Bug #1017
[Linux/FreeBSD] Unable to compile
Compilation failed while building doomsday build458 and 462 on Linux and FreeBSD:
g++ -rdynamic -rdynamic -Wl,-O1 -o doomsday lzss.o dd_uinit.o joystick.o sys_console.o sys_findfile.o sys_path.o displaymode_x11.o imKStoUCS.o abstractfile.o abstractresource.o animator.o audiodriver.o b_command.o b_context.o b_device.o b_main.o b_util.o bitmapfont.o blockmap.o blockmapvisual.o blockset.o bspbuilder.o hedges.o intersection.o node.o superblockmap.o bspleaf.o bspnode.o busytask.o canvas.o canvaswindow.o cbuffer.o cl_frame.o cl_infine.o cl_main.o cl_mobj.o cl_player.o cl_sound.o cl_world.o colorpalette.o con_bar.o con_busy.o con_config.o con_data.o con_main.o concurrency.o dam_file.o dam_main.o dd_help.o dd_init.o dd_input.o dd_loop.o dd_main.o dd_pinit.o dd_plugin.o dd_wad.o dd_zone.o def_data.o def_main.o def_read.o dfile.o dgl_common.o dgl_draw.o displaymode.o edit_bias.o edit_bsp.o edit_map.o fi_main.o filedirectory.o filelist.o finaleinterpreter.o fonts.o fs_main.o fs_util.o game.o gamemap.o generators.o gl_defer.o gl_deferredapi.o gl_draw.o gl_drawvectorgraphic.o gl_hq2x.o gl_main.o gl_pcx.o gl_png.o gl_tex.o gl_texmanager.o gl_tga.o gridmap.o hedge.o image.o kdtree.o keycode.o library.o linedef.o lumpdirectory.o lumpfile.o m_args.o m_bams.o m_binarytree.o m_decomp64.o m_linkedlist.o m_md5.o m_misc.o m_mus2midi.o m_nodepile.o m_stack.o m_string.o m_vector.o masterserver.o material.o materialarchive.o materials.o materialvariant.o monitor.o mouse_qt.o nativeui.o net_buf.o net_demo.o net_event.o net_main.o net_msg.o net_ping.o p_cmd.o p_control.o p_data.o p_dmu.o p_intercept.o p_maputil.o p_mobj.o p_objlink.o p_particle.o p_players.o p_polyobjs.o p_sight.o p_think.o p_ticker.o pathdirectory.o pathmap.o plane.o point.o polyobj.o protocol.o r_data.o r_draw.o r_fakeradio.o r_lgrid.o r_lumobjs.o r_main.o r_model.o r_shadow.o r_sky.o r_things.o r_util.o r_world.o reader.o rect.o rend_bias.o rend_clip.o rend_console.o rend_decor.o rend_dynlight.o rend_fakeradio.o rend_font.o rend_halo.o rend_list.o rend_main.o rend_model.o rend_particle.o rend_shadow.o rend_sky.o rend_sprite.o resourcenamespace.o s_cache.o s_environ.o s_logic.o s_main.o s_mus.o s_sfx.o s_wav.o sector.o sidedef.o size.o smoother.o stringarray.o stringpool.o surface.o sv_frame.o sv_infine.o sv_main.o sv_missile.o sv_pool.o sv_sound.o svg.o sys_audiod_dummy.o sys_direc.o sys_input.o sys_network.o sys_opengl.o sys_reslocator.o sys_system.o tab_tables.o texture.o textures.o texturevariant.o timer.o ui2_main.o ui_main.o ui_mpi.o ui_panel.o uri.o vertex.o wadfile.o window.o writer.o zipfile.o sys_audiod_sdlmixer.o m_fixed.o moc_canvas.o moc_canvaswindow.o moc_concurrency.o moc_masterserver.o -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lm -lSDL -lSDL_mixer -lGLU -lz -lpng12 -lncurses -L/home/vvv/rpmbuild/BUILD/doomsday-1.9.8-build462/Build/engine/../libdeng2 -ldeng2 -lX11 -ldl -lXrandr -lXxf86vm -lpthread -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -lGL
dd_zone.o: In function `Z_Shutdown':
/home/vvv/rpmbuild/BUILD/doomsday-1.9.8-build462/Build/engine/../../doomsday/engine/portable/src/dd_zone.c:232: undefined reference to `LegacyCore_PrintfLogFragmentAtLevel'
library.o: In function `Library_ReleaseGames':
/home/vvv/rpmbuild/BUILD/doomsday-1.9.8-build462/Build/engine/../../doomsday/engine/portable/src/library.c:150: undefined reference to `LegacyCore_PrintfLogFragmentAtLevel'
library.o: In function `reopenLibraryIfNeeded':
/home/vvv/rpmbuild/BUILD/doomsday-1.9.8-build462/Build/engine/../../doomsday/engine/portable/src/library.c:166: undefined reference to `LegacyCore_PrintfLogFragmentAtLevel'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make1: *** [doomsday] Error 1
Also starting from build455 there is missing library -lX11 while linking doomsday on Linux:
