



From 2015-04-29 to 2015-05-12


23:31 Bug #1989 (In Progress): Client assert fail (possible crash) if joining game during intermission
23:06 Bug #1591: [BSP] Fully overlapped map geometry is not always split
Ok good. For bookkeeping I created a separate issue for the fix so it's included in 1.15. skyjake
21:55 Bug #1591: [BSP] Fully overlapped map geometry is not always split
The 1.15 release target was indeed set because of the first part of this issue. As that is now addressed there is no ... danij
20:59 Bug #1591: [BSP] Fully overlapped map geometry is not always split
danij wrote:
> The second issue concerning splitting of overlapped line segments wrt support of maphacks (such as th...
23:04 Bug #2046 (Closed): [BSP] Space partitioning results in superfluous line segments
An overly conservative epsilon used when searching for existing line segments in the map would sometimes lead to the ... skyjake
22:41 Bug #2043: [Hexen] Puzzle item use regression
Good catch, vermil! This was apparently just a simple typo/oversight in the revised inventory code. skyjake
22:40 Bug #2043 (Closed): [Hexen] Puzzle item use regression
09:31 Bug #2045 (Closed): [HeXen] 4th weapon pickups for current player class give wrong quantity of mana
00:09 Bug #1967: [Multiplayer] Heretic/HeXen liquid splashes/damaging floors doubled
To reword the original report. One is incorrectly taking damage twice from damaging floors in Heretic and HeXen MP vermil
00:07 Bug #1967: [Multiplayer] Heretic/HeXen liquid splashes/damaging floors doubled
I'll add to this report to say that during the old MP testing phase, this issue also affected Doom, but it was fixed ... vermil


12:33 Bug #2042: Mobj spawning at sector boundary height should choose highest contacted floor
Yes, when a mobjs centre point is exactly on the line shared by two sectors, the Vanilla games appear to always place... vermil
12:21 Bug #2042: Mobj spawning at sector boundary height should choose highest contacted floor
vermil wrote:
> When a mobj is perfectly over two sectors of different heights
I understand this as the mobj's ce...
11:58 Bug #1129: Various mobj Z movement clipping bugs
I've now observed bug 2 happening in HeXen with bad guys walking off ledges into scenery items and then becoming stuc... vermil
09:48 Bug #2045 (In Progress): [HeXen] 4th weapon pickups for current player class give wrong quantity of mana


20:57 Bug #2045: [HeXen] 4th weapon pickups for current player class give wrong quantity of mana
Note that this issue has already been addressed in the recently pushed @hud-cleanup@ branch. danij
20:18 Bug #2045 (Closed): [HeXen] 4th weapon pickups for current player class give wrong quantity of mana
Forth weapon pieces for the class the player is playing are incorrectly only giving 20 blue mana when picked up, inst... vermil
19:50 Bug #2044 (Closed): [HeXen] Pig mode weapon switching should be inactive
In Dday, when one is a pig, the 1-4 key's lower and re-raise the pigs weapon.
In Vanilla HeXen, the weapon selecti...


21:40 Bug #2043 (Closed): [Hexen] Puzzle item use regression
In modern Dday attempting to use either an artefact or a puzzle item that can't be used (for instance, the player alr... vermil
20:59 Bug #2042 (New): Mobj spawning at sector boundary height should choose highest contacted floor
I wasn't sure what to title this report.
When a mobj is perfectly over two sectors of different heights, Dday has ...
18:54 Bug #2006 (Closed): [MP] Automap and Inventory left open on player death
18:35 Bug #2006 (Resolved): [MP] Automap and Inventory left open on player death
Fixed by adding a new packet that allows the server to tell the client to close the HUDs (causes a call to @ST_CloseA... skyjake
17:39 Bug #2006 (In Progress): [MP] Automap and Inventory left open on player death
18:54 Bug #1966 (Closed): [MP] Powered up Phoenix Rod broken
17:27 Bug #1966 (Resolved): [MP] Powered up Phoenix Rod broken
11:06 Bug #1820 (Closed): [MP] Heretic Hell Staff rain colors don't match player colors
The rain colors now match the colors chosen by the players. skyjake
08:51 Bug #1820 (In Progress): [MP] Heretic Hell Staff rain colors don't match player colors
09:41 Bug #2040: Auto-completion popup widget width changes when scrolling
This is almost certainly related to the recent "DocumentWidget content size accuracy fix.": skyjake
08:49 Bug #1961: Client fatal error due to invalid data received from server
This may have been caused by #1954, and has therefore been fixed. Should keep an eye out. skyjake
00:15 Bug #2041 (New): Clipping issue in Hexen MAP10 - Wastelands near {x:160, y:-3248}
Seemingly a logic error in the map renderer, occlusion ranges added for the polyobj geometry result in geometry behin... danij


