



From 2012-04-17 to 2012-04-30


08:20 Revision 8cc2ab54 (github): Console: Temporarily hardcoded F11 functionality while console open
Because the bindings subsystem is not accessible when the console
is open, the F11 is now hardcoded to togglefullscre...
07:59 Revision 90a6580e (github): Hexen|Fixed: Disallow warp cheat when the player is dead
Warping while dead would turn the player into an undead zombie. skyjake
07:57 Revision f4d4dc3c (github): Added: "global" context for bindings that are globally active
Bindings in the "global" context are always in effect. Moved the fullscreen
toggle and releasemouse bindings to the e...


20:25 Revision 8ac6fc4a (github): Win32|Fixed: Install all fonts we might require during startup
We cannot presently load these from doomsday.pk3 they must exist as
native files on the host system.
16:21 Revision 588bcb5a (github): Input|Fixed: Apply the DDKEY_MULTIPLY mapping in DD_ModKey()
16:17 Revision b99c7e14 (github): Fixed: rend-dev-input-key-state used ASCII char 42 (not DDKEY_MULTIPLY)
13:53 Revision 25b6a03d (github): Input|Fixed: Clear the key repeaters when reseting the keyboard device
Not clearing the key repeaters when reseting the keyboard device
was the cause of the strange/stuck alt key behavior ...
12:06 Revision eeceb56c (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
12:05 Revision 38a5b355 (github): Win32|Fixed: Alt DDKEY not released when using alt+tab to switch tasks
On Windows the alt key-up event is eaten by the OS when using alt+tab
to switch tasks, prior to our Qt based event ha...
11:47 Revision eced742b (github): Log appropriate DEBUG messages upon input device reset


17:18 Revision 10a79214 (github): All Games: Menu should not be activated by the Shift key
Otherwise Shift-Esc will be difficult to use in the main menu screen,
as Shift will activate the menu and expire the ...
16:57 Revision 9cada074 (github): Input: Re-enabled mouse filtering (cvar "input-mouse-filter")
By default mouse filtering is disabled. skyjake
15:50 Revision 13f573da (github): Fixed|Mac OS X: Mouse input in OS X 10.4
No suppression interval must be used or otherwise the mouse movement will
stop for 250 ms when warping the cursor bac...


17:30 Revision 370525ff (github): Debug|Fixed: Compiler warning about unused code
17:24 Revision 48a044e8 (github): LegacyCore: Force loop resuming after pop
When returning to an earlier loop context, make sure the loop continues
running again. For example, when returning fr...
17:17 Revision 703bd66b (github): Fixed: Compiler warnings about unused variables/code
16:58 Revision 6889c44d (github): Pause main loop while draw event requested
Interaction between main loop iterations and window update events
might be the reason for the glitchy performance on ...
13:49 Bug #1035: [Doom] Sector type 10: door bouncing off a mobj
There is also a difference/bug in how Dday handles a standard door linetype ('sd linetype') affecting a sector type 1... vermil
13:22 Bug #765: [Hexen] Korax teleport order
- **summary**: [HeXen] Korax teleport order --> [Hexen] Korax teleport order
13:16 Bug #765: [Hexen] Korax teleport order
I don’t think I worded the issue well back then, but the issue was and is, that Korax is teleporting to the last dest... vermil
11:01 Bug #968: [Doom] Mancubus attacks and high Z height differences

10:58 Bug #1034 (Closed): [HeXen] Korax's ghost movement
Don't behave correctly compared to Vanilla and 1.8.6
The mobs just fly outward and disappear 99% of the time. inst...


