Bug #1086
'recorddemo' console command seg faults
I know demo recording is broken currently.
However, in the latest builds it doesn't just produce a buggered demo, but actually causes a seg violation as soon as one enters 'recorddemo' in the console.
As much a suggestion as a bug report; until Deng team have the time to work on fixing demo recording following the rewrite, maybe the console command can be outright disabled; if a user enters the console command a message is printed saying something like 'demo recording currently doesn't work'.
Better than a crash at any rate.
Labels: Console, Demo Mode
Updated by skyjake over 12 years ago
- labels: Demo, Console --> Console, Demo Mode
Updated by skyjake over 12 years ago
- status: open --> fixed
Updated by vermil over 12 years ago
Dang, forgot to change the 'milestone' to 1.9; it defaults to 1.8.6.
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- labels: demos --> Demo
- assigned_to: Jaakko Keränen
- milestone: v1.8.6 --> v1.9.9
- priority: 1 --> 3
- labels: Demo --> Demo, Console