23:23 Bug #2040 (Closed): Auto-completion popup widget width changes when scrolling
When scrolling through the auto-completion suggestions the popup widget's width changes according the width of the lo... danij
20:10 Bug #2036 (Rejected): Automap lines are not visible
19:32 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
Disregard that.
This is now working.
That was strange...
No settings were changed, by the way.
19:46 Feature #1325: Boom line types and sectors
rhargrave wrote:
> Is there such a list right now?
I don't think there is. I believe this is the most comprehensi...
19:29 Feature #1325: Boom line types and sectors
I think that it might be helpful to have a list of yet-to-be-implemented BOOM features along with technical details, ... rhargrave
18:57 Bug #2039 (Closed): "Fly up" without Wings artifact causes inventory to scroll around randomly
18:49 Bug #2039 (In Progress): "Fly up" without Wings artifact causes inventory to scroll around randomly
12:27 Bug #2039 (Closed): "Fly up" without Wings artifact causes inventory to scroll around randomly
In Vanilla Heretic and HeXen pressing Fly Up without possessing the Wings of Wrath does nothing.
However, in Dday,...


22:26 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
I've attached a picture of the HUD. It is notably more similary to D64EX than D64TC. The keys are currently not displ... rhargrave
22:04 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
I've marked this as being related to #4 (UI Renovation) since implementing the 64TC hud effectively involved implemen... rhargrave
22:01 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
I've got the HUD working, the bug that was borking the render had to do with the order in which it was initialized. A... rhargrave
18:41 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
I've finished integrating DaniJ's HUD. All that appears to be necessary at the moment is to debug a rendering issue t... rhargrave
22:06 Bug #2024 (Resolved): doom64 plugin does not draw HUD
Marked as resolved, as #2025 is effectively this issue has more discussion, and tracks related modifications, and its... rhargrave
20:47 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
It's quite odd. Later today I'll recompile my casual use copy with different flags and see what happens. The current ... rhargrave
20:44 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
I see, that at least rules out any fundamental OpenGL driver level issues since you had it working before. skyjake
20:11 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
I don't seem to be encountering any GL errors, and the menu curtain works.
Even more interesting is that the autom...
20:08 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
rhargrave wrote:
> Here is a screenshot of my GL info: in doomsday, if you're curious...
19:10 Bug #1972: [MP] Fast-moving planes not always reach destination on client-side
I ran a couple of further tests on MAP26 with build 1587. I tried reproducing the error on a ping of 100 ms, and anot... skyjake


20:03 Bug #1781: Incorrect ping time in MP info popup
Increased priority because a low ping time is an important consideration when choosing which server to join. skyjake
19:45 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
skyjake wrote:
> rhargrave wrote:
> > At which commit is it working for you?
> I'm using cmake-build commit:1f...
19:33 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
rhargrave wrote:
> At which commit is it working for you?
I'm using cmake-build commit:1f6ede6224, however earlie...
19:01 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
skyjake wrote:
> I tried this on two different machines and the automap was working correctly on both (Ubuntu 64-bit...
11:19 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
I tried this on two different machines and the automap was working correctly on both (Ubuntu 64-bit, Nvidia GeForce 7... skyjake
03:26 Feature #2038 (Closed): Replace `define` with `static const ...` where possible
In working on various bits of doomsday, I noticed that macros are quite often used where constants could be used. I t... rhargrave


21:04 Feature #2037: [Linux] Get Doomsday working with Clang
Ah yes! I forgot to mention the version of Clang I am using.
Here are some stats, including version:...
20:07 Feature #2037: [Linux] Get Doomsday working with Clang
It should be noted that Apple's version of Clang works flawlessly. Problems with the regular Clang may be just a matt... skyjake
19:49 Feature #2037 (Closed): [Linux] Get Doomsday working with Clang
Last night, I was using clang to do some analysis. This worked well and generated, without complaint, a binary that w... rhargrave
20:09 Bug #2036: Automap lines are not visible
I'll do a clean build and see if this can be reproduced. skyjake
19:37 Bug #2036 (Rejected): Automap lines are not visible
I just built a fresh Doomsday from cmake-build yesterday (I don't build from master, as I don't want to have a stroke... rhargrave
10:22 Feature #2035 (New): Map lighting editor (volume, surface, and point sources)
Rethinking and extending the old bias light editor ("bledit":, th... skyjake
08:13 Feature #2033: Runtime map editor
This is a great idea. I'd like to throw in the suggestion for a better light editor as part of this. rhargrave