21:50 Revision 4ec929fd (github): UI|Fixed: Update fonts before UI resize
With the updated fonts, the UI widgets can be updated correctly.
Previously the wrong font height was used for the li...
21:10 Revision 89ad8da4 (github): qmake|Mac OS X: Further post SDL disable cleanup
20:52 Revision d4a64732 (github): Builder|Mac OS X: No need to run any more
It is run automatically after the build. skyjake
20:43 Revision 84f3f5aa (github): qmake|Mac OS X: Integrate as a forced post-build step
A bit of a hack: added a custom Make target named FORCE that causes to be run after every build.
20:00 Revision 814cb3f4 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:54 Revision f1b980a2 (github): Build option for disabling SDL entirely
The 'deng_nosdl' option will prevent SDL from being used as a dependency. skyjake
18:36 Revision 3381fc83 (github): Grab the mouse after regaining focus in fullscreen mode
When switching focus back to a fullscreen game window, make sure
the mouse is grabbed again. The mouse should always ...
17:48 Revision 23d8f644 (github): Mac OS X: Allow a dock icon to appear for
Cmd+Tabbing to the window is not possible without this (at least on 10.4). skyjake
17:29 Revision 7c67510c (github): Mac OS X|Fixed: Running from a case-sensitive file system
Apply the correct letter cases in executable file names and resources. skyjake
13:51 Bug #1007: [Doom] Sound emitter overlap handling
_Note to self:_ check exactly how the vanilla Doom audio code applied sound priorities; only when no vacant channels?
05:28 Bug #1034: [HeXen] Korax's ghost movement
er, ok... this issue appears to have been fixed. Sorry. vermil
04:08 Bug #1033 (Closed): [OS X] Games don't run from case sensitive file system
Happens at with at least:
Doomsday Engine 1.9.7-build439
Doomsday Engine 1.9.8-build481
If The Doomsday Engine.a...


10:56 Revision 4578090b (github): Map Renderer|Fixed: Do not attempt to add a zero-length range to the clipper
If conditions were just right (e.g., BGcomp.wad E3M7's player spawn
point) then the renderer would attempt to add a z...
10:03 Revision fe32dcd5 (github): Map Renderer|Fixed: Bottom wall section material Y offset calculation
In the special case of a sky-masked ceiling, the Y material offset
is always calculated from the height of the back f...
09:25 Revision d97041dc (github): Map Renderer|Fixed: Ignore the front ceiling when comparing sky-masked planes
Closer inspection revealed that doom.exe's column renderer does in
fact extend the lower wall section up to the heigh...
07:50 Revision 390b58d8 (github): Fixed typos in previous commit
07:11 Revision e74f919c (github): Map Renderer|Fixed: HOM in ksutra.wad MAP01 near [x:-3064, y:-546]
Do not offset the sky fix planes for zero-height sectors and test
for this special case in chooseHEdgeSkyFixes()
05:49 Revision 90e19385 (github): Log a warning when C_AddViewRelOcclusion() fails when debugging
I have just encountered this failing in the starting area of
BGcomp.wad E3M7.
Also, unused code in rend_clip.c has b...
03:28 Revision 1df6a460 (github): Fixed: Rounding error in M_BoxOnLineSide2()
The vector math lib's PointOnLineSide() routines return the positional
relationship delta, rather than the logical de...


19:32 Revision ccd1ad28 (github): Win32: Fixed build
Missing extern "C". skyjake
19:13 Revision 0cd1d42d (github): Window: Never repaint the window manually
Allow Qt to manage the window update event. skyjake
19:12 Revision c1261a96 (github): Audio|Performance: Update sector reverbs at the start of the frame
If they are updated at the time the properties change (e.g., plane height)
much unnecessary work is done.
19:11 Revision a329d681 (github): Refactor: Allow use of headers from C++
Export symbols as C. skyjake
19:10 Revision 09d2a902 (github): Refactor: Converted s_environ to C++
11:50 Feature #1558 (Rejected): [Hexen] Smooth Reivers Z movement
In HeXen, Reivers have jittery movement in melee due to the games movement code trying to move the bad guy up and dow... vermil
09:31 Bug #1032 (New): [Heretic] Badguy auto/raise lower to camera
Using Heretic's Gargoyles as a test, they continue to lower within melee range, where as in the original game they di... vermil
07:10 Revision 59aaaef1 (github): Map Renderer: Look for and fix single-sided linedefs missing a middle material
Fix missing materials on one-sided lines as well. The map author may
have overlooked texturing parts of their map and...
05:35 Revision b7bcaeb5 (github): Map Renderer|Fixed: HOM in BGComp.wad E1M4 near [x: 3710, y: 5366]
05:00 Revision 2e2b23a0 (github): Added: Log missing SideDef materials during map load if verbose
Also, if no better alternative can be found accept a sky-masked
material as a replacement.
03:53 Revision b65dca6a (github): Map Renderer|Fixed: HOM in BGComp.wad E1M5 near [x: -500, y: -1800]
00:55 Revision 1caf89fd (github): libcommon|Cleanup: Removed obsolete G_ResetMousePos()
00:50 Revision e13f92bc (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
00:36 Revision 6be21ffd (github): All Games|Cleanup: Removed obsolete cvar ctl-look-mouse
Mouse look is now disabled from the control panel. danij
00:27 Revision 0f0753d8 (github): All Games|Cleanup: Removed obsolete cvar ctl-use-dclick
Double clicks are now implemented with event bindings. danij


