Bug #212
[Hexen MP] "setclass" cmd should be a cheat
Currently it is possible to change player class via the
console command setclass during a multiplayer game of
jHexen. This should not be allowed.
Should the net cheats mechanisim be used here?
Labels: jHexen Multiplayer
Updated by skyjake about 20 years ago
Logged In: YES
Should the net cheats mechanisim be used here?
Players should be allowed to change their class, but only when they
A client can't change its player class on its own, though. It must
send the server a class change request, which will be granted when
the server sees fit.
So, the cheat mechanism probably shouldn't be involved in this.
Updated by danij about 20 years ago
Logged In: YES
Perhaps it was an abnormality due to the fact I was using
two local players to test with?
Using setclass I could dynamicaly switch between class at
any point (I didn't have to wait till I respawned for the
change to take effect). With a few alias console commands I
found I could swap very quickly during gameplay allowing me
access to all the weapons/powers of each class.
Updated by skyjake almost 13 years ago
For 1.9.8, "setclass" will be applied in a deferred way when the player (re)spawns.