to Def_Get() is DD_DEF_TEXT and a
definition is found for the specified identifier - t... -
02:45 Revision 22033a7b (github): Refactor|libcommon: Post hu_stuff C++ fixes
23:41 Revision cc1659a0 (github): Refactor|libcommon: Switched hu_stuff.c to C++
22:54 Revision a9ffd8de (github): Refactor: Avoid allocating a Patch Uri when only the path is needed
- Implemented R_ComposePatchPath() which given a patchid_t returns a
copy of the composed, resolved path. -
21:26 Revision af09d414 (github): Fixed|DED: Mishandling of the old State frame fullbright "flag"
- State definitions using the old deprecated method for flagging as
fullbright (offseting the frame by 32768) would los... -
20:56 Revision d46ca53c (github): Cleanup
19:58 Revision f2eb1dc5 (github): Fixed|DED: Unknown Blendmodes in Reflection definitions default to "normal"
19:47 Revision 094ae836 (github): DED: Log a warning about unknown Blendmodes
08:45 Revision 3ab2e985 (github): Bsp Builder: Disabled degenerate collapsing
- Sadly it appears we will have to continue to put up with orphan leafs
for now. Precision issues in Partitioner result... -
07:25 Bug #1089: [MP] Client cannot dismiss "Help/Info" finale
- - **milestone**: v1.9.10 --> v1.11
- **priority**: 6 --> 8
21:25 Bug #1088 (New): [Hexen] Hud doesn't switch to INRED graphics when low on health
- A little feature of HeXen's hud has been lost in the rewrite, since 1.8.6.
When ones health is below 20-ish, the f... -
12:57 Revision f0483eff (github): Fix typo
12:51 Revision cb3ac9a0 (github): Cleanup
11:56 Revision 03c45979 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer: Restructured middle material coordinate calculations
- This logic had become rather obfuscated and difficult to follow. This
new layout is much cleaner and easier to follow. -
05:52 Bug #1087 (Closed): Plugins loading problem
- The plugins loading subsystem used opendir()/readdir() to find all installed games plugins. For code on linux/macosx ...
02:14 Revision e3464652 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer: Reworked potentially visible line section flagging
- There is presently no need to write this state to a Surface flag as
it is determined each frame in any case. This is ...
21:10 Revision 9297cd02 (github): Fixed: Located another $degenleaf issue in R_InitFakeRadioForMap()
11:46 Revision 7bdba1d5 (github): Updater|Win32: Tidied window titles and icons
- All updater dialogs now inherit the window icon from the main window.
Instead of "Doomsday", the full "nice name" is ... -
10:55 Revision db5f5b9d (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
10:13 Revision 3e05dcf9 (github): Fixed|Bsp Builder: Prefer non "self-referencing" lines when choosing a BSP leaf's sector
- Rather than blindly take the sector from the first linedef half-edge,
scan for a non self-referencing line first. Onl... -
05:50 Bug #1007: [Doom] Sound emitter overlap handling
- Another element of Vanilla Doom's sound behavior that Dday doesn't have an option to imitate is that sounds cut when ...
05:32 Revision 4288ae94 (github): Fixed: Located a couple more $degenleaf issues
04:52 Revision 080eac99 (github): Optimize|Bsp Builder: Reduced working memory requirement
- Each recursion of the partitioning algorithm allocates a duplicate
of the previous iteration's SuperBlockmap, which, ...
22:51 Revision 79d38b38 (github): Updater: Center the notification dialog after mode change
22:51 Revision c549b6b5 (github): libdeng2|libdeng: App notifies about mode changes using a signal
- When the window manager changes the display mode, de::App will emit
a signal notifying about it (after a short delay). -
21:47 Revision 13e19365 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
21:46 Revision 83c50219 (github): Updater: Printing the latest update check time
- Improved the textual output for the latest update time. If the check
has been made recently, instead of a full time a... -
20:54 Revision 3f3f52ad (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
- Conflicts:
doomsday/engine/portable/src/map/bsp/partitioner.cpp -
20:50 Revision 8550a906 (github): Refactor|Bsp Builder: Further cleanup refactorings
16:36 Revision 49c69f91 (github): Fixed: Compiler error from clang
- See partitioner.cpp:1494. An argument with a non-const reference type
cannot be bound to a temporary lvalue, such as ... -
16:22 Revision e2a2b4b8 (github): GCC: Workaround for a BSP building issue
- Todo: Revert this when the actual cause has been found and fixed.