17:29 Revision 813615ae (github): de::LogBuffer: Smarter indentation of wrapped lines
Indent to the first non-whitespace character, or to any : character followed
by a space.
06:43 Revision 0234f909 (github): Chex: Tweaked mobj state flags matching the original game's visuals
Incorporated Vermil's patch. Thanks!
Addresses bug:
05:41 Revision 395851c2 (github): Hacx|Fixed: Menu patch replacement offsets incorrect
The original graphic patches use of the patch offsets to position the
graphics relative to their physical geometry. T...
03:47 Bug #1011: server-game-coop-nothing prevents player spawning
I forgot to mention that players can join when "server-game-coop-nothing" is disabled. jeansanspeur
03:14 Revision 08389329 (github): Hacx|Fixed: Added space character patch for the BIGFN font
By default the font renderer will complete all missing font character
geometry by populating the dimensions with an a...
02:05 Revision a720ed1f (github): libcommon|Menu|Fixed: Sound effect played twice when toggling "yes/no" options
01:44 Revision f5c11906 (github): Hexen|Fixed: "Choose Skill Level:" title positioned incorrectly
01:04 Revision 69a8d407 (github): All Games|Fixed: Automap "follow on/off" messages were reversed
00:47 Revision e5dbd90c (github): libcommon: Employ the enhanced S_StopSound2() in S_SectorStopSounds()
Switched sector sound stopping to use the sector origin chains on
engine side.
Let us see how this goes with tomorro...


16:21 Revision 3b49c2d6 (github): Documentation|Unix: Added mention of the system-level paths configuration
16:13 Revision b9dcf497 (github): Unix: Added system-level config value "iwaddir"
/etc/doomsday/paths or ~/.doomsday/paths can now be used to configure
the location of IWAD files. The following confi...
15:55 Revision c4ab30b1 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
15:46 Revision e6cf132c (github): libdeng2|Fixed: Minor issues with de::Info
15:29 Revision 1d7ff12e (github): Unix: Use de::Info to configure basedir and libdir
The de::Info parser is utilized to read Unix-specific configuration
files /etc/doomsday/paths and ~/.doomsday/paths f...
15:24 Revision aeb61079 (github): libdeng2: Added a C wrapper for de::Info
Simplified interface for querying key values. skyjake
14:10 Revision 552b1fd4 (github): Fixed bug in S_StopSound2() introduced in previous commit
We cannot determine a DMU type from only a ddmobj_base_t pointer. danij
13:04 Revision ea787e06 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
12:55 Revision ee7494fa (github): libdeng2: Ported from Snowberry (Info file parser)
The Snowberry is the parser that Snowberry uses for all its
configuration, profile, and add-on metadata I...
11:40 Revision 6e48c7b6 (github): API: Enhanced S_StopSound() adding further sound stopping behaviors
In order to implement the one-sound-per-sector playback behavior used
by the id tech 1 games, libcommon presently per...
09:48 Revision f507e9d4 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
08:03 Revision b7d6cd02 (github): Doom|Heretic|Fixed: Switch sounds did not stop others playing from the same sector origin
07:58 Revision 57d34ebd (github): Cleanup after recent refactorings to libcommon
07:16 Revision cddda5ca (github): libcommon: Add new source files p_sound.c/h
07:10 Revision 2731be1d (github): libcommon|Refactor: Commonized map sound interface
Merged the functionality from each games' p_sound.c/h into common
source files in libcommon.
Reworked sector sound s...
06:57 Revision 01e4ee57 (github): API: Added DMU properties DMU_FLOOR_PLANE and DMU_CEILING_PLANE
Pointers to a sector's floor and ceiling planes can now obtained
with P_GetPtrp(), for example; P_GetPtrp(sector, DMU...
04:15 Revision f0204941 (github): libcommon|Refactor: Replaced sidedefsurfaceid_t with SideDefSection
Also updated p_switch.c/h in line with current coding practices. danij
04:12 Revision 2e2b3dc4 (github): libcommon: Added dmu_lib macro aliases for SideDef surface sound origins
Also renamed the existing aliases in line with current conventions. danij
04:06 Revision b4c8a740 (github): Refactor: Renamed sidedefsection_t as SideDefSection and moved to public API
Note that the indices of the sections have also been changed to match
those used by the games when serializing materi...
02:33 Revision f435a139 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
02:32 Revision a2612552 (github): Homepage|Add-on Repository|Fixed: Errant HTML formatting in the notes field
Presently the add-on repository does not support embedding HTML in
the XML file used to define the add-on list.


