Bug #1035
[Doom] Sector type 10: door bouncing off a mobj
In Vanilla, if a sector type 10 door hits a mob, it would bounce off and open to infinity, presumably, eventually crashing the game. In Dday, it just stops on the mobs head.
One get' the impression from the bugged behaviour, that the intended behaviour was to have the door bounce off and open like a normal door (i.e. to 4 units below the lowest adjacent ceiling). ZDoom and derivatives must have assumed the same as they change the bugged behaviour to this.
This goes back to 1.8.6 at least.
Labels: Doom
Updated by vermil almost 13 years ago
There is also a difference/bug in how Dday handles a standard door linetype ('sd linetype') affecting a sector type 10.
In Vanilla, the first press closes and then any subsequent press reverses it's direction until the ceiling hit's the floor, at which point the sd linetype functions as normal (as sd linetypes are suppose to open first, not close).
However in Dday, if the player presses the sd linetype a second time while the ceiling is closing from the first press, the ceiling will instantly jump to the floor.
Updated by danij almost 13 years ago
- labels: jDoom Gameplay --> Doom
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
- status: open --> fixed
- assigned_to: Daniel Swanson
- Milestone: v1.8.6 --> v1.12