10:40 Revision 3e78fc2b (github): Bsp Builder|Refactor: Code clarity and minor optimization refactorings
00:43 Revision 7d9ae769 (github): Fixed: Located another $degenleaf issue in R_UpdatePlane()
00:12 Revision 4e6b1109 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
00:11 Revision 8df4b984 (github): Optimize|Bsp Builder: Replaced various internal BSP traversals with a LUT
- After testing a couple of very large maps such as Deus Vult's MAP05
the average speed up is around ~32%
20:18 Revision db98ec21 (github): Optimize|SFX: Further improvements for sector reverb calculations
- Only the sector where the listener is in is ever needed for the SFX
playback. It is therefore unnecessary to update t... -
19:42 Revision 920b36cf (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
19:06 Revision 724109d7 (github): Optimize|SFX: Reverb updates are not needed when 3D SFX disabled
- It seems currently the sector reverb update calculations are extremely
slow. They should be moved to a continuously r... -
19:06 Bug #1087: Plugins loading problem
- This should now be fixed in commit 43a67ae.
14:05 Bug #1087: Plugins loading problem
- - **labels**: --> Engine, Plugins, Unix
- **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
- **milestone... -
18:48 Revision f707a678 (github): Fixed|Chex: Chex Quest menus use Doom's skill level names
- See bug:
18:35 Revision c0217e8b (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:33 Revision 81dd9e0a (github): Disabled the "recorddemo" command
- Demo recording and playback is currently not supported.
18:26 Revision eb7bcdb6 (github): Fixed|Map Renderer: Plane glow disappears when plane is moving
- The glow's origin Z coordinate was not smoothed and thus below the
visible height of the plane, making the glow disap... -
18:26 Revision 874331c5 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:25 Revision d1210d27 (github): de::Bsp::Partitioner: Use an std::list for collecting the would-be leaf hedges
16:28 Bug #1085: [Doom] Map 07 666 and 667 tags only work in one order
- - **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
- **Milestone**: v1.9.7 --> v1.11
16:19 Bug #1085: [Doom] Map 07 666 and 667 tags only work in one order
- - Description has changed:
--- old
+++ new
@@ -13,5 +13,9 @@
However many pwads out there go Arachno... -
16:17 Bug #1085: [Doom] Map 07 666 and 667 tags only work in one order
- - **labels**: Doom 2 --> Doom, Add-ons
- **summary**: Map 07 666 and 667 tags only work in one order --> [Doom] Map 0... -
15:43 Bug #1085: [Doom] Map 07 666 and 667 tags only work in one order
- - **priority**: 1 --> 8
15:43 Bug #1085: [Doom] Map 07 666 and 667 tags only work in one order
- I'll also mention another behavior difference regarding boss deaths pre Ultimate Doom, that perhaps could be also be ...
11:57 Bug #1085 (Closed): [Doom] Map 07 666 and 667 tags only work in one order
- Reporting this bug:
Map07 of Doom2/Final Doom uses the 666... -
15:57 Bug #1047: [Doom] jDRP ammo box not loading
- Closing as issues #1 and #2 have been resolved and #3 is a duplicate of [#861].
15:57 Bug #1048: HQ SFX w/o 3D Sounds and vice versa
- The Direct Sound plugin works fine in 1.9.8 however, like the OpenAL plugin, it does not implement the music or cd-au...
15:51 Bug #1051: [Hexen] Crash with 3D models
- Screenshot of error
* -
14:17 Bug #869: [Doom] E1M7 Comp Station column stuck
- - **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
09:07 Bug #869: [Doom] E1M7 Comp Station column stuck
- The logically correct solution to this problem is to use the original BLOCKMAP on game-side for collision testing.
07:15 Bug #869: [Doom] E1M7 Comp Station column stuck
- Both options are needed.
1. For Vanilla compat
2. For Boom compat
Regarding 1.: I actually once made a simpl... -
13:30 Bug #1086: 'recorddemo' console command seg faults
- - **status**: open --> fixed
12:05 Bug #1086: 'recorddemo' console command seg faults
- - **labels**: Demo, Console --> Console, Demo Mode
12:04 Bug #1086 (Closed): 'recorddemo' console command seg faults
- I know demo recording is broken currently.
However, in the latest builds it doesn't just produce a buggered demo, ... -
11:49 Bug #1084 (Closed): 666 tag compat option ('any boss triggers 666') doesn't work
- The 666 tag compat option (called 'any boss triggers 666') doesn't work.
