Revision 2a2f690f
Added by danij almost 13 years ago
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted
- doomsday
- engine
- api
- dd_api.h (diff)
- dd_maptypes.h (diff)
- dd_share.h (diff)
- dd_types.h (diff)
- doomsday.def (diff)
- doomsday.h (diff)
- smoother.h (diff)
- portable
- include
- blockmap.h (diff)
- bspnode.h (diff)
- cl_mobj.h (diff)
- cl_player.h (diff)
- gamemap.h (diff)
- linedef.h (diff)
- m_misc.h (diff)
- m_vector.h (diff)
- map
- mapdata.hs (diff)
- p_maptypes.h (diff)
- p_maputil.h (diff)
- p_object.h (diff)
- p_particle.h (diff)
- p_polyobjs.h (diff)
- p_sight.h (diff)
- polyobj.h (diff)
- r_data.h (diff)
- r_lgrid.h (diff)
- r_lumobjs.h (diff)
- r_main.h (diff)
- r_shadow.h (diff)
- r_things.h (diff)
- r_util.h (diff)
- r_world.h (diff)
- rend_bias.h (diff)
- rend_dynlight.h (diff)
- rend_fakeradio.h (diff)
- rend_halo.h (diff)
- rend_main.h (diff)
- rend_model.h (diff)
- rend_shadow.h (diff)
- s_main.h (diff)
- s_sfx.h (diff)
- sector.h (diff)
- sv_pool.h (diff)
- src
- blockmap.c (diff)
- blockmapvisual.c (diff)
- bspleaf.cpp (diff)
- bspnode.c (diff)
- cl_main.c (diff)
- cl_mobj.c (diff)
- cl_player.c (diff)
- cl_sound.c (diff)
- cl_world.c (diff)
- dam_file.c (diff)
- dam_main.c (diff)
- dd_loop.c (diff)
- dd_main.c (diff)
- edit_bias.c (diff)
- edit_bsp.cpp (diff)
- edit_map.c (diff)
- gamemap.c (diff)
- linedef.c (diff)
- m_misc.c (diff)
- m_vector.c (diff)
- map
- net_demo.c (diff)
- net_main.c (diff)
- p_dmu.c (diff)
- p_maputil.c (diff)
- p_mobj.c (diff)
- p_objlink.c (diff)
- p_particle.c (diff)
- p_players.c (diff)
- p_polyobjs.c (diff)
- p_sight.c (diff)
- plane.c (diff)
- polyobj.c (diff)
- r_data.c (diff)
- r_fakeradio.c (diff)
- r_lgrid.c (diff)
- r_lumobjs.c (diff)
- r_main.c (diff)
- r_model.c (diff)
- r_shadow.c (diff)
- r_things.c (diff)
- r_util.c (diff)
- r_world.c (diff)
- rend_bias.c (diff)
- rend_clip.cpp (diff)
- rend_decor.c (diff)
- rend_fakeradio.c (diff)
- rend_halo.c (diff)
- rend_main.c (diff)
- rend_model.c (diff)
- rend_particle.c (diff)
- rend_shadow.c (diff)
- rend_sky.c (diff)
- rend_sprite.c (diff)
- s_main.c (diff)
- s_sfx.c (diff)
- sector.c (diff)
- sidedef.c (diff)
- smoother.c (diff)
- sv_frame.c (diff)
- sv_main.c (diff)
- sv_missile.c (diff)
- sv_pool.c (diff)
- sv_sound.c (diff)
- ui2_main.c (diff)
- vertex.c (diff)
- include
- api
- engine
Refactor: All map coordinates are now represented as double floating-point
A rather substantial amount of changes because in addition to the
precision increase, I have also spent time cleaning up all of our
math routines, their interfaces and the vector types. There has
also been various name refactorings to improve readability.
Algorithmically everything still functions the same as previously.
The renderer still uses regular floats for the most part except
when sorting elements by their distance from the viewer.
Part 1 of 6.