Feature #1569
[Hexen] Demo version cheat codes and "Beta" message
The HeXen demo versions feature, near completely the same cheats as the full version, but with differnt combinations used to activate them.
Both the Demo and Beta Demo use the 'demo cheats' listed above.
On another note, I suppose it's is a case of just how much you want to emulate the demos, but the ‘beta demo’ also flashes a 'beta' message at the top of the screen while in a map, using the message font and also doesn't allow the player to respawn after death (one has to open the menu and start a new game). But I suppose Dday doesn't emulate that HeXen 1.0 accidently had two pick up messages the wrong way around...(the Disc of Repulsion and Choas Device).
Labels: Hexen, Cheats
Updated by skyjake over 12 years ago
Making this a feature request.
Updated by vermil over 12 years ago
I disagree with this being an RFE. It's a baisc part of the game.
It's no different to this; https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3541785&group_id=74815&atid=542099
Updated by skyjake over 12 years ago
Here's my reasoning: It is true that in order to faithfully emulate the Hexen demo/beta mode, the cheat codes would need to be changed (and the Beta message added). However, in this instance faithful replication of the original behavior seems pointless -- IMO if someone wishes to try out Hexen using the demo and then decides to purchase the full game, it's better that game behavior remains similar between the two.
I would simply document this kind of behavioral differences in DEW and call it a day. We have many more crucial bugs to spend our time on.
We can of course reconsider the classification of the report, but I'm seeing it as a very low priority detail.
Updated by skyjake over 12 years ago
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
- labels: Gameplay --> Hexen, Cheats
- summary: [HeXen Demo] Demo version cheat codes and "Beta" message --> [Hexen] Demo version cheat codes and "Beta" message
- milestone: --> Eventually
Updated by vermil over 12 years ago
HacX got it’s own cheats fully supported when it became a game mode. Previously if you ran HacX in Dday, Doom’s cheats were still used (for obvious reasons; you ran HacX as a Pwad to Doom2 and Dday doesn’t support changing cheat codes via Dehacked.
It is widely documented on the internet that the HeXen demo and full version have different cheat codes with all websites listing both sets of cheats in the same way the Doom Wiki link above does; Dday is flying in the face of all that documentation that says the demo and full version have different cheats.
Hence I would say Dday not supporting the demo cheat codes will confuse more.
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to Hexen
- Category set to Vanilla emulation
Updated by skyjake about 5 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Lowest
- Target version set to Vanilla / Gameplay