19:54 Feature #2029: Get the Doom64 lighting system working in Doom64TC
The majority of the Doom64 lighting model is already implemented. Take a look at @libcommon@ @p_mapsetup.cpp@ and you... danij
06:23 Bug #2034 (In Progress): [HeXen DK] Snowberry versus Ring Zero launching
04:01 Bug #2030 (Closed): [Hexen] Wendigo attack angle incorrect
03:57 Bug #2030: [Hexen] Wendigo attack angle incorrect
Indeed this regression is the result of an oversight in that recent commit. Unusually, vanilla Hexen uses the relativ... danij
02:32 Bug #2030 (In Progress): [Hexen] Wendigo attack angle incorrect
02:04 Bug #2031 (Closed): [Hexen] First hub exit leads to incorrect map
01:57 Bug #2031 (In Progress): [Hexen] First hub exit leads to incorrect map


22:31 Bug #2034 (Closed): [HeXen DK] Snowberry versus Ring Zero launching
If one launches HeXen DK via Ring Zero, no map author is displayed with the map titles (correct behaviour).
But if...
21:59 Bug #2031: [Hexen] First hub exit leads to incorrect map
Further experimenting suggests all hub exits may be taking the player to the wrong map; the second hub exit takes the... vermil
20:59 Bug #2031 (Closed): [Hexen] First hub exit leads to incorrect map
In the latest unstable build, completing the first hub of HeXen takes the player to the third hub instead of the second. vermil
21:51 Feature #2033 (Progressed): Runtime map editor
*This is a parent issue covering the topic of runtime map editing.*
In the long term, the aspiration is to have a ...
21:40 Feature #2032 (New): Game world debugger/inspector sidebar
When debugging gameplay issues, it would be helpful to see more information about objects visually in addition to jus... skyjake
20:29 Bug #2030 (Closed): [Hexen] Wendigo attack angle incorrect
In the latest unstable build, Wendigo missile attacks are aimed downward toward the floor instead of at the player.
20:08 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
I'm perhaps being a bit presumptuous here, but I'm just going to remind of this report due to:
"bad guys are incor...
19:30 Feature #1675: Switch to new Qt 5.4+ OpenGL APIs (from QGLWidget)
I've checked that Windows and Unix/X11 builds are working with @QOpenGLWindow@, too. However, there are many small is... skyjake
14:36 Feature #1675: Switch to new Qt 5.4+ OpenGL APIs (from QGLWidget)
I've been working on the use of @QOpenGLWindow@. It is now mostly working with Qt 5.4, however at least on OS X it do... skyjake
19:23 Feature #1643: Windows installer using WiX Toolset
@cmake-build@ can package a WiX installer. The only thing missing is to fine-tune it and tweak the metadata and appea... skyjake
19:22 Bug #2026: Switches (and possibly other things like them) are not usable in the doom64 plugin
skyjake wrote:
> We've been using the Rejected status for issues like this.
Ah. That status was not available to ...
07:21 Bug #2026 (Rejected): Switches (and possibly other things like them) are not usable in the doom64 plugin
We've been using the Rejected status for issues like this. skyjake
00:44 Bug #2026 (Closed): Switches (and possibly other things like them) are not usable in the doom64 plugin
Disregard that. The 'on' textures are missing.
I'll open a separate issue.
00:32 Bug #2026 (Rejected): Switches (and possibly other things like them) are not usable in the doom64 plugin
I was toying around MAP01 of the 64TC IWAD and found that switches cannot be activated. I am not sure whether this is... rhargrave
17:06 Feature #1604: Game rules (1p and MP)
Removing target version since this is more of an umbrella topic. Issues targeting specific versions should be more co... skyjake
13:54 Feature #2028: libcommon uses the preprocessor excessively in order specialize for doom, heretic, and hexen
Indeed, @libcommon@ is quite a mess. Since its introduction, the long-term objective has been to get rid of the #ifde... skyjake
09:43 Feature #2028: libcommon uses the preprocessor excessively in order specialize for doom, heretic, and hexen
_Add `Cleanup` tag and change category to `Redesign`_ rhargrave
09:11 Feature #2028 (New): libcommon uses the preprocessor excessively in order specialize for doom, heretic, and hexen
As the title states, `common` makes _extreme_ use of the C/++ preprocessor in order to provide specific modifications... rhargrave
11:54 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
Indeed I should have been clearer. The plan is not to literally base the game side HUD widgets directly on top of @li... danij
11:37 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
danij wrote:
> we plan to replace the implementation entirely using libgui components
To clarify what this means:...
10:11 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
I have just pushed a @hud-cleanup@ work branch which I started a month or so back where I began doing just that. You ... danij
09:41 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
It looks like the HUD drawing logic that is present (and obviously not working) is all spread throughout `st_stuff`. ... rhargrave
00:29 Bug #2025: Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
I've added the log (and chat) widget to the HUD, which has effectively stopped the crash-on-LogPost bug from happenin... rhargrave
09:39 Feature #2029 (Rejected): Get the Doom64 lighting system working in Doom64TC
_Created as a milestone feature_
Doom64 has some absolutely sexy lighting. It would be extremely nice to have this...
00:46 Bug #2027 (New): Doom64TC map is missing 'on' textures for switches
It looks like textures for buttons in the 'on' state are missing. This can be confusing when playing without sound. B... rhargrave
00:30 Bug #2019 (Closed): ST_UILogForPlayer returning garbage in jDoom64
Fixed by #2025 rhargrave


