From 2003-06-02 to 2003-06-15
23:41 Feature #1182: Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
>Models used in menus.
It would be nice to be abl... -
14:53 Feature #1182: Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
That would be great! What's the possibility of using ... -
23:26 Feature #1156: Smart Filtering (sprites, other graphics)
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
It can be used to enhance raw textures before sending... -
23:22 Feature #1192 (Rejected): 3D models for menu/HUD graphics
- HUD and menu patches could be replaced by 3D
It would require adding a special 2D rendering mode
for 3... -
23:18 Feature #1190: External scripts for mobj behavior
- Logged In: YES
This is pretty much what I'm planning for version 2.0,
with the exception that the ... -
14:47 Feature #1190 (Progressed): External scripts for mobj behavior
- Making monster AI external would allow for far more
customizability. In Duke Nukem 3D all monster/object AI
was h... -
23:14 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- The good ideas from this RFE have since been implemented.
12:14 Feature #1188 (Closed): Particle Generator - More funtionality
- VisSprites would be of great use. Other improvements
that would be very usefull are:
Particle Size XY - So a par... -
23:12 Feature #1191 (Closed): More than 8 decor lights/texture
- Some light textures has more than 8 light sources. How
about increasing the decor light amount? 128 would be
real... -
23:07 Feature #1187: Force feedback
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I've never tried a force feedback mouse or keyboard :... -
00:25 Feature #1187 (Rejected): Force feedback
- You should add force feedback to jdoom. It would make
the game so much better. I think I saw an article on
micr... -
14:55 Feature #1153: Customizable intermissions
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Also would it be possible to remove the size restrict... -
14:40 Feature #1180: Gib Generator - For spawning models from a mobj state
- Logged In: YES
It would be possible to create vissprites out of the
particles. It will absolutely ... -
13:09 Feature #1189 (Rejected): Music restart at respawn should be optional
- a 'restart background music when respawning:
yes/no'-option since it's kinda annoying when the music
restarts when ... -
00:40 Feature #1185: Controls for moving camera up/down
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Basically giving the camera's the ability to fly. So ...
22:12 Bug #71 (Closed): Sounds pop with DS8
- Datacide reports: "It seems like the samples have a
lot of popping on my system, especially at the end
of th... -
17:16 Bug #59: Unwanted sound info shown
- Logged In: YES
The sound-info cvar's type was changed to CVT_INT (from
CVT_BYTE). Perhaps not sign... -
17:14 Bug #67: Missing upper texture
- Logged In: YES
Ceilingpic was used to replace the missing upper texture,
but if ceilingpic was sky... -
16:57 Bug #69: jHexen: Fire Minotaur Statues stretched
- Logged In: YES
This was most likely caused by the HUD sprite mode that
was added in 1.7.10. There ... -
02:16 Feature #1184: Cvar/cmd descriptions as helpstrings
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Already implemented.
21:36 Bug #70: jHexen: Wings of Wrath stuck
- Logged In: YES
mo->ceilingz was miscalculated in PIT_CheckThing(). -
16:39 Bug #70: jHexen: Wings of Wrath stuck
- Logged In: YES
The client only gets stuck if he's not moving (momx,
momy) when the Wings are activ... -
15:35 Bug #70 (Closed): jHexen: Wings of Wrath stuck
- Using the Wings of Wrath will make the client get
stuck into the ground with eyeheight = zero.
*Labels:* jHexen ... -
20:11 Feature #1185 (Rejected): Controls for moving camera up/down
- The camera could use controls for moving up/down
along the Z axis, regardless of view orientation.
