From 2003-06-15 to 2003-06-28
22:25 Feature #1215 (Closed): State action console commands
- Similar to state action functions, a console command
could be executed when the state becomes active.
*Labels:* C... -
21:54 Feature #1212: jDoom: Extra weapon states
- Logged In: YES
Resolved using additonal state definitions. -
07:30 Feature #1212 (Closed): jDoom: Extra weapon states
- Dani J666 suggests: "A new state that runs after the
firing state eg to show a weapon cooling down
(chaingun) ... -
21:43 Feature #1214 (Closed): No external textures for PWAD textures
- The default behaviour should be that if a patch in a
texture comes from a PWAD, no external resource is
used. The e... -
12:39 Feature #1211: CVAR to disable the offseting in A_Lower and A_Raise
- Logged In: YES
The cvar 'view-bob-weapon-switch-lower' has been added to
jDoom. Default value is 1.... -
09:29 Feature #1213 (New): [MP] Respawn items in co-op and deathmatch
- An option (and cvar) to enable respawning of items in
co-op games. -
08:09 Bug #90 (Closed): Base-relative skin paths in MD2s
- Chilvence reports: "It happened that an older version
of Jdoom was able to accept md2 skin paths relative to
t... -
07:33 Feature #1209: Lava/water whatever effects
- Closing as duplicate.
00:11 Bug #89 (Closed): Can't load DooM, although DooM2 loads fine
- I have read the other thread about jDooM crashing when
E2, E3, or E4 are selected. My problem is that I can't
eve... -
00:06 Bug #75: Random Crashes with Ultimate Doom
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I have read the other thread about jDooM crashing whe...
20:50 Feature #1211 (Closed): CVAR to disable the offseting in A_Lower and A_Raise
- Adding a cvar for this would allow for animation to be
used for weapon lowering/raising.
Also a new state that ... -
19:32 Bug #88 (Closed): Halo clipping vs. polyobjs
- At the moment, halos are not clipped at all by
Torches 'shine' through doors in Hexen.
*Labels:* G... -
17:01 Feature #1210 (Rejected): Skins support
- Would (well, should) require a sprite version and a model
version. Each model could support multiple skins (duh). I... -
16:40 Feature #1198: Support for Rise of the Triad
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: YES
comment on dl ????? -
16:35 Feature #1209 (Closed): Lava/water whatever effects
- How about "get rid of" the water textures and other
things and replace them with effects as seen in unrea... -
07:46 Feature #1208 (Rejected): Game extension plugins
- Plugin DLLs that add new game modes, for example CTF. At the
very least, the DLL should contain new thinker functio...
03:11 Feature #1191: More than 8 decor lights/texture
- Logged In: YES
16 will be the maximum in 1.7.11.
22:19 Bug #84: wm_resize after quit
- Logged In: YES
Sorry, Doomsday doesn't use SDL. -
07:59 Bug #84: wm_resize after quit
- Logged In: YES
glboom uses SDL library for rendering like DoomsDay does but it
doesn't have this bug -
15:53 Bug #27: jHexen server doesn't restore maps in hub
- Logged In: YES
In deathmatch, the maps aren't even supposed to be
restored. -
15:32 Bug #27: jHexen server doesn't restore maps in hub
- Logged In: YES
Polyobj destAngles were not set when server loaded the
old state of the map from di... -
11:41 Bug #80: jHexen: Trigger doesn't work (old bug)
- Logged In: YES
no bug
I have looked realization of this script:
printbold(s:"ONE THIRD OF T...
22:21 Bug #87 (Closed): console command kill
- When it's accidently used in menu and no game is
running, doomsday freezes and crashes.
*Labels:* User Interface -
22:06 Bug #84: wm_resize after quit
- Logged In: YES
I believe this happens because drOpenGL changes the
desktop resolution. When this i... -
12:10 Bug #84 (Closed): wm_resize after quit
- See screenshots in attach for this post.
before.gif: Far Manager (I run jHeretic from him) before
after.gif: Far ... -
12:10 Bug #84: wm_resize after quit
- shots
21:56 Feature #1206 (Closed): Option to mirror HUD model
- A cvar for mirroring all HUD models horizontally, for
*Labels:* Graphics -
21:40 Bug #86 (Closed): Unused MD2 models are loaded anyway
- How to reproduce:
Create a new ded file that overwrites a state that
already has a md2 associated. Eg create a
M... -
21:09 Bug #85 (Closed): Virtual File Hierarchy (pk3) route folders bug
- Create a pk3 where the virtual contents go into eg
Include the pk3 with the -file option.
... -
09:23 Bug #79: vibration on playdemo
- Logged In: YES
Will almost certainly be fixed by the new netcode in 1.7.11. -
09:18 Bug #83: Incorrect file paths (Dir_MakeAbsolute) (>= v1.7.10)
- Logged In: YES
This has been fixed for 1.7.11. ddBasePath is now validated
in DD_Main after Dir_Mak... -
09:00 Bug #83 (Closed): Incorrect file paths (Dir_MakeAbsolute) (>= v1.7.10)
- Problem:
Incorrect data (and perhaps other) file paths (missing
backslash) (>= v1.7.10), f.e.
22:33 Feature #1205 (Closed): Option: -nomidi
- Disable Win32 MIDI music, but allow other music interfaces.
*Labels:* Sound -
13:29 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- Logged In: YES
Only 24/32 bit TGAs are supported. PCX should work ok? -
09:24 Bug #82 (Closed): jHexen: Automap/inventory during demo playback
- Pressing TAB(showmap) or "[", "]" (inventory) at playing
anyone demos.
In result it is display... -
09:20 Bug #81 (Closed): jHexen->Windows->jHexen = buggy
- 1. Switch from jHexen to Windows (Alt+Esc).
2. Switch back in jHexen (Alt+TAB)
The game MainMenu blinks.
*Lab... -
09:14 Bug #77: jHexen: "transparent" doors in demo
- second demo
09:12 Bug #77: jHexen: "transparent" doors in demo
- jHexen demo
09:01 Bug #77 (Closed): jHexen: "transparent" doors in demo
- see demos in attach
*Labels:* jHexen Multiplayer -
09:11 Bug #80 (Closed): jHexen: Trigger doesn't work (old bug)
- trigger does't work if second part of two-phrase message
(in this case: "on the seven portal") has not ti... -
09:11 Bug #80: jHexen: Trigger doesn't work (old bug)
09:09 Bug #79 (Closed): vibration on playdemo
- vibration on playdemo (for example "quartz flask" )
x, y, z coordinates for static object are written in... -
09:09 Bug #79: vibration on playdemo
- jHexen demo
09:05 Bug #78: jHexen: setmap x / -warp x
- jHexen demo
09:04 Bug #78 (Closed): jHexen: setmap x / -warp x
- demos in attach show difference between normal change
level (from first to second) and "setmap 2" from in... -
07:23 Feature #1196: Transparent for teleporteffect
- Logged In: YES
Add a flag to the appropriate Thing definition and you're
all set! :-) -
07:18 Bug #18: jHexen: Nonexistent mobjs on clientside
- Logged In: YES
Fixed in 1.7.11, thanks to revised netcode. -
07:16 Feature #1199: Shaders, Texture Maps + other ver.2 features.
- Logged In: YES
Wow the Tenebrae stuff really is amazing...and its
opensource! Can its code be used ... -
06:50 Bug #76: Error when starting
- Logged In: YES
Yes, this should be fixed in 1.7.10.
22:30 Bug #75: Random Crashes with Ultimate Doom
- Logged In: YES
Quote Wrika:
System specifications :
- Windows 2000 service pack 3
- DirectX 9.0... -
04:31 Bug #75: Random Crashes with Ultimate Doom
- Logged In: YES
I've had this happen with previous versions, but they rarely
occurred, usually out ... -
04:31 Bug #76: Error when starting
- Logged In: YES
Get 1.7.10 -
03:00 Bug #76 (Closed): Error when starting
- Ever since I updated my doomsday 1.7.8 to doomsday
1.7.9, I get the same error when starting up: "The
ordinal ...
