Bug #1033
[OS X] Games don't run from case sensitive file system
Happens at with at least:
Doomsday Engine 1.9.7-build439
Doomsday Engine 1.9.8-build481
If The Doomsday Engine.app is on a Mac OS Extended (case sensitive) filesystem, games will not run.
A partial workaround is to create the following symlinks:
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/Doomsday.app/Contents/MacOS/Doomsday -> doomsday
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/dsfmod.bundle -> dsFMOD.bundle
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/dsFMOD.bundle/dsFMOD -> dsfmod
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/dpDehRead.bundle/dpDehRead -> dpdhread
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/dpWadMapConverter.bundle/dpWadMapConverter -> dpwadmapconverter
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/jDoom.bundle/jDoom -> jdoom
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/jHeretic.bundle/jHeretic -> jheretic
Doomsday Engine.app/Contents/jHexen.bundle/jHexen -> jhexen
there may be others depending on the game and configuration.
Labels: Build System
Updated by skyjake over 12 years ago
The Mac build/bundling scripts should be updated to set the proper letter cases for the files. I believe the resource files already have (mostly, at least) correct cases as they work on Linux,