Perhaps up/do... -
17:30 Feature #1184 (Closed): Cvar/cmd descriptions as helpstrings
- The descriptions of all console variables and
commands should be collected into a text file similar
to Data\CPHel... -
16:55 Feature #1156: Smart Filtering (sprites, other graphics)
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I think that Advance Mame Scale2x (and even 4x) would... -
15:04 Bug #18: jHexen: Nonexistent mobjs on clientside
- Logged In: YES
Theory: Server is sending bogus mobj positions (x,
y=zero?), or client is misinterpr... -
15:02 Bug #18: jHexen: Nonexistent mobjs on clientside
- Logged In: YES
The problem occurs with both sprites and 3D models. -
14:59 Bug #69: jHexen: Fire Minotaur Statues stretched
- Logged In: YES
Also occured in the menu! -
13:44 Bug #69 (Closed): jHexen: Fire Minotaur Statues stretched
- It appears the Fire Minotaur Statues (e.g. in
Darkmere) toggle their height between normal and
'somewhere through... -
14:59 Bug #20: Client doesn't step up onto mobjs
- Logged In: YES
The tree stumps were exactly 24 units tall. The stepup
limit was 24*FRACUNIT - 1! U... -
13:48 Bug #20: Client doesn't step up onto mobjs
- Logged In: YES
Height shouldn't be a problem, since the player can jump
on the treestumps just fine. -
13:22 Bug #19: jHexen: Extruding spike anim jumpy on clientside
- Logged In: YES
Animation prediction is OK, but the floorclips values were
larger than 64. They wer... -
10:52 Feature #1183 (New): Default values printed with "help"
- The "help" command should show any default values
in addition to a description.
*Labels:* User Interface -
08:18 Feature #1182 (Closed): Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- All the titlescreen demo sequences should be scripted
using InFine. This would allow complete customizability.
*L... -
00:08 Feature #1163: Blended/faded texture animation
- Logged In: YES
This will be in 1.7.12.
There will be no blending for model skins.
15:52 Bug #68 (Closed): jHeretic: Hitscan weapons
- doom's hitscan weapons are now corretly displayed when
they hit the floor or ceiling, the hitscan weapons bug
of th... -
12:36 Bug #67 (Closed): Missing upper texture
- For example in Heretic's E1M5: outside, near the
door to the exit chamber.
*Labels:* Graphics
22:27 Feature #1161: Stealth mode cheat
- Logged In: YES
makecam n
Does the same thing?
22:20 Feature #1178: Hi-res textures as 256-color PCX or GIF
- Logged In: YES
As can be seen in the Readme section 4.2, 8-bit PNG and PCX
are already supported. -
22:13 Bug #60: Top of monsters + shooting their heads
- Logged In: YES
I just tried this in 1.7.10, and the demon died as
expected. -
22:08 Bug #19: jHexen: Extruding spike anim jumpy on clientside
- Logged In: YES
This is most likely because the client is too liberal with
predicting the animation... -
22:07 Bug #61: The golden doors on the Seven Portals are buggy.
- Logged In: YES
The bugs 703664 and 702473 already cover the same
issues. -
22:04 Bug #20: Client doesn't step up onto mobjs
- Logged In: YES
This might also be a problem with the changing height of
the trees as they're destr... -
22:01 Bug #37: Fog isn't saved into savegames
- Logged In: YES
I should think about fixing this one of these days.
Savegame stuff would need to be... -
21:56 Bug #66 (Closed): Dynlights leak through walls
- It's not possible to prevent all the 'leakage', but at
least the obvious cases where there is clearly no
connecti... -
13:05 Bug #58: Squished switch textures
- Logged In: YES
This is not a bug in Doomsday. The textures have the
same names, but different dime...
19:47 Bug #65 (Closed): Shiny skins on HUD Models
- Shiny skins do not work correctly on HUD models. The
skin appears but I think it's mapping position is being
dist... -
19:44 Bug #64: White gaps where walls meet on TNT2
- Logged In: YES
If you disable dynamic lights, do the white gaps still
How about "r... -
17:19 Bug #64 (Closed): White gaps where walls meet on TNT2
- This is a problem I used to have a lot but when I got my
GeForce 4, it went away. Little tiny gaps can be seen
wh... -
02:17 Feature #1141: Third-person view
- Logged In: YES
I think it's great, especially with how flexible the engine
is, I would like to set...