Apologies, but there’s not really much mo... -
08:28 Revision d3ce8e0e (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
08:27 Revision 4995d832 (github): Fixed|Bsp Builder: Revised degenerate leaf collapsing - no more orphans
- Orphaned leafs are now algorithmically impossible as these are now
collapsed similarly to degenerates in the process ...
19:34 Revision 341f5cd0 (github): Builder: Updated links to commits in the new Git repository
19:05 Revision e5448013 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
16:36 Revision 9e8c16e7 (github): Fixed: QString formatting in a Partitioner exception
16:18 Revision 69132545 (github): Fixed|Updater: Notification message in Candidate builds
- When running a Candidate build, the updater notification message
would be blank if the installed build is up to date. -
14:51 Bug #1068: Hi-res texture vs custom textures bug
- This issue has since been fixed for the upcoming 1.9.9 release.
14:51 Bug #1070: Dehacked weapon issue
- Er, Seems I have made a mistake with this one. Can it be closed. Sorry.
07:31 Bug #1084: 666 tag compat option ('any boss triggers 666') doesn't work
- Merged with item [#1078] as they are all symptoms of the same faulty behavior.
- **status**: open --> closed
07:02 Revision 366542d2 (github): Cleanup|Hexen: Relocated corpse queue re-population on save load to p_saveg.c
- Also added a bunch of todo comments regarding flaws observed in the
original implementation. -
05:49 Revision e40e06d1 (github): dadaad
22:24 Revision 2dc7f6af (github): Fixed|libcommon: Shutdown during finale caused fatal error
- When the finale stack was cleared, GUI widgets were accessed via a hook
function for script stopping. Now GUI widgets... -
21:14 Revision 8ebe596d (github): libcommon: Cleaned up p_actor.c/h
18:39 Revision 9da228c8 (github): Fixed|Bsp Builder: Error loading Doom2 MAP02 (degenerate leaf on back side of line #491)
- This special case produces results in one-sided window for one half
the line and a degenerate leaf on the back side o... -
18:24 Feature #1520: Realistic switch sound origin (compatibility option)
- Turns out that the reason they appear to originate from the switch is due to a bug in vanilla DOOM which will play th...
18:24 Feature #1520: Realistic switch sound origin (compatibility option)
- - **milestone**: Eventually --> Version 1.9
18:17 Feature #1348: Better Mousewheel Weapon Switching
- - **status**: open --> closed
- **milestone**: Next Release --> Version 1.9
18:17 Feature #1349: IWAD version number instead of ID number
- - **summary**: wad version number instead of code# --> IWAD version number instead of ID number
- **milestone**: -->... -
18:13 Feature #1341: Soft edges for sector lighting
- The lightgrid (which is part of the new bias lighting model) has been implemented to do the "soft sector edges" stuff...
18:13 Feature #1342: Alpha/Beta/Prerelease support?
- - **status**: open --> closed
- **milestone**: --> Eventually
18:10 Feature #1517: Autoselect missing interfaces from other audio plugins
- Making this an RFE since it is working currently as intended.
18:10 Feature #1518: Save screenshots as png or jpeg
- - **status**: open --> closed
- **milestone**: --> Eventually
18:06 Feature #1203: Additional save slots — revised save management
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I'd actually like to see a more sophisticated save sy... -
18:02 Feature #1557: Jpeg support for model skins
- Thus far we haven't added JPEG support because of the hassle of managing the 3rd party dependency to libjpeg on all o...
16:49 Feature #1557: Jpeg support for model skins
- JPG support for all graphics resources will be in version 1.9.9.
- **labels**: Data --> Data, Resources
- **status**... -
17:57 Bug #1030: [Hexen] SEGV
17:55 Feature #1572 (Rejected): Frameless window option (-noframe)
- Add a "-noframe" option to run in an undecorated window.
*Labels:* Window Manager -
17:54 Bug #789: [DEH] Thing speed misinterpretation (HACX)
- Fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.8
17:53 Bug #1083 (New): In-game window contents resizing glitches
- In-game view window updating during resize has some glitches: psprite, viewport resizing are not perfectly in sync.
... -
17:46 Bug #1082 (Closed): [Font] Rendering missing glyphs
- Unprintable characters (those not present in the loaded font) are invisible in the console. Instead, the font rendere...
