From 2003-05-19 to 2003-06-01
17:50 Feature #1160: Customizable Dynamic Lights
- Logged In: YES
It's done. And it uses the 8-bit alpha conversion thingy.
Actually, since alpha is ... -
02:29 Feature #1173 (Closed): HUD Sprites to use different external resource
- HUD Sprites should use a different external resource
than the sprites used in-game. At the moment changing
the HU...
23:20 Revision 894e3d77 (github): Use } instead of > as dir prefix
23:19 Revision 8e223cab (github): Added pk3/zip loading, trying of data dir after runtime dir
23:15 Revision 2c532c82 (github): Added pk3/zip support
23:14 Revision 524e6ac2 (github): Added new resource dir options
23:13 Revision 0657160c (github): Added Str_Reserve()
23:13 Revision 82394c24 (github): Initial checkin
23:12 Revision 0e77cd23 (github): Use } instead of > as dir prefix
23:11 Revision ab19a03f (github): Added sf_dontstop
23:10 Revision cb6ae8f1 (github): Added ushort
23:09 Revision b7803293 (github): Added Zip routines, pk3/zip virtual files
23:09 Revision f41fdb7d (github): pk3/zip support added, sf_dontstop
23:07 Revision b5c8034f (github): Added Zip routines
23:07 Revision 5df44c8a (github): Added sf_dontstop, barexp uses it
21:35 Feature #1172 (Closed): Slower player movement (cvar)
- Pros:
+ netgames will be more tolerant to lag
+ you can't run away so easily, making things harder
(many feel that... -
20:51 Feature #1171 (Rejected): Center HUD weapon position when firing
- I have my HUD models setup so that they bob
realistically from side to side when I'm running but when
you shoot, ... -
09:27 Feature #1170 (Closed): Sound flag to prevent stopping
- Normally, a sound playing from a source is stopped when
a new sound is started from the same source. A flag
that di... -
09:17 Feature #1169 (Closed): Command line options for resource paths
- The other resource classes need command line options
like -texdir and -texdir2.
*Labels:* Customizability -
00:27 Revision 538b8a4d (github): Fixed weapon piece bobbing
00:27 Revision 93741775 (github): Added dynamic skyfix
00:26 Revision 7601f3cc (github): Some cleanup
00:26 Revision 759fd5e7 (github): Upgraded version number
00:25 Revision 3d759991 (github): Upgraded version
00:25 Revision ac7c9d4a (github): Added R_SkyFix
00:25 Revision 7a90a06d (github): Game bug fixes
00:19 Feature #1168 (New): Real decals: bulletholes, blastmarks, etc.
- grimreaper642 says: "I've played ZDoom and loved the
realistic decals (bloodsplats, bulletholes, blastmarks,
22:49 Revision d57aac37 (github): Pause key is now the default binding for pause
22:35 Revision a89797b1 (github): Missing sound lump is not a fatal error
21:19 Bug #57 (Closed): jHexen: Weapon pieces bob only partially
- S. Howe reports:
(i) Start JHexen for HEXEN.WAD
(ii) Start a new game in Mage mode, choosing
'Warlock' diffic... -
20:50 Bug #56: Sprites clipped by a sky ceiling
- Logged In: YES
Thanks to S. Howe for reporting this. -
20:49 Bug #56 (Closed): Sprites clipped by a sky ceiling
- Sometimes sprites are clipped by a sky ceiling. This
happens because a tall sprite may extend into the
Fi... -
19:36 Revision 9b39582d (github): GL_DrawRawScreen takes an offset
19:35 Revision ba60cfda (github): FI_DrawRaw removed
19:34 Revision 7e8185e4 (github): image_t added, extres for raw screens
16:54 Revision 6e2f2c20 (github): Deleted obsolete, commented out stuff
16:26 Revision 24ca61be (github): Updated for KS2.09
02:17 Revision 2135923b (github): Extres for normal and colormapped sprites
02:17 Revision 59c382c7 (github): Removed obsolete mn_mplr.c
02:15 Revision 629becfb (github): Color translation as args
02:14 Revision 52b38263 (github): Extres for sprites
19:23 Revision f4df3610 (github): Added auto-upload
19:09 Revision 2f577f94 (github): Go to -userdir after redirecting output
19:08 Revision 97a75024 (github): Version upgrade to 1.7.10
19:07 Revision 6fdfa4b7 (github): Fixed jHeretic interlude time
19:00 Feature #1167 (Closed): High-resolution sprites
- External resources could be used to replace sprites.