23:17 Bug #63 (Closed): Halo occlusion flickers
- Sometimes halos will briefly flicker when they appear
from behind an obstacle, e.g. an opening door.
*Labels:* G... -
22:40 Bug #62 (Closed): Halo clipping vs. masked walls
- For example in E1M3, around the nukage pool.
Halos look really bad when they're visible between
the ceiling and ...
22:34 Bug #61 (Closed): The golden doors on the Seven Portals are buggy.
- For the client in a network game, all of the doors on the
Seven Portals level get reset to the closed position upon... -
14:58 Feature #1155: 3D model for the sky
- Logged In: YES
I agree, the skies would look very NICE if someone created
the textures for the gam...
20:07 Bug #47: jDoom: Bullet puffs in face
- Logged In: YES
Repost from Doomsday HQ forum:
Doom II - Level 20
Kickstart 2.09, Doomsday 1.7.9, j... -
15:59 Feature #1181 (New): Ambient sounds (in XG sectors)
- Would be great, if the ambient sound volume could be
adjusted in them, no need for multiple samples of one
sound.... -
00:24 Bug #60 (Closed): Top of monsters + shooting their heads
- it does no damage at all, I was atop a demon's head and
slicing away with the chainsaw, no damage was occuring
19:03 Feature #1180 (Closed): Gib Generator - For spawning models from a mobj state
- Would work in a similar fashion to the particle generator.
(perhaps the same movement routine could be used?)
Wh... -
18:52 Feature #1179 (Rejected): Flying creatures - Tilt up/down if moving in z dimension
- Flying creature models should have their pitch adjusted
when moving in the z dimension so that they 'look' in the
... -
07:53 Feature #1177: Autohide + Floating statusbar options
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Implemented in 1.9.0-beta4 -
04:31 Feature #1178 (Closed): Hi-res textures as 256-color PCX or GIF
- many textures could be reduced to 256 colors without
even slightest quality loss - so, why not?.. It would
12:00 Feature #1149: MD3 support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I can see it now ! quake3's doom trooper!
17:55 Bug #59: Unwanted sound info shown
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
never touched that option, never seen sound info
21:08 Feature #1177 (Closed): Autohide + Floating statusbar options
- A nice feature would be an autohide statusbar. IE if the
player hasn't fired a wepon in #n number of seconds the
... -
10:12 Feature #1175: Sound effect cutoff at monster's death
- Logged In: YES
Of course, I meant stop all sounds originating from the
dying monster. -
05:58 Feature #1176 (Closed): Crosshair transparency in menu
- When I first loaded up Doomsday and there were no
crosshairs, even though I'm used to having crosshairs,
I kinda ... -
05:46 Feature #1165: Multipart 3D models
- Logged In: YES
This is possibly easier with skeletal support, and allows even
better animation, an...
22:51 Feature #1175: Sound effect cutoff at monster's death
- Logged In: YES
An easy fix: Stop all sounds when a monster dies.
For the next release. -
22:05 Feature #1175 (Closed): Sound effect cutoff at monster's death
- How about cutting off the "see player" sight for
monsters that get killed before the whole sound
finish... -
22:50 Feature #1174: Player corpse duration for multiplayer
- Logged In: YES
There is already the cvar "game-corpse-time". It should work
great in mult... -
22:01 Feature #1174 (Closed): Player corpse duration for multiplayer
- How about a cvar that dictates how long player corpses
stay in the map? Nobody likes seeing dozens of player
mode... -
22:47 Feature #1173: HUD Sprites to use different external resource
- Logged In: YES
This has been fixed for 1.7.10. The problem only appears
with jDoom, where some spri... -
21:25 Feature #1172: Slower player movement (cvar)
- Logged In: YES
1.8.1 has client-specific player-move-speed. -
21:18 Bug #59 (Closed): Unwanted sound info shown
- Some people report that the sound-info cvar seems to be
setting itself to non-zero. I *have* initialized it
correct... -
05:41 Bug #58 (Closed): Squished switch textures
- See thread below for analysis
*Labels:* Graphics
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