Bug #20
Client doesn't step up onto mobjs
The client apparently is not checking for step-up
when colliding with clmobjs. E.g. a client is not able
to move past the trees in the beginning of Hexen
map08 without jumping on the tree stumps.
Labels: jHexen Multiplayer
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
This might also be a problem with the changing height of
the trees as they're destroyed.
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
Height shouldn't be a problem, since the player can jump
on the treestumps just fine.
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
The tree stumps were exactly 24 units tall. The stepup
limit was 24*FRACUNIT - 1! Using >= instead of > fixed
the problem.