17:41 Bug #1082: [Font] Rendering missing glyphs
- The new console in 1.11 uses system fonts, which provides a much fuller (Unicode) set of characters.
17:41 Bug #1007: [Doom] Sound emitter overlap handling
- - **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen --> nobody
17:32 Bug #1007: [Doom] Sound emitter overlap handling
- - **labels**: Sound Effects --> Sound Effects, Doom
17:39 Bug #1081 (New): [Doom] Chainsaw sounds do not match original game
- The chainsaw "bring up" sound effect at map startup does not match the one in the original game.
P_BringUpWeapon i... -
17:26 Bug #1029: Switch sound origin
- All this now needs is for sound stopping to use the parameterised version of S_StopSound() and the addition of a coup...
17:26 Revision 441f02e2 (github): Bsp Builder: Allow short-circuiting the near-miss costing
17:24 Bug #788: Momentary pause during looped MIDI playback
- Still occurs for me in Windows, using the latest build 604 and the FMOD audio driver for all interfaces.
16:57 Revision c8948c08 (github): Refactor|de::Bsp::Partitioner: Restructured BSP split costing and hedge division to improve clarity
16:51 Feature #1548: Multi-monitor support
- Removing myself as owner of this item as I no longer use have a multi-monitor setup to test support with.
16:50 Feature #1558: [Hexen] Smooth Reivers Z movement
- - **labels**: Graphics --> Hexen
- **summary**: [HeXen] smooth the Reivers movement in melee --> [Hexen] smooth the R... -
16:50 Feature #1569: [Hexen] Demo version cheat codes and "Beta" message
- HacX got it’s own cheats fully supported when it became a game mode. Previously if you ran HacX in Dday, Doom’s cheat...
10:54 Bug #329: [Heretic|Hexen] Afrit/Gargoyle death, endless frame loop
- - **labels**: Gameplay --> Gameplay, Heretic, Hexen
- **milestone**: --> v1.8.6
10:46 Bug #1071: Incorrect sound playback
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Hi I would like to look into these bugs. Please assign this to me. -
08:05 Bug #1071: Incorrect sound playback
- Might be worth noting, that 1.8.6 also exhibits this bug with these sounds.
08:03 Bug #1067: White player arrow missing on automap
- I wanted to follow up on this bug. This does seem like a video card driver problem. I reverted back to an old driver ...
07:09 Feature #1541: Joystick axis settings (sensitivity, max speed)
- Isn't this pretty much done nowadays (1.9.9)?
06:47 Feature #1541: Joystick axis settings (sensitivity, max speed)
- Important feature for the 6axis 3dMice controllers
07:07 Bug #1044: Hexen 1.1 Demo crash
- - **labels**: Hexen --> Hexen, Hexen Demo
- **status**: pending --> wont-fix
- **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
07:06 Bug #938: [Hacx] Terminatrix not resurrecting foes
- Also in the recently released Iwad version of Hacx, the Terminatrix missile uses the wrong sprite in Dday (it uses th...
07:05 Bug #867: Can't adjust midi music volume in WINDOWS XP
- Closing as an obsolete issue. IMO we should start ramping down Windows XP support.
07:05 Bug #868: Console min height after resolution change
- Fixed in branch ringzero+master
07:03 Bug #842: Segmentation Violation Ultimate Doom E2M3
- jDoom crash log
* -
07:02 Bug #735: [ATI] OpenGL crash upon starting map (Catalyst AI)
- - **status**: pending --> wont-fix
07:00 Bug #601: [Doom] jDRP + Intel Graphics chipset = Instant shutdown
- - **status**: pending --> wont-fix
06:59 Bug #229: 4 sound channels used by game menu
- - **status**: pending --> wont-fix
- **milestone**: --> v1.8.6
06:59 Bug #174: Particles sticking to sky walls
- - **status**: pending --> closed
- **milestone**: v1.7.15 --> v1.8.6
05:21 Bug #981: No sound
- Sorry, the problem was my machine. May close the bug report.
05:12 Bug #1049: [OpenAL] Unable to compile on x86_64 Linux
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
This bug has been marked closed for milestone 1.9.8, but it is still ... -
04:58 Bug #937: [Heretic] Wrong color default dynamic light on sprite
- - **status**: pending --> closed
21:08 Feature #1548: Multi-monitor support
- Indeed it would be a great feature and is one I have been working on in the ringzero branch in fact. I hope to have m...