It would work like the replacing of patches: e.g. the
origin... -
18:46 Revision f120221a (github): IN_DrawTime now draws zero seconds, too
18:30 Feature #1164: Animation sequences defined using DEDs
- Logged In: YES
This will be in 1.7.12. Random timing is possible. (Hexen
needs it, anyway.) -
17:07 Feature #1166 (Closed): .pk3/.zip Support
- The 'virtual files' feature of Doomsday should be
enhanced so that it can load .pk3/.zip (no
compression) files a... -
16:59 Feature #1150: Duke Nukem 3D Support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
the doom engine and build engine are two different th... -
16:45 Feature #1165 (Rejected): Multipart 3D models
- To allow better animation of objects, 3D models
should support a separate state for each submodel.
The state coul... -
15:50 Bug #55: jHeretic: Interlude time wrong when sec=0
- Logged In: YES
Thanks to A. Budko for noticing this. -
15:48 Bug #55 (Closed): jHeretic: Interlude time wrong when sec=0
- IN_DrawTime() draws the level time incorrectly when
seconds = 0. The zero seconds is not displayed at
17:18 Bug #54 (Closed): PWAD savegame crash
- When accidently loading a save game, which have
different wad loaded than the current game, the game
crashes. It'... -
00:58 Bug #53 (Closed): Glowing textures+flats not effected by fog
- The summary says it all really.
Not really a bug, but glowing textures and flats arn't
effected by fog.
This ...
17:43 Feature #1155: 3D model for the sky
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I think the sky sphere should use enviroment mapping.... -
15:12 Revision f6d40af8 (github): Fixed renaming
14:57 Revision c781aef0 (github): jHeretic model defs removed from main comp
14:56 Revision 537d61fa (github): Rename readme, cmdline, beginner properly
01:40 Revision 6f83a44e (github): KS2 profiles included
01:02 Revision 5399f71a (github): Frozen for 1.7.9
01:01 Revision 096da12e (github): Updated for 1.7.9
00:56 Revision fb37ac29 (github): KickStart upgraded to v2
00:56 Revision f545a828 (github): Master script for making a release
23:45 Bug #49: ATI/OpenGL: Menu, startup screen corrupt
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Hmmm, followup to my previous post - installed direct... -
23:16 Bug #49: ATI/OpenGL: Menu, startup screen corrupt
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Yes, I have the same problem - and I got a screenshot... -
23:34 Revision 7e0e7725 (github): Initial checkin
23:12 Revision 05343005 (github): Commented out a sky translation check
23:11 Revision be8d9fc7 (github): PNG is preferred over TGA
23:09 Revision 3c965f7c (github): Version upgrade
23:08 Revision 90ae6f13 (github): Added game modes
22:58 Revision d9abad94 (github): Updated for 1.7.9
22:58 Revision 6c612e81 (github): Updated acknowledgements
22:33 Revision 07f1a2ba (github): Added info about resource files
17:11 Bug #52 (Closed): [Render hack] Fake/see-through bridges
- In scythe.wad and others using fake bridges and such,
it looks fine from sides but when you get atop it it
flicke... -
16:48 Bug #51 (Closed): Sky rendering glitch
- Go to the URL below to see the screenshots
*Labels:* Op... -
16:45 Revision 8c15fde8 (github): Netgame pausing fixed
16:44 Revision 8dc1d032 (github): Refresh rate selection
16:44 Revision 6a1461e9 (github): Adjusted UI object placement
16:43 Revision cd22e3b1 (github): Added resclass for lightmaps
16:42 Revision 32062429 (github): Version upgrade
16:41 Revision d876edf9 (github): More fixes
16:40 Revision 56658381 (github): -refresh added
15:11 Feature #1164 (Closed): Animation sequences defined using DEDs
- Currently all texture animations are hard-coded.
