Bug #16
Client can't connect to server
while running a dedicated and non-dedicated server on
another machine and listing publicy on master server, I
continually recieved server not found errors while trying
to connect. I tried different port numbers to no avail. I'm
running the latest binaries dated 3-7. I have a cable
connection to the net with 5 seperate IP numbers and no
active firewall.
Labels: Networking
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
Logged In: YES
Was the IP address listed on the master an address that
other people can connect to? Currently the master server
gets the IP addresses from the REMOTE_ADDR that Apache tells
it. If this doesn't produce the right results, it might be
necessary to include the IP address to use in the announcement.
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Logged In: NO
The IP address was listed in the web-based server browser, I
tried to manually connect from the console with the same
problem. Sorry about missing email:
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Logged In: YES
ok, I am registered now, I will do some more testing tonight
to make sure it's not my machines causing the problem,
however, I doubt it cause I have other game servers running
with no problems
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
Logged In: YES
Then it must be something to do with DirectPlay. Are you
running WinXP? Are any other servers using DirectPlay?
For the record, I tried running a jDoom dedicated server on
my computer. It was listed in the master list, and I could
connect to it just fine using another computer (my laptop,
connected to the Internet using a cell phone (!) at 9600
bps). The ping was around 1000 ms but it worked, and was
sufficiently playable.
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Logged In: YES
Ok, It was totally my fault for the client's not connecting, got
that figured out.
The master server seems to be down at the time of this
message though. Also, seems that when the player pawn gets
killed from time to time playing jHeretic, that the pawn
remains in a standing position. It dosent happen all the time,
just randomly.
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
Logged In: YES
What did you do to fix the connection problem? There might
be something I can do to prevent similar problems in the future.
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Logged In: YES
For some reason all the files in the latest snapshot did not
copy onto the server which was causing the connection
problem. My apologies for not noticing that sooner.
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
Logged In: YES
The rest of the connection problems will hopefully be
amended by DirectPlay 8 in v1.7.9. Closing this bug for