21:08 Feature #1548: Multi-monitor support
- - **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson --> nobody
20:33 Bug #1059: [Heretic] Health counter jumps up and down
- I mean moves up and down on the screen.
20:32 Bug #1052: [Heretic] Torch artifact doesn't work properly
- - **labels**: Heretic --> Heretic, Renderer, Powerup
- **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
-... -
19:19 Bug #1052: [Heretic] Torch artifact doesn't work properly
- - **labels**: jHeretic Gameplay --> Heretic
- **summary**: [Heretic]: Torch artifact doesn't work properly --> [Heret... -
20:32 Bug #1033: [OS X] Games don't run from case sensitive file system
- The Mac build/bundling scripts should be updated to set the proper letter cases for the files. I believe the resource...
20:32 Bug #975: [Doom] Armour Helmets full bright
- Since I didn't know where else to put this and it is somewhat related to the above (a visual tweak); maybe additive b...
20:31 Bug #671: [Heretic] Enemy missile spreads have incorrect vertical aim
- - **labels**: jHeretic Gameplay --> Heretic
- **milestone**: --> v1.8.5
20:31 Bug #665: [Heretic] Some missiles should not splash
- - **labels**: jHeretic --> Heretic
20:30 Bug #1053: [Render hack] Icarus Alien Vanguard: Force-fields (scrolling masked middle texture)
- - **labels**: Doom, Addons --> Doom, Addons, Render hack
- **summary**: Mis-rendering of Textures Icarus: Alien Vangu... -
20:30 Bug #1035: [Doom] Sector type 10: door bouncing off a mobj
- - **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
- **Milestone**: v1.8.6 --> v1.12
20:30 Bug #994: Input box is too narrow in Save menu
- Save Game menu in Doom
* -
20:29 Bug #973: [Map Converter] Crashes on linedefs with no front or back
- Is this related to the "one-sided window" effect that danij has recently been working on for 1.9.8?
20:29 Bug #972: [Doom] Lost Souls infinite Z height
- - **labels**: jDoom Gameplay --> Doom
- **milestone**: --> v1.8.5
20:29 Bug #969: Doom: Bad guy hitscan anomaly
20:28 Bug #904: FreeDOOM 0.6.4 IWADs fail loading (anim cycle)
- Is the "bad cycle" error fixed/obsolete now (1.11)? At least I successfully played a few levels using the current Fre...
20:26 Bug #645: Fatal error "R_InitSprites: No patches found" (unknown IWAD)
- - **labels**: jDoom --> Doom
- Description has changed:
--- old
+++ new
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
AMD AthlonXP 2... -
20:23 Bug #310: [Doom] Dead bodies do not stop sliding
- - **labels**: jDoom Gameplay --> Doom
- **summary**: Dead bodies do not stop sliding --> [Doom] Dead bodies do not st... -
20:23 Bug #251: [Doom] Nightmare monsters sometimes not fast
- - **labels**: jDoom Gameplay --> Doom
- **summary**: Nightmare monsters sometimes not fast. --> [Doom] Nightmare mons... -
20:22 Bug #143: [Doom] Doom 2 Map30 lines across demon head
- - **labels**: jDoom --> Doom
- **summary**: [Doom2] Map30: lines across demon head --> [Doom] Doom2 Map30 lines acros... -
20:20 Bug #1040: [Hexen] Singleplayer starts on Deathkings MP map 35 broken
- It appears that the spawn fails because the single player spawn spot is determined to be "occupied" by the glitter br...
20:19 Bug #998: Detail texture appearance incorrect (vs. #364)
- Related discussion: -
20:19 Bug #916: [Savegame] Restored state invalid if same addons not present
20:18 Bug #912: HeXen: Level music numbers off by one
- I wrote about this problem: -
20:18 Bug #910: Flat tiling error with custom flats
- Can you upload a small demo of the problem?
20:18 Bug #875: Rend-Dev-Nosprite conflicts with certain HeXen mobj actions
- I have not been able to locate any serious issues related to the rend-dev-nosprite cvar and a potential interaction w...
20:17 Bug #766: [Hexen] Unknown thing warnings
- Merely a case where the message should not be logged. Those things are currently handled elsewhere but the spawner th...