They should be moved into a definition file.
*Labels:* Customiz... -
14:48 Feature #1163 (Closed): Blended/faded texture animation
- The animation of wall textures and flats would be
improved by blending from one frame to the next. It
would need ... -
12:25 Bug #33: Netgame pausing doesn't work
- Logged In: YES
In a netgame, the server can pause the game. Clients
can't pause or unpause. -
11:25 Bug #44: 60 Hz Bug - cannot be forced to run with higher frequences!
- Logged In: YES
In 1.7.9 the refresh rate defaults to the desktop refresh
Also added a -re... -
11:23 Feature #1160: Customizable Dynamic Lights
- Logged In: YES
This should be easy enough to implement. I'd like to
make it so that:
- Each Lig... -
11:22 Feature #1147: Windows NT4?
- Out of date.
09:28 Feature #1162 (Closed): Global engine configuration
- option to use a engine feature cfg file that is shared
between all games, stuff like controls are read form
the gam... -
09:23 Feature #1161 (Rejected): Stealth mode cheat
- Doom 95 had a cheat that disabled monsters' ability to see the
player (fhshh).
*Labels:* Gameplay -
02:26 Revision 3354612e (github): External resource locator, setting the data path
02:25 Revision b786bea8 (github): Added some spaces
02:24 Revision 484449f4 (github): External resource locator, high-res patches
02:23 Revision 2a441539 (github): External resource locator
02:21 Revision 02e83922 (github): Network setup help strings added
22:53 Bug #46: Hi res for skies, doom or doom2, not both
- Logged In: YES
The external resource system in 1.7.9 will make it
possible to have resources speci... -
22:28 Revision e5d47b48 (github): Fixed bug 743201
21:23 Bug #16: Client can't connect to server
- Logged In: YES
The rest of the connection problems will hopefully be
amended by DirectPlay 8 in v1... -
18:31 Feature #1158: Soft Sector Lighting
- Logged In: YES
BIAS shadowing has been implemented in CVS (soft sector
lighting). -
18:17 Bug #29: jDoom: Server crashes when connecting
- Logged In: YES
This should be fixed in 1.7.9. -
15:00 Bug #50 (Closed): Light-amp doesn't affect particles
- 1. Enter a very dark area. Monster Condo has a few of
these that work just fine.
2. Pick up (or IDBEHOLD) a light... -
00:27 Feature #1160 (Closed): Customizable Dynamic Lights
- Is it possible to be able to create different images for
different types of dynamic lights eg so that a light would...
01:44 Revision dae1f596 (github): Fixed bug 734892: sides with bogus sectors
01:16 Revision c5e4032b (github): More changes
01:16 Revision 96d41fca (github): DP8, various net-related improvements
01:14 Revision f83f05d5 (github): Added ArgRecognize
01:13 Revision 51d6733d (github): Added LimitedStrCat
01:13 Revision 44a6f4bb (github): Added frame/HelpBox drawing routines
01:12 Revision cf88c01a (github): Added funcs for CvarSlider
01:12 Revision 72fbaf50 (github): Added IWAD/PWAD name queries
01:09 Revision 842419a7 (github): FMOD API change
01:09 Revision 9f32a47b (github): Added HelpBox drawing routine
01:08 Revision 7f2f3904 (github): Added func for CvarSlider init
01:07 Revision 303568a8 (github): Modified verbosity
01:07 Revision 5a4003f3 (github): Added ArgRecognize
01:06 Revision 956e51a8 (github): Modified output of cmd 'version'
01:05 Revision 8cbbff06 (github): Added verbosity
01:04 Revision 24b43890 (github): Added IWAD/PWAD name queries
01:04 Revision 2097da72 (github): Adjusted bglogo contrast
01:03 Revision 474848b3 (github): Added M_LimitedStrCat
01:02 Revision a722c65a (github): Added extra verbosity
01:00 Revision 1d9f296f (github): sys_network.c rewritten to C++, .cpp
00:58 Revision ec7f203c (github): Removed jtNet2 dep, added sys_network.cpp
00:57 Revision 9f2edd19 (github): Removed jtNet from distrib
00:54 Revision 16b0b1cf (github): Commented out movefloor, moveceil, movesec; XG not supported
00:51 Revision 4c3b4ca8 (github): CCmdMovePlane added
22:50 Bug #49: ATI/OpenGL: Menu, startup screen corrupt
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I don't know if there are. I find it strange however.... -
00:19 Bug #49: ATI/OpenGL: Menu, startup screen corrupt
- Logged In: YES
I have never seen this problem with an Nvidia card, so I
must conclude it's a proble...
