From 2019-12-13 to 2019-12-26
21:31 Revision 62059552 (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Detecting DOOM2.WAD v1.7 and v1.7a
- The versions 1.7 and 1.7a are similar enough to not require separate entries.
The detected package is numbered 1.7 i... -
21:20 Revision 73f5319c (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Detect DOOM2.WAD v1.7a
- The detected package is numbered 1.7.1 since only numbers are allowed.
IssueID #2328 -
20:25 Feature #2381 (Resolved): Support for 8-bit and run-length encoded TGA images
08:08 Feature #2381: Support for 8-bit and run-length encoded TGA images
- libgui has a newer TGA loader that supports RLE in addition to plain RGB/RGBA. However, it is not used for particle t...
07:31 Feature #2381 (In Progress): Support for 8-bit and run-length encoded TGA images
- This would be useful to improve support for old resource packs.
20:24 Revision bf1c6736 (github): CMake: Require Python 3 for build scripts
- Python 2 will be EOL soon.
20:24 Revision 5f3810c0 (github): Resources: Use libgui's TGA loader
- libdoomsday had the old TGA loader that works with FS1. That is now replaced with a call to
de::Image::fromData() tha... -
09:25 Bug #2380 (Rejected): [Linux] Errors when loading resources from PK3s
17:12 Feature #2381 (Closed): Support for 8-bit and run-length encoded TGA images
- Currently doomsday can not load and use TGA textures that contain 8bit alpha channel only data.
Examples: jDRP Parti... -
14:13 Bug #2380: [Linux] Errors when loading resources from PK3s
- Fixing ded in jHRP (replaced RespawnFOG/TeleFog.dmd woth TeleFOG/TeleFog.dmd) indeed fixed the problem.
Will it be h... -
13:53 Bug #2380: [Linux] Errors when loading resources from PK3s
- I don't think any of those are due file path case sensitivity.
* jHRP particle00 targa is indexed and thus unsuppo... -
13:44 Bug #2380: [Linux] Errors when loading resources from PK3s
- Attaching screenshots of jHRP warnings and Doom addons warnings (jDRP, Hi-Res texture project, Hi-res UI).
12:17 Bug #2380: [Linux] Errors when loading resources from PK3s
- Paths in PK3 files are handled case insensitively. Do you have more examples of where errors of this sort might be ha...
13:45 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- I think we should try a build with a newer version Fedora, so it has a more up-to-date compiler. Probably the Fedora ...
20:32 Bug #2380 (Rejected): [Linux] Errors when loading resources from PK3s
- Linux version of Doomsday (2.3 #3278) fails to load many Heretic models and textures from jHRP because for example fo...
19:50 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- Tested RPM 3278, same thing happens, and with Heretic too. Seems to affect every game.
09:12 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- In flatpak version problem does not occur. However I can't figure out how to start the application properly, which pe...
08:38 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- Does the Flatpak unstable build work for you?
I'm using Fedora 23 to build the RPM packages, and it has a rather o... -
08:29 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- Trying to warp to map26 crashes doomsday. Stable 2.2 works fine.
08:22 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- I'm using RPM doomsday-2.3.0_build3276-1.x86_64
The problem occurs without addons too. -
08:19 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- Still cannot reproduce the issue.
Did you use one of the prebuilt binaries (Flatpak, DEB/RPM, or PPA)?... -
19:28 Feature #2379 (Closed): HUD Weapon FOV 4:3 adaptation
- HUD Weapon FOV 4:3 adaptation
If HUD model is designed for 16:9 resolution, it will display with incorrect fov, wh... -
09:19 Bug #2378 (Closed): Hitscan spread changes depending on the on view angle
- The spread that gets applied to hitscans from the player's weapon seems to depend on the angle the player is looking ...
07:49 Revision cab92294 (github): macOS|libdoomsday|UI: Monospace font clipped at the end
- Carriage return characters were confusing the Qt font renderer.
IssueID #2372 -
07:49 Revision 2e2b27d2 (github): Renderer: Avoid near-clipping player weapon models
- IssueID #2373
07:47 Revision 5117aead (github): Updated with current URLs
07:47 Revision 5e2a9a60 (github): Bumped version number to 2.2.1
06:35 Feature #2377 (New): [Hexen] Option for monster respawn rate
- Hexen uses a specific ACS script to continually spawn monsters.
Modify the cvar “game-deathkings-respawn-chance” t...
20:41 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- Forgot to mention that I did it with 2 addons enabled: XARP 0.13 and Neural Texture pack (the latter being the first ...