20:01 Revision 95159d67 (github): libdeng2: Copyright update
18:41 Revision 55039622 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:38 Revision 02698df8 (github): GL|Fixed: Disable texture NPOT if the ARB extension is missing
The texture NPOT GL feature was not being disabled if the required
ARB extension was missing. The feature was only di...
17:27 Revision ff821f5c (github): Fixed: Do not render particles in a NULL sector
Addresses bug: skyjake
14:27 Bug #1004: [Hexen] 3D Tree_Destructive appearance is incorrect
Tree_Destructive, 1.9.0 beta6.9
10:26 Revision 90466bab (github): Added: Sound origin debug visual [cvar] rend-dev-soundorigins
Simple visual aid intended for debugging sound origins at runtime.
A label is drawn for each sound origin relative to...
10:02 Revision 74819264 (github): Added: Initialize and update all map surface sound origin coordinates
Surface sound origin coordinates for all map surfaces are now set up
during map load and updated as necessary when a ...
08:50 Revision bad8f7df (github): Cleanup: Updated serverside sound management using current coding practices
04:13 Revision ccdce269 (github): Refactor: Relocated de::Plane's ddmobj_base_t sound origin to de::Surface
All map surfaces including planes and wall sections are modelled
using de::Surface. By relocating the sound origin to...


18:02 Revision 144656a1 (github): Input: Added a todo comment
Axis position filtering is presently missing. skyjake
17:56 Revision d34c74e7 (github): Controls|Fixed: Walk and Sidestep must be clamped to -1…1 range
Otherwise, when moving with an offset axis (such as the mouse), the values
produce inconsistent movement.
Addresses ...
17:24 Bug #1003: [Hexen] SEGV during 3D weapon use
Pushed a fix that omits all particles in a NULL sector from rendering. skyjake
13:36 Bug #1003: [Hexen] SEGV during 3D weapon use
I think the best we can hope to achieve with this issue at present is to quietly kill any particle which ends up in a... danij
17:06 Revision b1266f87 (github): Dedicated Server: No need to calculate reverb parameters
A dedicated server is playing no audio. skyjake
16:33 Revision b120c14b (github): Hexen|Debug: Added assert() to catch a particle in NULL sector
Relates to bug: skyjake
14:57 Bug #1010: [Chex] Visual inaccuracies