20:36 Feature #1138: Port it to Linux :-)
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: YES
I second the Linux port idea, I love ... -
14:43 Feature #1204 (Closed): more complex shadows
- I think dynamic shadows is asking a bit much, but you
should still have complex shadows in Doomsday. i.e.
shadow... -
08:33 Feature #1202: [MP] Options for Heretic co-op
- - **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson --> nobody
19:42 Feature #1203 (Progressed): Additional save slots — revised save management
- How about an option to have more than 8 savegames in
jdoom, ideally 8 per custom wad file. Or somthing like
that.... -
18:56 Feature #1200: Non-Rectangular Resolutions
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Already implemented. -
12:03 Feature #1202 (New): [MP] Options for Heretic co-op
- Heya you all,
I am trying to launch a coop game at heretic and it
seems that it is not possible. I put the Deat... -
08:41 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Are greyscale tga's supported?
I just tried recrea... -
04:27 Bug #75 (Closed): Random Crashes with Ultimate Doom
- I have played many versions of jDoom, both with
Ultimate Doom and Doom 2.
However, since installing jDoom v1.7.1...
22:08 Feature #1187: Force feedback
- Logged In: YES
I agree. Force for the mouse might be funny, but I don't
have a mouse with force fe... -
16:09 Feature #1201 (New): Dynamic shadows
- Why not some dynamic shadows on doomsday 2.0? like
in quake or older game... Or like in Ddoom III ;-)
*Labels:* ...
21:28 Feature #1149: MD3 support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Should use md3 skeletal animation. -
09:47 Feature #1149: MD3 support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Yeah. I say convert the old md2s to md3, and have the... -
20:20 Feature #1200 (Closed): Non-Rectangular Resolutions
- When using big resolutions like 3072x768 (3x1024x768 &
fov @ 148) all sprites are stretched sideways..
1) m... -
15:50 Bug #72: Loading a savegame kicks all clients
- Logged In: YES
To better summarize:
2 Players are playing Coop.
Server machine (non-dedicated) s... -
10:23 Feature #1199 (Closed): Shaders, Texture Maps + other ver.2 features.
- Support for quake3 style pixel/vertexshaders for both
flats and objects.
Particle's rendered to textures, for eg... -
01:15 Feature #1198 (Rejected): Support for Rise of the Triad
- Rise of the triad would be awesome in Doomsday!!!
I know it's a different engine... pretty much a souped up
18:33 Feature #1197 (Rejected): Scriptable UI
- Doomsday UI widgets should provide bindings for Doomsday Script so that scripts would be able to create and manipulat...
18:31 Feature #1182: Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I'd like to see some sort of sequence going on with t... -
00:48 Feature #1182: Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I was kinda thinking of logo's and things. I doubt an... -
13:49 Feature #1138: Port it to Linux :-)
- Logged In: YES
"Linux support will most likely be added in version 2.0" skyjake
oh yes,... -
08:06 Feature #1196 (Closed): Transparent for teleporteffect
- That green teleport effect would be transparent like in
doom legacy. nice effects in E2M1 especially.
*Labels:* ... -
07:05 Feature #1192: 3D models for menu/HUD graphics
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Someone better start making a 3D Doomguy head. -
02:13 Bug #74 (Closed): Voodoo: Brightness setting messes with desktop
Win98 P3 1.1Ghz 256 MB ram Voodoo 5500
Playing in openGL mode, increasing the brightness i...
19:41 Bug #73 (Closed): jHeretic: "Void" in the floor
In Episode 2 map 1, there seems to be a glitch in an
area of the floor in one of the rooms.