13:21 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- Hmm, I just played Hexen and Deathkings with the latest unstable and everything was looking ok.
Could you attach y... -
11:02 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- skyjake wrote:
> Could be a problem with the new render hack detection. Is this the first map?
Yes, Winnowing Hal... -
08:25 Bug #2376 (In Progress): Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
07:56 Bug #2376: Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- Could be a problem with the new render hack detection. Is this the first map?
07:52 Bug #2376 (In Progress): Map geometry is garbled using GCC 5 on Fedora
- In the latest unstable build 3276 (linux) Hexen can not be played due something weird going on with level geometry (s...
19:19 Bug #2234 (Closed): Fov 160 + near clip plane issues with MD2 and FBX HUD Models
- All right, closing this issue since the view FOV is now independent and also weapon models have a smaller near plane ...
19:13 Feature #2244 (Closed): Create an official portable Linux distribution
14:49 Revision c7388849 (github): Hexen|Deathkings: Cvar for controlling monster respawn rate
- Added cvar "game-deathkings-respawn-chance".
IssueID #1584 -
14:48 Feature #1584 (Resolved): [Deathkings] Option for monster respawn rate
- Implemented as a cvar for 2.3: @game-deathkings-respawn-chance@, defaults to 100 (%).
08:53 Feature #1584: [Deathkings] Option for monster respawn rate
- The respawning is being done via ACS (script 255):
19:57 Bug #2234: Fov 160 + near clip plane issues with MD2 and FBX HUD Models
- skyjake wrote:
> Mainly to verify whether the fixed FOV angle for weapons in version 2.2 resolves this issue, so it ... -
12:05 Feature #2375 (Closed): Doomsday Script enhancements for 2.3
- The following Doomsday Script bindings, classes, and functions have been added:
* App.getInteger()
* App.setInteger...
22:21 Revision 33d6ea66 (github): Scripting|libdoomsday: Added the "commonlib" module
- libdoomsday has a script module called "commonlib" for common game-related functions.
commonlib defines the followin... -
22:19 Revision 02f9f162 (github): Scripting|World: Added more Thing methods
- The following methods were added to World.Thing:
- addMom()
- height()
- mom()
- type() -
22:18 Revision b6deefa1 (github): Scripting|libcore: Added more Math functions
- The Math module now has sin(), cos(), and tan(). Also randNum(low, high) was added.
17:03 Revision cc596b8c (github): Scripting|libcommon: Added function for spawning things
- The new bindings are:
- World.spawnThing()
- World.Thing.pos() -
17:01 Revision b543937b (github): libcore|Record: Utility for removing members
12:18 Revision 977df190 (github): Scripting|Doom|Heretic|Hexen: Added Thing "On death" script
- IssueID #2374
12:15 Feature #2374 (Closed): "On death" script to run when a thing is killed
- Like "On touch", things should have a script that gets run when it is killed.
The script is run before the thing e... -
08:47 Bug #2373: Avoid near-clipping player weapon models
- The new near plane distance for weapons is 0.5 units (was 5 units).
08:44 Bug #2373 (In Progress): Avoid near-clipping player weapon models
07:04 Bug #2373 (Closed): Avoid near-clipping player weapon models
- Now that the weapon model has its own FOV and projection matrix, the near plane distance can be made very small. The ...
08:44 Revision 99f99256 (github): Renderer: Avoid near-clipping player weapon models
- IssueID #2373
08:00 Revision 0acb2c16 (github): Freedesktop: Added version 2.2 to the app metainfo
07:59 Revision 179f69a5 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
21:34 Revision ab2a13f8 (github): Create FUNDING.yml
21:27 Revision 96d5048f (github): Freedesktop: Added version 2.2 to the app metainfo
13:13 Bug #2370 (In Progress): [2.3 Unstable] Render Hack Regressions
13:12 Bug #2370: [2.3 Unstable] Render Hack Regressions
- Cool, thanks for testing.
07:36 Bug #2370: [2.3 Unstable] Render Hack Regressions
- For a quick update, I did a test with the latest build that includes the fix for the Arachnotrons in TNT Map31, and c...
21:09 Bug #2369 (Resolved): [Render hack] TNT map31: Arachnotrons hidden inside pillars in the pyramid
- The untextured upper walls are now invisible as they should.
21:06 Revision 4bce960d (github): Map Importer: Improved detection of flat bleeding
- MapImporter now chooses visplane links separately for the floor and the ceiling of a sector.
Cleaned up the MPE API ...
