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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated % Done
1213 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [MP] Respawn items in co-op and deathmatch 2018-07-29 16:46

1231 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Ragdoll physics 2019-11-29 16:05

1316 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal HHE support 2019-11-29 16:39

1324 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal XG music lines 2017-04-03 18:48

1357 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [InFine] More blending modes (add/mul/inv etc) 2019-11-29 16:43

1386 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Stopping monster infighting 2019-11-29 18:37

1406 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Record particles and other effects in demos 2019-11-29 20:24

1414 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Generate particles when touching a plane 2019-11-29 19:19

1430 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Particle generator decorations (e.g., particles from a wall) 2019-11-29 18:40

1139 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal More variations within repeated texture patterns with alternative textures (for detail textures) 2019-11-29 15:56

1168 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Real decals: bulletholes, blastmarks, etc. 2017-04-03 19:35

1181 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Ambient sounds (in XG sectors) 2017-04-03 18:48

1202 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [MP] Options for Heretic co-op 2018-07-29 16:46

1217 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Controls for all supported games adjusted at the same time 2016-08-09 10:47

1440 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Vanilla Doom collision-checking mode 2017-04-03 18:39

1461 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Separate chain/event derived/driven behaviour for XG 2017-04-03 18:48

1264 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Conditional decorations 2019-11-29 16:20

1276 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Attach dynamic lights on models 2016-08-09 10:50

1287 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Particle generator flag: transform center offset along with the object 2016-08-09 10:54

1491 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Variable damage for the pmf_crush plane move flag 2017-04-03 18:48

1493 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Opposites for mobj_gone and activator_type requirements 2017-04-03 18:48

1290 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Session-only cvars 2019-11-26 15:33

1296 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Light Stages for animated light sources 2019-11-29 16:24

1314 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Particle spawn rate affected by mobj visibility 2019-11-29 16:38

1512 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal List all impulses in context help for ccmd impulse 2019-11-29 20:27

1323 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Set skin on particle model from within particle generator 2016-08-09 10:56

1327 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Render extra plane in XG sector 2019-11-26 11:32

1335 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Random particle types 2019-11-29 16:42

1336 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Random textured particle direction 2019-11-29 16:43

1526 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [XG] Randomizing activation/deactivation wait timer 2017-04-03 18:48

1531 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal "take" cmd to take away pickup powers 2019-11-29 19:01

1350 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Stair Builder: spread build on tagged sector range 2017-04-03 18:48

1373 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Improved ambient sounds 2019-11-29 16:45

1535 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Option for fullbright textures affected by colored sectors 2019-11-29 19:02

1537 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [XG] Activation event option when changing line types 2017-04-03 18:48

1374 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal XG refs: logical NOT 2017-04-03 18:48

1376 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Externally spawned mobjs 2019-11-29 18:36

1379 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal XG refs: evaluate params at runtime 2017-04-03 18:48

1389 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [InFine] Check if resource originates from an IWAD 2019-11-29 18:38

1554 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [Hexen] Remove fixed MAX_TID_COUNT limit 2019-11-29 19:11

1399 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal XG plane movers vs. normal doors 2017-04-03 18:48

1401 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [MP] Options for retaining or acquiring items/keys/weapons at (re)spawn; allow cheats with more granularity 2018-07-29 16:46

1439 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal XG: Spawn objects at player location 2017-04-03 18:48

1566 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [Automap] Reset line colors 2019-11-29 21:31

1573 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Setting for number of samples used for antialiasing 2019-11-29 21:31

1576 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [MP] Option to retain weapons+ammo after death in co-op 2019-11-29 18:28

1447 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Co-op player actions (giving, healing) 2019-11-29 19:19

1451 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [InFine] stopsound 2019-11-29 18:45

1457 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal [MP] Option to choose items/weapons/ammo on spawn 2019-11-29 18:30

1459 Doomsday Engine Feature New Normal Replacement of MT_POD unique behavior with flag 2019-11-29 18:49

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