20:17 Bug #754: Gun-Triggered Switches Inactive in PWADs
- Can you give me an example of a switch in map which suffers this problem:
load up Alien Vendetta
warp to a map wi... -
20:17 Bug #637: [Hexen] Class change in-game causes instability, issues
- - **labels**: jHexen Gameplay --> Hexen
20:16 Bug #388: Missile speeds (steep vertical angles)
- - **labels**: jHexen Gameplay --> Hexen
- **milestone**: --> v1.8.5
20:15 Bug #1064: [Hexen] Interludes can no longer be moved (MAPINFO vs. Infine)
- - **summary**: [Hexen] Interludes can no longer be moved --> [Hexen] Interludes can no longer be moved (MAPINFO vs. I...
20:02 Bug #1064: [Hexen] Interludes can no longer be moved (MAPINFO vs. Infine)
- - **labels**: Hexen --> Hexen, Addons
20:14 Bug #1067: White player arrow missing on automap
20:13 Bug #1067: White player arrow missing on automap
- - **priority**: 5 --> 2
20:13 Bug #1068: Hi-res texture vs custom textures bug
- - **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
20:11 Bug #1074: 'ctl-inventory-use-next' doesn't work with picked up items
- Fixed?
20:10 Bug #1074: 'ctl-inventory-use-next' doesn't work with picked up items
- I have only tested it with cheat code items... The recent change regarding this was to change the cvar to 1 by default.
18:51 Bug #1074: 'ctl-inventory-use-next' doesn't work with picked up items
- - **labels**: Gameplay --> Gameplay, Heretic, Hexen
20:10 Bug #1076: [Doom] 3d movement option broken
- Wasn't sure this warranted a whole separate report; disabling 3d movement while a flying bad guy is flying over the t...
20:09 Bug #1080: [Hexen] Hi-res Patch replacements off-center
- - **labels**: Hexen, Addons --> Addons, Resources, Renderer
- **priority**: 5 --> 8
19:50 Bug #1080: [Hexen] Hi-res Patch replacements off-center
- It's not only Hexen that has it. I just made some highres sprites into Doom, and they're not aligned to the center li...
19:23 Bug #1080: [Hexen] Hi-res Patch replacements off-center
20:07 Bug #601: [Doom] jDRP + Intel Graphics chipset = Instant shutdown
- - **labels**: OpenGL Renderer --> Doom, Addons
- **summary**: jDoom + jDRP + Intel Graphics chipset = Instant shutdow... -
20:05 Bug #1050: [Chex] Menus use Doom's skill level names
- - **status**: open --> fixed
20:04 Bug #1061: After map Infine causes duplicate Intermission
- A simple after map infine def to test with.
After = "MAP01";
Script {
If deathmatch
... -
19:55 Bug #1063: Flash state models offset incorrectly in 16:10
19:55 Bug #765: [Hexen] Korax teleport order
- - **labels**: jHexen Gameplay --> Hexen
19:44 Bug #1077: No longer handling unknown flats
- - **labels**: Data --> testtag
19:38 Bug #1078: Patch texture composition logic errors
- Further investigation revealed that there is in fact two issues here. The first being that the prepared image is not ...
19:31 Bug #571: -fast option is broken
- Closing as duplicate of [#242]
- **status**: open --> closed
19:16 Bug #1029: Switch sound origin
- I recall this was partially addressed recently by danij. What's the status?
19:13 Bug #511: [Heretic|Hexen] Torch fix not applied (low ceiling)
- - **milestone**: v1.9.0-beta5 --> v1.9.0-beta6
19:07 Bug #393: Vsync does not stick
- - **status**: pending --> closed
19:07 Bug #393: Vsync does not stick
- Fixed for the 1.9.7 release.
18:58 Revision 45edfbbc (github): Refactor|de::Bsp::HPlane: Addressed a conceptual class semantic/usage design issue
18:55 Feature #1571 (New): On screen notification for Always Run
- I'd like to suggest a notification be displayed on screen when the user toggles always run with the shortcut key.
... -
18:42 Bug #937: [Heretic] Wrong color default dynamic light on sprite
- - **milestone**: v1.8.5 --> v1.8.6
18:14 Bug #505: Win32 crash. Disable texture compression to fix
- - **status**: pending --> wont-fix
16:52 Revision 4f013cfc (github): Bsp Builder: Further minor cleanup refactorings
15:54 Revision a6be3a83 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
15:51 Revision 663477fe (github): Hexen|Fixed: Fog cloud movement
- The movement of fog clouds is now smooth on the Z axis. The original
implementation just added an offset to the Z coo... -
14:55 Revision d26a6556 (github): Fixed|Chex: Use the Flags = 0; syntax in objects.ded
14:47 Revision 994b3b2a (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
14:06 Revision fc9f887e (github): Hexen: Massacre cheat will kill underwater Stalkers (serpents) and Wraiths
- As currently unshootable, underwater Stalkers and buried Wraiths would
get ignored by the massacre cheat. Now they ge... -
12:57 Bug #666: [Hexen] Inefficient "kill" command and massacre cheat
- Improved the "kill" command for 1.9.9 so that swimming Stalkers and buried Wraiths are killed, too.