14:50 Bug #1012: [Controls] Sidestep is -1/0/+1 with no intermediate values
I tried 1.9.8 but now I can't get any joystick axis to work. I still have 1.9.7 installed and the joystick still work... smoothshoes
13:49 Bug #1032: [Heretic] Badguy auto/raise lower to camera
- **labels**: jHeretic Gameplay --> Heretic
- **summary**: Badguy auto/raise lower to camera --> [Heretic] Badguy aut...
13:45 Bug #1031: Shootable triggers and freelook
Ok, let's try to reword the below to be clearer:
This may occur in Dday due to a remnant of the original hitscan c...
13:44 Bug #1031: Shootable triggers and freelook
"This may occur in Dday due to a remnant of the original hitscan
Correcting an important typo.
13:35 Bug #1031: Shootable triggers and freelook
This may occur in Vanilla Heretic due to a remnant of the original hitscan code;
In the original Heretic, hitscan ...
13:31 Bug #1031: Shootable triggers and freelook
Tested in both Doom and Heretic and this issue occurs with ranged hitscan attacks in both games.
HeXen has no rang...
13:31 Bug #1031 (New): Shootable triggers and freelook
Attached is a test wad featuring a shootable switch.
Look at the switch, then aim at the floor or ceiling and fire...
13:20 Feature #1556: [InFine] Randomized placement/selection
Following that logic, the ability to randomly select from a range of graphics; say BOB1-5. vermil
11:03 Feature #1557 (Closed): Jpeg support for model skins
The summary speaks for itself; jpegs aren't the highest quality image format, but why can't Dday add jpeg to the list... vermil
09:44 Revision de896ae0 (github): Homepage|Build Repository: Added tooltips to better describe the package issue display
09:05 Revision d11ef157 (github): Homepage|Build Repository: Fixed order of packages on event detail pages
08:50 Revision d8f6d5e7 (github): Fixed blending of middle wall sections when viewer passes through them
08:11 Revision 768d633a (github): Map Renderer|Cleanup: Removed some redundant temporary vectors
07:54 Revision 2b90fd39 (github): Refactor: Placed the view origin coordinates (vx, vy, vz) into a vector
Also improved the interface for adding a view relative range (from
map coordinates) to the angle clipper.
05:25 Revision 33e5c873 (github): Map Renderer: Updated wall drawer to handle revised "window" constructs
This change addresses a critical error with these map constructs, as
seen in Hexen's first map the Winnowing Hall.
05:16 Revision d2aa5e84 (github): Revert "Map Renderer: Kludge to make Hexen playable (with HOMs) -- TEMPORARY"
This reverts commit 1a7a62bd98a68ca1478212d5cb799bca10c0244d. danij
02:26 Revision bf3e94e1 (github): API: MPE_PolyobjCreate() origin coordinates are now specified as double
02:21 Revision 11eb4c0a (github): API: MPE_PlaneCreate() height is now specified as double
02:11 Revision f32ab4e1 (github): Fixed: Prototype for P_GetGravity() declared return value as float
02:01 Revision 3bf6ab2c (github): Skyfix heights use double floating-point precision
01:55 Revision 1ffbfdca (github): Clientside plane movers use double floating-point precision
01:34 Revision 2ee15148 (github): Cleanup: Standardize argument lists among M_BoxOnLineSide() variants


23:26 Revision fec841ec (github): Fixed: Mobj origin is now represented with double
23:15 Revision 9c457010 (github): Fixed: Mobj origin is now represented with double
23:11 Revision bd105466 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
23:11 Revision 481af1e3 (github): Updated a comment about DMU_BOUNDING_BOX in dd_share.h
21:51 Revision 8939ba85 (github): Fixed: Renamed clashing P_MobjSetOrigin() symbol in engine
There is a more commonly used one in libcommon. skyjake
20:40 Revision 56ff68d4 (github): Fixed: Miscalculation of generator origin in debug origin drawer
20:39 Revision 3de6399c (github): Refactor: Renamed P_PolyobjByOrigin as P_PolyobjByBase
20:27 Revision 0648b896 (github): Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'arch/master'
18:48 Revision 0f3c10d2 (github): Heretic: Added todo comment in Z move check
18:48 Revision 6aef11e3 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
18:30 Revision d9af0b41 (github): Heretic|Fixed: Prevent attacking Imps from getting stuck
When a thing is using the MF_SKULLFLY flag, verify that its position is
valid (unblocked) after a Z move. If not, res...
18:05 Revision 1a47e534 (github): Doom|Heretic: Added compatibility menu option for monsters floating over obstacles
Also, player mobjs must be exempt from the check or it would hinder melee fights. skyjake
17:53 Revision 1ec02646 (github): Doom|Heretic: Added "game-monsters-floatoverblocking" (default: 0)
A new compatibility option that allows floating monsters to attempt floating
over things that come in their way. As a...
15:34 Bug #986: [Heretic] Flying bad guys no Z check
Closing this report. Other cases of stuck monsters should be handled under other bug reports. skyjake
06:56 Bug #986: [Heretic] Flying bad guys no Z check
I've made some new changes that prevent Imps from getting stuck in barrels in E1M1. They will be included in Friday's... skyjake
13:29 Bug #1031: Shootable triggers and freelook

