Bug #143
[Doom] Doom 2 Map30 lines across demon head
The lines are visible now because of the higher display resolution.
They were present in the original game as well.
And... I don't know -- it's not possible to "cheat" with the doomsday
port, in order to "blur" the lines or even "erase" them ?
The 'lines' are permanent parts of the map. The only way to hide them
would be to change the textures of the corresponding sectors so that
they don't stand out so much. I guess that could be achieved with a
hardcoded check in jDoom.dll. If it detects that Doom II is being used,
it would find the affected sectors and do the change. It's not pretty
(codewise) but I guess it would help.
Related issues
Updated by danij over 20 years ago
Logged In: YES
Closely related to this are the problems with Fakeradio
rendering shadows all over the Icon Of Sin.
As mentioned above perhaps a hard coded check would be best,
solving both problems.
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
- labels: jDoom --> Doom
- summary: [Doom2] Map30: lines across demon head --> [Doom] Doom2 Map30 lines across demon head
- Description has changed:
- milestone: v1.7.13 --> v1.8.5
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to Doom, Renderer
- Subject changed from [Doom] Doom2 Map30 lines across demon head to [Doom] Doom 2 Map30 lines across demon head
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Vanilla emulation
- Priority changed from Lowest to Low
- Target version deleted (
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected