Bug #44
60 Hz Bug - cannot be forced to run with higher frequences!
Hi i think there is a graphic problem.
Using Windows 2000 or Xp the OS will often switch to
60 Hz when entering OpenGL or glide and to 75 Hz
entering Direct 3D. Is is cause by a unfixed bug in the
OS. Nevertheless you can force not to switch to low
frequences. I use a 17" CRT monitor running at 120 Hz.
I can play Doom with the doomsday engine very good
aslong as i do not force high frequences. But 60 Hz are
not too good for my eyes.
The Problem:
Playing with forced High frequences will make the
engine switch to a higher resolution where it can run
with 60 Hz. If i force that resolution with a higher
frequenz it will switch to the next one with again 60 Hz.
And so on and so on.
The game window is only a small (not fullscreen) thing in
the left corner.
I would appreciate if you could look at the graphic part of
the doomsday engine.
I would be very bad if you can only play with 60 Hz.
Good luck
My Hardware:
Athlon 600 Mhz
256 MB Ram
Sony Trinitron Multiscan 17" CRT
and several tested Graphiccards:
Voodoo 5 5500
Voodoo 3 3200
Elsa Erazor
Geforce 2 MX
ATI Radeon 8500
Labels: Graphics
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
Logged In: YES
In 1.7.9 the refresh rate defaults to the desktop refresh
Also added a -refresh command line option that allows
setting the rate to any value.