22:45 Bug #2372 (Resolved): [macOS] Monospaced font text lines are clipped at line ends
18:58 Bug #2372 (Closed): [macOS] Monospaced font text lines are clipped at line ends
- There is a font rendering issue in the package info popup when viewing the associated readme of a PWAD. At least (onl...
22:44 Revision 4a651395 (github): macOS|libdoomsday|UI: Monospace font clipped at the end
- Carriage return characters were confusing the Qt font renderer.
IssueID #2372 -
22:42 Revision b173c536 (github): macOS: Cleanup
- Removed the native font mapping for Core Text, since that has been removed.
22:06 Revision 0bfe4b4c (github): Resources|libdoomsday: Parsing author from readme file
- Use the first match for the Author pattern.
21:46 Feature #1666: [Dehacked] Support for sprite renaming
- @vermil: Please test and see if this works as expected. Patched sprites in TNT Revilution and D2TWiD at least seem to...
21:03 Feature #1666 (In Progress): [Dehacked] Support for sprite renaming
- I've enabled sprite renaming. The DEH reader changes the names of the defined Sprites, and updates State definitions ...
21:44 Revision 3fb21178 (github): DeHackEd: Apply sprite name patches
- Sprite names are changed in the Sprite and State definitions.
IssueID #1666 -
21:42 Revision a70f3b88 (github): UI|Client: Package info mentions DEH patch in WAD
21:41 Bug #2354 (In Progress): Compatibility with TNT: Revilution (MAP30)
- The patched sprites should now be working.
11:18 Bug #2360 (Closed): [UI] Savegames from Deathkings are not showing up in Home
11:18 Bug #2362 (Closed): [UI] Game profile name cannot be changed
11:18 Bug #2365 (Closed): Halos from Light decorations not visible
11:18 Bug #2366 (Closed): "texreset" breaks halo textures
11:18 Bug #2327 (Closed): [Heretic] Linetype 98 is nonfunctional
11:18 Bug #2343 (Closed): Player weapon opacity doesn't affect psprite 3D models
11:18 Bug #2353 (Closed): Bugs in Doomsday Script parsing and execution
11:18 Bug #2356 (Closed): Compatibility issues with Sigil v1.21
11:18 Bug #2357 (Closed): [Hexen] Warping while player is dead leads to inoperable player weapon
11:18 Bug #2359 (Closed): [Hexen] No music on Desolate Garden (MAP26)
11:18 Bug #1983 (Closed): [Doom] "Finished" graphic placed too low
11:18 Bug #2300 (Closed): [Doom] Secret exit switch in E3M6 placed too low
11:18 Bug #2303 (Closed): Plutonia 2: Incorrect music; "unknown" map author (with embedded DEHACKED lump)
11:18 Bug #2319 (Closed): [Infine] Screen filters don't fully fill the screen unless the window has 4:3 aspect ratio
11:17 Bug #1875 (Closed): [XG] Colored sector lighting does not affect the transition frame
11:17 Bug #2255 (Closed): Line teleport (XG class) - "No Flash" parameter inverted
11:17 Bug #814 (Closed): [XG] Cooperative and Deathmatch flags only check for MP
11:17 Bug #1822 (Closed): [XG] Line class "teleport" can't find teleport destination mobj
11:17 Feature #2371 (Closed): [macOS] Update Qt framework to 5.12 LTS
11:17 Feature #2267 (Closed): Detect future Freedoom IWADs
11:17 Feature #2316 (Closed): Scriptable custom state action functions
11:17 Feature #2349 (Closed): [Heretic] Various improvements and modding features
11:17 Feature #2352 (Closed): [Heretic] Scripted touch action for special things
11:17 Feature #2358 (Closed): Fixed FOV for rendering weapon models
11:17 Feature #2361 (Closed): Upgrade profile PWADs (and certain other packages) to later version automatically
11:17 Feature #1505 (Closed): [Heretic] Boss drop off physics (never instantly drop down)
08:32 Revision 9386ebbd (github): Changed release type to "Stable" for 2.2.0
04:29 Bug #2370: [2.3 Unstable] Render Hack Regressions
- Probably related to the AV Map23 deep water, but the deep water in a part of Map11 in Alien Vendetta no longer displa...