The Heretic is... -
10:35 Revision 1118acae (github): DED: Added special "no flags" value (0) for Flags
- The correct syntax to specify that a Flags field has no value is:
Flags = ""; # Old format
Flags = 0; # New format ... -
06:07 Revision 7c85f4a5 (github): de::Bsp::Partitioner: Minor cleanup refactorings
01:33 Revision 5dafd580 (github): de::Bsp::Partitioner: Minor cleanup
00:55 Revision e9ba11fd (github): Fixed|Bsp Builder: Error attempting to cleanup after a failed node build
21:43 Revision 2a279d63 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
21:23 Revision 77f20eb5 (github): Fixed: Do not warning about missing materials while initializing flats
20:47 Revision 0d705a46 (github): Cleanup|libdoom|libheretic|libhexen: Cleaned up cheat registration and callback functions
18:14 Revision 9885b6c2 (github): libdeng|Str: No checking for AutoStr deletion in release builds
18:07 Revision bbacdda9 (github): Fixed|libcommon: Manually deleting an AutoStr
- The manual deletion will still leave the string in the garbage, leading
into a double free. -
18:06 Revision 6d56c87d (github): libdeng|Str|Debug: Verify that AutoStr instances are not manually deleted
- AutoStr instances must only be deleted by the garbage recycler. Added
an assertion to verify that Str_Delete() is not... -
17:48 Bug #1080: [Hexen] Hi-res Patch replacements off-center
- - **labels**: Graphics, Hexen --> Hexen, Addons
16:26 Bug #1080: [Hexen] Hi-res Patch replacements off-center
- - **labels**: Graphics --> Graphics, Hexen
15:32 Bug #1080 (Closed): [Hexen] Hi-res Patch replacements off-center
- I am using a high resolution texture pack for Hexen, downloaded as "Hexen_High_Resolution_Pack.rar"
High Resolutio... -
15:59 Bug #637: [Hexen] Class change in-game causes instability, issues
- In deathmatch yes, however when the player morphs to a pig in coop the same dangling pointers are left behind as in s...
15:51 Bug #637: [Hexen] Class change in-game causes instability, issues
- Note that since commit d407b76c, Hexen's player class changes only occur when players respawn.
14:33 Bug #1079 (Closed): [Doom] 'idbehold' cheat missing the menu/prompt
- Currently when using the idbehold cheat the menu/prompt message is missing.
*Labels:* jDoom -
01:22 Revision bbd42ce4 (github): Fixed|Automap: Bug "Automap - secret line flag and door glows"
- See bug:
23:40 Revision d9a20d64 (github): Fixed|Chex: Chex Quest menus use incorrect skill level text strings
- Note that presently the DOOM font is still being used, however, due
to us not yet having a suitable set of patches fo... -
23:01 Revision 7d1e1457 (github): Fixed: Bug "No longer handling unknown flats"
- See bug:
22:50 Bug #637: [Hexen] Class change in-game causes instability, issues
- I'm raising the priority of this to a more appropriate level because it is a real stability issue. Particularly in mu...
22:22 Bug #1073: Automap - secret line flag and door glows
- - **labels**: Gameplay --> Automap
20:43 Bug #1050: [Chex] Menus use Doom's skill level names
- - **labels**: jDoom --> Chex
- **summary**: Chex Quest menus use Doom's skill level names --> [Chex] Menus use Doom's... -
20:08 Feature #1569: [Hexen] Demo version cheat codes and "Beta" message
- - **labels**: Gameplay --> Hexen, Cheats
- **summary**: [HeXen Demo] Demo version cheat codes and "Beta" message --> ... -
20:02 Bug #1078: Patch texture composition logic errors
19:01 Bug #1078: Patch texture composition logic errors
- - **milestone**: v1.8.6 --> v1.9.10
02:28 Bug #1078: Patch texture composition logic errors
- - **status**: open --> fixed
02:28 Bug #1078 (New): Patch texture composition logic errors
- Doomsday's Patch texture composition does not replicate the logic of the id tech 1 column/post based software rendere...