23:12 Bug #2025 (Progressed): Doom64TC does not have a fully functional HUD
This is likely the cause of #2019.
ST_BuildWidgets in doom64/src/st_stuff.c only initializes the automap.
It doe...
22:49 Bug #2019: ST_UILogForPlayer returning garbage in jDoom64
I've been debugging this, and this is what's going on:
* `UILog_Push` wants to reallocate a log message using `Z_R...
21:46 Bug #2024 (Closed): doom64 plugin does not draw HUD
It looks as if the HUD is not being drawn in the 64tc plugin.
I'll update with more information when I can.
15:52 Feature #1580: Fix the Doom 64: Absolution TC plugin
I think it is good to be clear that the current Doom 64 plugin is completely based on the "Doom 64 TC":http://doomwik... skyjake
15:46 Feature #2023 (New): New Doom 64 plugin (accurate gameplay, original ROM)
Using "Doom 64 EX": as a basis/guide, create a new (or heavily revised version of t... skyjake
04:36 Bug #2022 (Closed): p_enemy.c in doom64 plugin uses ~15 different copies of A_KeenDie
I am currently going through and cleaning up doom64's source.
Right now I am organizing p_enemy.c, and plan to com...


10:52 Feature #2015: Remove server-side audio system
skyjake wrote:
> It would be nice to see some issues here in the tracker regarding that work (and other local work y...
10:22 Feature #2015: Remove server-side audio system
danij wrote:
> I began working on this several months back in a local branch
Ah I was unaware of that. It would be...


18:52 Bug #2021 (New): Doom64's ingame music is severely broken
Ingame music consists of static/noise that would suggest corrupt audio data. SFX are OK. rhargrave
18:41 Feature #2015: Remove server-side audio system
I began working on this several months back in a local branch in which I have already achieved the following:
* Intr...
14:34 Feature #2015: Remove server-side audio system
There is already the "logical sound manager" code that handles audio also on the server. Are you thinking of somethin... skyjake
17:34 Feature #1991: Qt 5.5 as minimum requirement for GUI, Qt 5.x for non-GUI build
@cmake-build@ supports configuration for both Qt 5 and Qt 4. skyjake
17:31 Feature #2020 (Closed): Remove Snowberry from distribution packages
Snowberry should be removed from all distribution packages. Installers should create shortcuts that allow launching t... skyjake
13:53 Feature #1580: Fix the Doom 64: Absolution TC plugin
Good list. This should be a good basis for creating some subtasks under this issue. skyjake
00:31 Feature #1580: Fix the Doom 64: Absolution TC plugin
Some notes about the plugin, for those that are interested:
I have forcibly made the plugin to accept the 33-Map (...
13:34 Bug #2017: Build .pack/PK3 packages using CMake, with dependency tracking and automatic rebuilding
CMake doesn't make this a nonissue as such, however it should allow properly tracking the source file dependencies fo... skyjake
13:30 Feature #1975: Quitting a game returns back to Home screen
I think it's very logical that if the game was started from Ring Zero, quitting the game leads back to Ring Zero. Whe... skyjake
07:32 Bug #2019 (Closed): ST_UILogForPlayer returning garbage in jDoom64
This appears to be the current _major_ crash issue in jD64.
I've been debugging it on the CMake branch using GDB,...
04:02 Feature #1887: Migrate project build system to CMake 3
Excellent. This is great, as I can actually compile, run, and debug doomsday without having an aneurism over QMake no... rhargrave


23:38 Feature #2018 (Rejected): Textured Automap
I think it would be pretty cool if Doomsday had the option for a textured Automap, where you could see each room/sect... sonicdoommario
23:10 Bug #2017 (Progressed): Build .pack/PK3 packages using CMake, with dependency tracking and automatic rebuilding
Hopefully the CMake migration makes this a nonissue.
As it stands right now, however, QMake appears to be the tool...
22:55 Feature #1975: Quitting a game returns back to Home screen
I was going to open an issue similar to this.
I think that this is a good idea, but it would perhaps be a better i...

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