19:44 Revision 7fb8957c (github): Shell: Updated link to the Manual
19:44 Revision cdf5b231 (github): Shell: Updated link to the Manual
19:40 Revision 23cfbf45 (github): Shell: About dialog copyright year
19:40 Revision 87d476fb (github): Shell: About dialog copyright year
22:09 Revision 2c70755b (github): Fixed|UI: Check for PNG/JPG game title pictures
18:42 Revision 0f655c15 (github): Scripting: Added World.Thing.player()
18:41 Revision 327eadae (github): Scripting: Added World.Thing.player()
18:18 Revision 4531127d (github): Scripting|Audio: Added Audio.localSound()
18:17 Revision 08aee147 (github): Scripting|Audio: Added Audio.localSound()
17:26 Revision 5e637b89 (github): Scripting: Bindings for the player
- Added the built-in class `App.Player`. This allows scripts to access player information such as health, armor, and po...
15:28 Revision abe3a574 (github): Scripting: Bindings for the player
- Added the built-in class `App.Player`. This allows scripts to access player information such as health, armor, and po...
15:13 Revision 55e4359a (github): Fixed|Heretic|Map Importer: Misdetected render hack in Heretic E1M1
- IssueID #2370
15:13 Bug #2370: [2.3 Unstable] Render Hack Regressions
- Another regression in Heretic E1M1:
* Secret door to the right of the start. The triangular lighting-only sector in ... -
09:17 Revision fcc99ab5 (github): macOS|Cleanup: Removed CoreText font renderer
- No need to use a platform-specific implementation for macOS, when there is a portable TrueType renderer available.
09:16 Revision c3a065d9 (github): libgui: Updated fonts to latest version
- The latest versions of Source Sans Pro and Source Code Pro support more Unicode characters.
08:09 Feature #2371 (Closed): [macOS] Update Qt framework to 5.12 LTS
- The macOS build has been using a rather outdated version of the Qt framework, it should be updated to the LTS version.
07:43 Feature #1668: Support id Tech 1 map hacks with sector lightlevels outside expected [0..255] range
- The proposed solution is to not clamp sector lighting values until render time, so that any modifications to the ligh...
21:12 Bug #2370 (In Progress): [2.3 Unstable] Render Hack Regressions
- With the 2.3 release of Doomsday starting to support render hacks, I decided to do some testing to try out of the new...
20:52 Bug #2369 (Closed): [Render hack] TNT map31: Arachnotrons hidden inside pillars in the pyramid
- With the recent 2.3 unstable releases starting to support render hacks, I decided to test a few maps and test some of...
19:15 Revision ade57cc6 (github): Cleanup
19:14 Revision ddd79e95 (github): UI: Font color tweak
11:12 Revision bf8a74db (github): Cleanup
11:12 Revision a5e30590 (github): Fixed|BSP: Crash in the BSP builder
08:30 Revision 86ba4277 (github): macOS|libgui: Use stbtt for font rendering
- Same font rendering on all platforms for consistency.
08:30 Revision 47e4b768 (github): Cleanup: Post merge
08:29 Revision ae9c44ea (github): macOS: Disable OpenAL (deprecated)
07:29 Revision 49ea5a97 (github): Cleanup
22:45 Revision 28843a5a (github): Merge branch 'master' of into work/omega
- # Conflicts:
# .gitignore
# .travis.yml
# doomsday/CMakeLists.txt
# doomsda... -
14:27 Revision 81bcdfb0 (github): Cleanup
14:20 Feature #1603 (Progressed): Support for id Tech 1 map hacks
14:15 Bug #2368 (Resolved): [Render hack] Masked wall textures used for see-through walls/windows (e.g., TNT map02)
13:41 Bug #2368 (Closed): [Render hack] Masked wall textures used for see-through walls/windows (e.g., TNT map02)
- For example, in TNT MAP02 there is a masked window grill where the player can overlook the large room beyond. The win...
14:15 Bug #1053 (Resolved): [Render hack] Icarus Alien Vanguard: Force-fields (scrolling masked middle texture)
14:14 Revision ee94363f (github): Renderer: Icarus MAP01 force fields not rendered
- IssueID #1053
13:54 Revision fac9f4fc (github): Renderer: Working on masked middle textures
12:38 Revision 1960f184 (github): Fixed|Map Importer: Potential crash
12:08 Revision 275f69fc (github): Fixed|Map Importer: Potential crash
12:07 Revision 42258106 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Duplicate linedef property
11:46 Bug #110 (Resolved): [Render hack] TNT map09: Transparent window is not transparent
11:46 Revision 0ddc5c7e (github): Map Importer: Detect flat bleeding
- IssueID #110
03:42 Revision 18223887 (github): Fixed|GCC: Build error with older versions of GCC
03:30 Revision f0cb4209 (github): CI: Updated Travis build configuration
03:27 Revision 4e6cf6aa (github): CI: Updated Travis build configuration
03:20 Revision 6cc97792 (github): CI: Updated Travis build configuration
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