23:54 Bug #49 (Closed): ATI/OpenGL: Menu, startup screen corrupt
- This bug is something I've had to deal with ever since my
new card was installed. About 4 months ago I bought a
A... -
23:53 Feature #1156: Smart Filtering (sprites, other graphics)
- Logged In: YES
The smart texture filtering:
and additional filt... -
22:56 Feature #1146: Ducking
- Closing as duplicate.
22:49 Bug #47: jDoom: Bullet puffs in face
- Logged In: YES
This might be related to the feature added in v1.7.8, which
allows lineattack weapon... -
22:47 Bug #48: Spawnmobj console command in XG
- Logged In: YES
There is only a limited amount of memory reserved for the
command line in ltc_comman... -
22:10 Bug #48 (Closed): Spawnmobj console command in XG
- Why can't I have more than 3 spawnmobj commands in
one XG ltc_command line type? It spawns the first 3
things and... -
20:00 Revision c6c06dc7 (github): Fading Panel help window
18:36 Feature #1159 (Closed): Screen Tilting
- So that the screen is able to tilt left/right. Like when the
player is killed rather than the camera just sinking t... -
14:41 Revision cb0c2a37 (github): Verbosity func added, commented out obsolete queries
05:00 Feature #1158 (Closed): Soft Sector Lighting
- I have no idea if it's possible or feasible, but I think it'd
be cool to attempt soft sector lighting.
How would... -
04:57 Feature #1157 (Rejected): Auto-adjust brightness and contrast
- Something that'd be useful is an automatic
brightness/contrast adjustment system. It seems we
all like to play jD...
18:32 Bug #47: jDoom: Bullet puffs in face
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Happens without shooting up or down. I think it happe... -
08:47 Feature #1156 (Closed): Smart Filtering (sprites, other graphics)
- A technique like this could be utilized to make the
fonts and sprites look a bit sharper. It remains to be
seen how...
22:14 Bug #47 (Closed): jDoom: Bullet puffs in face
- Sometimes while shooting up or down with mouselook,
bullet puffs end up in your face (player view) instead of
in ... -
20:44 Feature #1155: 3D model for the sky
- Logged In: YES
Isn't this pretty much how Unreal did the sky? -
20:43 Bug #46 (Closed): Hi res for skies, doom or doom2, not both
- For some reason in both DOOM games, the sky texture
name is SKYx (denotes 1-3), which means you can
have either h... -
20:35 Bug #36: Glowing flat lights vs. dynlights
- Logged In: YES
What about secrets where the light of a soulsphere spills
through the wall-door it'...
22:44 Feature #1155: 3D model for the sky
- Logged In: YES
If the sky 3D model was sufficiently detailed and large, it
could be used to present... -
22:43 Feature #1153: Customizable intermissions
- Logged In: YES
InFine scripts would be very good. -
16:29 Feature #1139: More variations within repeated texture patterns with alternative textures (for detail textures)
- Logged In: YES
one possible enhancement^2 would be to define alternate
hires textures list. for exa... -
16:05 Feature #1138: Port it to Linux :-)
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: YES
excellent , looking forward to it :) -
15:40 Revision 0b7f1da5 (github): Preliminary directory structure described
13:30 Revision 547d5de8 (github): Added de2
13:26 Revision 303d2a55 (github): SDKs out of anchors
13:25 Revision f934bc19 (github): Added compiler and libs info
13:09 Revision 16d57738 (github): Changed title
12:14 Revision df587d1b (github): Initial checkin
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