Bug #1047
[Doom] jDRP ammo box not loading
Hi there, this build has issues with some plugins.
1. the resource pack seems to work with all 3D models except the ammo box for the mini gun and pistol.
2. some addons don't work at all. The Sycraft sound remixes don't work nether do the slide-skyboxes addon.
3. the E1 7 glitch where the pillar housing a few zombies is still stuck, this is a clipping issue.
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
Issue 3 has a report: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2962837&group_id=74815&atid=542099
Updated by danij almost 13 years ago
Re Issue 2:
I've just tried slide-doom2-sky1.pk3 available from http://dengine.net/addons and it appears to work fine for me in 1.9.8 on Windows.
Updated by danij almost 13 years ago
Re Issue 2:
I've just tried jdmu-all-remix-Sycraft-v4.pk3 also available from http://dengine.net/addons and it too appears to work correctly for me in 1.9.8 on Windows.
Updated by magmarock almost 13 years ago
Well I fixed The Sycraft sound issues but the other remain.
Updated by danij almost 13 years ago
- status: open --> closed
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
Closing as issues #1 and #2 have been resolved and #3 is a duplicate of [#861].