g++ -rdynamic -rdynamic -Wl,-O1 -o doomsday lzss.o dd_uinit.o joystick.o sys_console.o sys_findfile.o sys_path.o displaymode_x11.o imKStoUCS.o abstractfile.o abstractresource.o animator.o audiodriver.o b_command.o b_context.o b_device.o b_main.o b_util.o bitmapfont.o blockmap.o blockmapvisual.o blockset.o bspbuilder.o hedges.o intersection.o node.o superblockmap.o bspleaf.o bspnode.o busytask.o canvas.o canvaswindow.o cbuffer.o cl_frame.o cl_infine.o cl_main.o cl_mobj.o cl_player.o cl_sound.o cl_world.o colorpalette.o con_bar.o con_busy.o con_config.o con_data.o con_main.o concurrency.o dam_file.o dam_main.o dd_help.o dd_init.o dd_input.o dd_loop.o dd_main.o dd_pinit.o dd_plugin.o dd_wad.o dd_zone.o def_data.o def_main.o def_read.o dfile.o dgl_common.o dgl_draw.o displaymode.o edit_bias.o edit_bsp.o edit_map.o fi_main.o filedirectory.o filelist.o finaleinterpreter.o fonts.o fs_main.o fs_util.o game.o gamemap.o generators.o gl_defer.o gl_deferredapi.o gl_draw.o gl_drawvectorgraphic.o gl_hq2x.o gl_main.o gl_pcx.o gl_png.o gl_tex.o gl_texmanager.o gl_tga.o gridmap.o hedge.o image.o kdtree.o keycode.o library.o linedef.o lumpdirectory.o lumpfile.o m_args.o m_bams.o m_binarytree.o m_decomp64.o m_linkedlist.o m_md5.o m_misc.o m_mus2midi.o m_nodepile.o m_stack.o m_string.o m_vector.o masterserver.o material.o materialarchive.o materials.o materialvariant.o monitor.o mouse_qt.o nativeui.o net_buf.o net_demo.o net_event.o net_main.o net_msg.o net_ping.o p_cmd.o p_control.o p_data.o p_dmu.o p_intercept.o p_maputil.o p_mobj.o p_objlink.o p_particle.o p_players.o p_polyobjs.o p_sight.o p_think.o p_ticker.o pathdirectory.o pathmap.o plane.o point.o polyobj.o protocol.o r_data.o r_draw.o r_fakeradio.o r_lgrid.o r_lumobjs.o r_main.o r_model.o r_shadow.o r_sky.o r_things.o r_util.o r_world.o reader.o rect.o rend_bias.o rend_clip.o rend_console.o rend_decor.o rend_dynlight.o rend_fakeradio.o rend_font.o rend_halo.o rend_list.o rend_main.o rend_model.o rend_particle.o rend_shadow.o rend_sky.o rend_sprite.o resourcenamespace.o s_cache.o s_environ.o s_logic.o s_main.o s_mus.o s_sfx.o s_wav.o sector.o sidedef.o size.o smoother.o stringarray.o stringpool.o surface.o sv_frame.o sv_infine.o sv_main.o sv_missile.o sv_pool.o sv_sound.o svg.o sys_audiod_dummy.o sys_direc.o sys_input.o sys_network.o sys_opengl.o sys_reslocator.o sys_system.o tab_tables.o texture.o textures.o texturevariant.o timer.o ui2_main.o ui_main.o ui_mpi.o ui_panel.o uri.o vertex.o wadfile.o window.o writer.o zipfile.o sys_audiod_sdlmixer.o m_fixed.o moc_canvas.o moc_canvaswindow.o moc_concurrency.o moc_masterserver.o -L/usr/lib64 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lm -lSDL -lSDL_mixer -lGLU -lz -lpng12 -lncurses -L/home/vvv/rpmbuild/BUILD/doomsday-1.9.8-build462/Build/engine/../libdeng2 -ldeng2 -ldl -lXrandr -lXxf86vm -lpthread -lQtOpenGL -lQtGui -lQtNetwork -lQtCore -lGL
/usr/bin/ld: keycode.o: undefined reference to symbol 'XKeycodeToKeysym'
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'XKeycodeToKeysym' is defined in DSO /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6 so try adding it to the linker command line
/usr/lib64/libX11.so.6: could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make1: *** [doomsday] Error 1
I've fixed the second problem in build455 and 456 with the attached patch.
Labels: Build System
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
Re: LegacyCore_PrintfLogFragmentAtLevel
Are you sure it's linking against the library in (builddir)/libdeng2 and not a libdeng2.so previously installed in a system-level directory? Please verify with nm that the symbol is exported in the built libdeng2.so.
Updated by vvv1 almost 13 years ago
I've compiled it after uninstalling build456. Thanks! But I still should add -lX11 to compile doomsday on Linux.
Updated by vvv1 almost 13 years ago
It's fixed in build465. Thanks!