Feature #1142
Cheating in netgames
The server should have a cvar to allow/prevent
cheating in netgames. Clients would need to send
their cheat requests as messages to the server.
Unfortunately requires specialized changes to each
of jDoom, jHeretic, jHexen.
Labels: Multiplayer
Updated by tolwyn almost 22 years ago
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This would go a long way to support coop gaming. Especially
when we are playing with maps that have poor coop support
relating to poor level design.
And.. uh, girlfriends and such.
Updated by tolwyn almost 22 years ago
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Options for flags:
server-cheats "n"
When enabled, update/allow:
cheat "string"
Where "string" is:
idclev nn
idmus nn
idbehold n
etc. etc.
Give command needs refinement.
give 1 through give 7
should related to weapon id number
give a - ammo
give b - berserk
give g - goggles
give r - armor
give bp - backpack
give m - Computer Area Map
etc. etc.
Updated by skyjake almost 22 years ago
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This is how things work in 1.7.12: The cvar is
"server-game-cheat". Setting it to one will allow the
cheat commands "god", "noclip" and "give". Other cheat
commands won't work. Only the console command cheats
work in netgames (the cheat code is a mess and each
game uses its own cheat system; I don't feel like revising
it right now).
jDoom now has "give p" => backpack full of ammo.
Updated by tolwyn over 21 years ago
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I used the term "cheating" loosely, and this mostly applies to
COOP games over DM games.
I just wanted to be clear as to why this is requested, to
combat poor level design, 1x doors, frustrated girlfriends,
demo recording (movies), etc.
Also, the spawn object would be great, too, to allow in COOP
is cheating is enabled.
This would present some interesting options.
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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i do believe the give command need refinement too. i think it
the backpack should be "p" instead of two character variable.
also there should independent cheat allow/prevent toggling
allowcheat "string"
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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And when clients send cheat command to server, server can
select accept or don't accept cheat commands.
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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if berserk is "give b", the backpack should be just "give p". just
so we can still use the multiple give feature like "give akw" for
ammo, keys and weapons.