14:18 Revision 3216320b (github): Fixed|Deh Reader: Warnings about potentially dangling "else"
- This pattern of using nested if statements without braces is
prone to errors: better to make explicit which if statem... -
14:14 Revision 6e9ab370 (github): Fixed|Deh Reader: Argument type for parseInclude
- Passing strings by non-const reference is only required if the
caller expects the string to be modified by the functi... -
14:10 Revision eeb17e25 (github): Fixed: Minor comparison warning
- Comparing signed and unsigned integers.
13:24 Revision c156dce4 (github): Refactor: All filesys path composition utilities now return AutoStr
- The one exception being PathDirectory, where the results string is
provided by the caller. -
12:41 Revision 31af6e4c (github): Refactor: Textures_ComposePath() now returns an AutoStr
12:27 Revision 5947c4b5 (github): Refactor: Materials_ComposePath() now returns an AutoStr
12:24 Revision cac2eb2e (github): Refactor: Fonts_ComposePath() now returns an AutoStr
12:16 Revision f929b074 (github): Refactor: CVar_ComposePath() now returns an AutoStr
11:58 Revision 0d0e1eb6 (github): Refactor: Uri_Compose() and Uri_ToString() now return an AutoStr
- Also, fixed a couple of minor memory leaks in the process.
11:25 Revision 14b8323e (github): Switched near all AutoStr instantiations to alloc from the real heap
10:09 Revision 279afeaf (github): Merge branch 'master' into deh-reader-2
10:08 Revision 01bfa5c5 (github): Implemented GL_DumpImage() - dump an image_t to disk
- GL_DumpImage() is a handy debug utility for quickly dumping the pixel
contents of an image_t to the runtime directory. -
01:00 Revision ba9272d9 (github): Fixed: Mishandling of FF_START/F_END idiom in PWADs
- See bug:
22:04 Bug #1017: [Linux/FreeBSD] Unable to compile
21:45 Bug #822: Monsters vision 2side linedefs
- Player vis. to Imp too soon
* -
21:10 Bug #1077 (Closed): No longer handling unknown flats
- Largely what the summary states.
Dday will load the map and log the unknown materials in the console. But Dday wil... -
20:47 Revision 3dd911db (github): Merge branch 'master' into deh-reader-2
- Conflicts:
doomsday/plugins/dehread/src/dehread.cpp -
20:24 Revision ac4d8d09 (github): Changed release type to "Candidate"
- It's time to get on with the release preparations for 1.9.9.
20:22 Revision 1d6910ff (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
20:21 Revision 2020087b (github): Fixed: Compiler warnings
- Unused variables/code, comparison mismatches, initializing
char* pointers with string constants (must be const char*). -
20:20 Revision 28232a61 (github): Refactor: Added a C++ constructor for Size2Raw
- Fixes a number of warnings and makes the code more robust
and elegant. The default constructor sets the width and
hei... -
20:00 Revision 881f6ba3 (github): Bsp Builder: Automatically collapse degenerate leaves
- Linedefs which erroneously include a second sidedef, despite their
being used as a boundary with the void (i.e., wher... -
19:41 Revision bfeed3d5 (github): libdeng: Added Str_Size() that returns size_t
- Str_Length() exists as before and returns a signed integer.
19:40 Revision 471ab621 (github): Fixed: Warning about ineffective const
- As a return value, it does not make any difference whether the
pointer value itself is const.
(The warning was from ... -
15:22 Revision 65ac0454 (github): Merge branch 'master' into deh-reader-2
06:40 Revision 31252eee (github): Deh Reader: Fix de::String argument format strings
06:35 Revision bbd02236 (github): Deh Reader: Ignore Text patch replacements for the custom/shareware banners
06:05 Revision 532b25d5 (github): Deh Reader: Added support for Text patch remapping of Finale backgrounds
06:03 Revision 237d0548 (github): libdoom|Doom|Hacx|Chex: Define Finale backgrounds with Values URIs
05:20 Revision d6aabf8b (github): InFine: "flat" commands accept materials specified with a Values URI
- The "flat" command in a finale script may now specify the material
to use as the background by declaring a Value defi... -
05:05 Revision 44737a24 (github): Finale Interpreter: Command operands may now define a default value
- Also added a new operand type FVT_URI for URI operands.
Also available in: Atom