Feature #1156
Smart Filtering (sprites, other graphics)
A technique like this could be utilized to make the
fonts and sprites look a bit sharper. It remains to be
seen how well it works in practice.
Labels: Graphics
Updated by badrad almost 22 years ago
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The smart texture filtering:
and additional filters:
from hiend3d would be much better, and I would absolutely
love for them to bei n Doomsday!
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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I think that Advance Mame Scale2x (and even 4x) would give
a better result.
It doesn't add blur
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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It can be used to enhance raw textures before sending them
to the render engine, and not only 2d sprites, I mean instead
of render the plain texture, render the "2xSAIed" texture as
some plugins for emulators do.
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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Have a bunch: 2xSai, Super Eagle, etc... Good for people who
can't download the big texture packs.
Updated by droyd about 21 years ago
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Well, seems a VERY good idea to me...
Doesn't 2*sai only do the edges? (which would mean raw
texture would not work)