Feature #1176
Crosshair transparency in menu
When I first loaded up Doomsday and there were no
crosshairs, even though I'm used to having crosshairs,
I kinda liked it; gives you more of a feeling of being
back in the original Doom, often you don't need them
anyway and often I feel like the crosshairs
obstruct/dtract attention from the Doom environment.
Still, when you have to do a lot of vertical-axis or long
distance shooting, crosshairs save you a lot of
ammo ,not to mention health lost cause you weren't
able take the target out before he pegged you.
Therefore, I think having the option to make crosshairs
transperant would be quite usefull. My personal
preferance would be to set them as clear as possible
without making them invisible; that way, they don't get
in your way and indeed are often unnoticeable, but
when you need to make those crucial shots you can
just focus a little and they're right there.
Labels: Graphics
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
In jDoom.cfg, edit the value of "view-cross-a".
(0=invisible, 255=opaque)
You can also use the command "cross color R G B A", e.g.
"cross color 255 255 255 80".
It would be helpful to put these in the menu...