It's one of tho...-
19:34 Feature #1149: MD3 support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: YES
Why don't make pain anims instead, ma... -
19:30 Feature #1142: Cheating in netgames
- Logged In: YES
This is how things work in 1.7.12: The cvar is
"server-game-cheat". Setti... -
15:52 Feature #1142: Cheating in netgames
- Logged In: YES
Options for flags:
server-cheats "n"
When enabled, update/allow:
c... -
15:19 Feature #1142: Cheating in netgames
- Logged In: YES
This would go a long way to support coop gaming. Especially
when we are playing wit... -
19:28 Feature #1141: Third-person view
- Logged In: YES
great option for demo viewing (moving the camera round the
player you'll looking at ... -
19:23 Feature #1156: Smart Filtering (sprites, other graphics)
- Logged In: YES
Another algorithm: -
16:30 Feature #1161: Stealth mode cheat
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
ah the 'notarget' console command found in the quake ... -
15:49 Feature #1195 (Rejected): Enable keyboard during Demo Playback
- I submitted a request to John Carmack before Quake2
3.20 was issued, this was to support the binding of
Function ... -
15:28 Feature #1194 (New): Viewing other players' cameras ("spy" command)
- (Default F12).
The SPY command does not work as advertised. :)
*Labels:* Gameplay -
15:27 Feature #1193 (Rejected): recorddemo needs clarification
- The client or server can initiate the following 2
recorddemo test 0
recorddemo test 1
This creates... -
15:23 Bug #72 (Closed): Loading a savegame kicks all clients
- The save-game from the server should contain the 'n'
player id. Somehow, clients, connecting in order
(remember Q... -
12:42 Feature #1191: More than 8 decor lights/texture
- Logged In: YES
Even with 8 lights things will seriously slow down when
the surface in question get... -
00:11 Feature #1182: Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- Logged In: YES
I don't think supporting mpeg playback would be very
helpful: 1) The number of peop...
23:41 Feature #1182: Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
>Models used in menus.
It would be nice to be abl... -
14:53 Feature #1182: Titlescreen demo sequences using InFine
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
That would be great! What's the possibility of using ... -
23:26 Feature #1156: Smart Filtering (sprites, other graphics)
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
It can be used to enhance raw textures before sending... -
23:22 Feature #1192 (Rejected): 3D models for menu/HUD graphics
- HUD and menu patches could be replaced by 3D
It would require adding a special 2D rendering mode
for 3... -
23:18 Feature #1190: External scripts for mobj behavior
- Logged In: YES
This is pretty much what I'm planning for version 2.0,
with the exception that the ... -
14:47 Feature #1190 (Progressed): External scripts for mobj behavior
- Making monster AI external would allow for far more
customizability. In Duke Nukem 3D all monster/object AI
was h... -
23:14 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- The good ideas from this RFE have since been implemented.
12:14 Feature #1188 (Closed): Particle Generator - More funtionality
- VisSprites would be of great use. Other improvements
that would be very usefull are:
Particle Size XY - So a par... -
23:12 Feature #1191 (Closed): More than 8 decor lights/texture
- Some light textures has more than 8 light sources. How
about increasing the decor light amount? 128 would be
real... -
23:07 Feature #1187: Force feedback
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I've never tried a force feedback mouse or keyboard :... -
00:25 Feature #1187 (Rejected): Force feedback
- You should add force feedback to jdoom. It would make
the game so much better. I think I saw an article on
micr... -
14:55 Feature #1153: Customizable intermissions
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Also would it be possible to remove the size restrict... -
14:40 Feature #1180: Gib Generator - For spawning models from a mobj state
- Logged In: YES
It would be possible to create vissprites out of the
particles. It will absolutely ... -
13:09 Feature #1189 (Rejected): Music restart at respawn should be optional
- a 'restart background music when respawning:
yes/no'-option since it's kinda annoying when the music
restarts when ... -
00:40 Feature #1185: Controls for moving camera up/down
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Basically giving the camera's the ability to fly. So ...
Also available in: Atom