Bug #754
Gun-Triggered Switches Inactive in PWADs
With the release of beta 6.6, switches that are activated by gunfire no longer seem to work in PWADs. I have tried this out in Alien Vendetta and my own WAD, and shooting a switch is activated by gunfire no longer works. This problem was never experienced in past beta versions. However, in IWADs (Doom II Map18 for example), switches that need gunfire work completely fine.
Labels: Gameplay
Updated by sonicdoommario over 15 years ago
Alien Vendetta
X: 371.042
Y: 4594.66
Z: 32
You should be facing northeast (on unrotated automap) at a window and two pillars. The pillar on the left has a shootable switch. Shooting this switch is supposed to open a hidden door to your right.
Now, I don't know why the Doom II Map18 switch worked. Maybe because the switch was on the same door it opened?
Updated by danij over 15 years ago
Fixed for 1.9.0-beta6.7
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
Can you give me an example of a switch in map which suffers this problem:
load up Alien Vendetta
warp to a map with the problem
locate a problem switch then with the switch in view
open the console and enter the command "where"
update this tracker item with the following info:
Mod name/download url (e.g., Alien Vendetta)
Map id (e.g., MAP03)
Position (e.g., X423, Y1320)