13:21 Bug #1030: [Hexen] SEGV
This is likely caused by the issue listed first on the todo list:
13:21 Bug #1030 (Closed): [Hexen] SEGV
Something changed between build465 and 469. Hexen terminates in a few seconds of playing.
How to reproduce:
1. St...
09:11 Bug #1029: Switch sound origin
- **milestone**: v1.9.7_Unstable --> v1.9.7
08:14 Bug #1029 (Closed): Switch sound origin
In Vanilla, the switch code specifies that a switch s...
07:45 Bug #212: [Hexen MP] "setclass" cmd should be a cheat
For 1.9.8, "setclass" will be applied in a deferred way when the player (re)spawns. skyjake
07:23 Revision 137e3dc0 (github): Fixed: LineDef_PointDistance()
07:17 Revision 793f19fa (github): Updated LIBDENG_PLAYER0_MOVEMENT_ANALYSIS re double map coordinates
07:02 Revision 157665bf (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
06:48 Revision d6946807 (github): Refactor: All map coordinates are now represented as double floating-point
Part 6 of 6 - libhexen danij
06:48 Revision 1aa62e66 (github): Refactor: All map coordinates are now represented as double floating-point
Part 5 of 6 - libheretic danij
06:47 Revision 681811a9 (github): Refactor: All map coordinates are now represented as double floating-point
Part 4 of 6 - libdoom64 danij
06:46 Revision 7280cb78 (github): Refactor: All map coordinates are now represented as double floating-point
Part 3 of 6 - libdoom danij
06:45 Revision 8d11ff76 (github): Refactor: All map coordinates are now represented as double floating-point
Part 2 of 6 - libcommon danij
06:43 Revision 2a2f690f (github): Refactor: All map coordinates are now represented as double floating-point
A rather substantial amount of changes because in addition to the
precision increase, I have also spent time cleaning...
06:31 Revision 0bae941d (github): WadMapConverter|Refactor: Renamed mthing_t::pos as origin


17:54 Revision 4d34505d (github): Multiplayer|Hexen: In co-op mode, spawn weapons for all classes
Players may join the game at any time, so the weapons for a newly
joined class would not be present until the next ma...
17:49 Revision 1a7a62bd (github): Map Renderer: Kludge to make Hexen playable (with HOMs) -- TEMPORARY
@danij: revert this when committing the proper fix! skyjake
17:48 Revision 7d42a779 (github): Cleanup
17:05 Revision 3acab708 (github): Multiplayer|Heretic|Hexen: Fixed crash when using an inventory item
The client was attempting to play an invalid item use sound.
Fixes bug:
17:03 Revision 10c6f2de (github): Debug|FS: Logging which actual paths are being accessed
16:28 Bug #986: [Heretic] Flying bad guys no Z check
OK, in that case I won't try to alter that part of the behavior and focus only on preventing flying enemies from gett... skyjake
15:31 Bug #986: [Heretic] Flying bad guys no Z check
From my observations;
In the original Heretic, flying bad guys do not attempt to raise/lower over any solid mob; t...
14:41 Bug #986: [Heretic] Flying bad guys no Z check
What is the behavior in the original Heretic: when gargoyles have descended to the player's eye height, will they ris... skyjake
06:00 Bug #986: [Heretic] Flying bad guys no Z check
Unfortunetely, the issue remains in 474. vermil
15:59 Bug #973: [Map Converter] Crashes on linedefs with no front or back
Lowering priority as such constructs no longer produce a fatal error (they still aren't handled correctly, however). danij
07:55 Bug #973: [Map Converter] Crashes on linedefs with no front or back
No, this issue is an unrelated but similar issue which also needs special attention. This should be addressed by addi... danij
15:46 Bug #376: [Hexen MP] Weapons for all player classes
You make a good point, but this goes more into the Feature Request territory.
The fix that was applied actually is...
15:42 Bug #376: [Hexen MP] Weapons for all player classes
I'd like to throw in that the weapon pickups are only a part of this issue; the same issue is applicable to any mob i... vermil
14:52 Bug #376: [Hexen MP] Weapons for all player classes
Fixed for 1.9.8.
In co-op mode, weapons for all classes are spawned.
14:06 Bug #1001: make uninstall leaves share/snowberry directory

13:21 Revision 1d564371 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Setting player class in deathmatch when spawning
11:29 Feature #1581: Melee attacks affected by looking up/down
What is the original behavior in Heretic and Hexen? skyjake
08:33 Feature #1581 (Rejected): Melee attacks affected by looking up/down
In all games, short range ('melee attacks') hitscan attacks (i.e. Fists, Gauntlets, Timons Axe etc) don't aim where y... vermil
10:44 Feature #1578: "doom-all" folder
The closest thing we have on the roadmap is the "game mode hierarchy":
09:04 Revision a95134a6 (github): Fixed: Variable "rend-dev-wireframe" should not be saved to .cfg
05:52 Bug #869: [Doom] E1M7 Comp Station column stuck
This won't be a technical comment, but on HeXen Death Kings, Map 35, there appears to be a similar case to the Doom E... vermil


18:57 Revision 7752fec6 (github): Heretic: Prevent enemies from floating into objects after a valid XY move
The enemy movement logic did not check if a Z position is valid after
a successful XY move.
18:35 Revision 44108834 (github): Bump game plugin version numbers for the 1.9.8 release
18:35 Revision 127d4728 (github): Multiplayer|Fixed: Changing player class in a deferred way at respawn time
The player's class will now only change during respawn, not on the fly. skyjake
18:34 Revision 83c3f068 (github): Dedicated Server: increased idling frequency to 3 from 2 Hz
Slightly less annoyingly slow keyboard response in the console. skyjake
18:11 Revision 603deee1 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://Air-Force.local/~jaakko/Projects/deng
17:07 Revision 1b28f397 (github): X11: Updating window after fullscreen mode change
Like on Windows, first switch the window very briefly back to normal
mode and then restore the fullscreen status.
15:01 Bug #1029: Switch sound origin
To throw a little more into this; one can see that even the Iwad maps were clearly made expecting the 'bugged' behavi... vermil
14:36 Bug #1028: [X11] setres issue in fullscreen mode
That is an unrelated (already known) issue related to updating UI widget geometry after a window resize.
Closing t...
14:09 Bug #1028: [X11] setres issue in fullscreen mode
It works fine now. The only issue with the gap between lines in resolution list. After changing resolution font size ... vvv1
12:27 Bug #1028: [X11] setres issue in fullscreen mode
How about with commit 1b28f397? skyjake
12:27 Bug #1028 (Closed): [X11] setres issue in fullscreen mode
Changing resolution with control panel or by setres in fullscreen mode corrupts screen output. After changing resolut... vvv1
14:23 Revision d407b76c (github): Player class changes can be deferred
In multiplayer games, defer player class changes requested by the clients.
The new class will be applied when the pla...
14:21 Revision d2660ee5 (github): Fixed: Compiler warnings about unused code
11:57 Revision 444257d1 (github): X11|Window: Tweaked how window updates are performed
It may be that requesting immediate repaints will mess with the cursor
movement events.
11:27 Revision bc45fc32 (github): Win32: Mapped numpad Divide key
Both the forward slash and numpad Divide keys were being mapped to ASCII '/'.
Now the numpad key is mapped to DDKEY_D...
11:08 Bug #1027: [Doom] PWAD no longer loads
I might be overstepping what is possible here, but is it possible to make the load console command refuse to load a f... vermil
09:02 Bug #1025: [X11] Jerky mouse movement
Now it's fixed. Thanks. vvv1

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