



From 2015-02-27 to 2015-03-12


16:36 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification; your original report now makes a lot more sense to me. I've a couple of work... danij
13:34 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
Please note that in my initial report above, that I said Seven Portals (the main hub or Map02 to use it's ID) and Cha... vermil
13:25 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
A saved game is no good to me until we've decided this issue is related. As I said I cannot replicate any issue with ... danij
10:39 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
But here is another.
10:35 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
I used HeXen's Seven Portals hub map as a test, yes.
I sent you a save game to test this with a month or so ago, b...
01:37 Bug #1821 (Feedback): [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
01:37 Bug #1821: [Hexen] Monsters do not always awaken (Seven Portals and elsewhere)
I built wakeuptest.wad (attached) to try out Chaos Serpent wakeup behavior and could find no issue in build 1528. Did... danij
13:46 Bug #1992: Load console command segfaults (needs retesting)
This is one of the two add-ons
13:44 Bug #1992: Load console command segfaults (needs retesting)
I've tested it with two add-ons myself, both feature Doom2 derived TEXTURE1 and PNAME lumps that add at least one tex... vermil
13:02 Bug #1992: Load console command segfaults (needs retesting)
Most likely this is a specific issue triggered by something in the add-on, as I've been using the load command extens... danij
12:32 Bug #1992: Load console command segfaults (needs retesting)
I was originally going to write this as another report, but I debate if it may be related.
I'll make clear that I ...
12:13 Bug #1992: Load console command segfaults (needs retesting)
Specifically, the seg fault occurs if the player has entered any map since starting the game mode (i.e if they use th... vermil
12:08 Bug #1992 (Closed): Load console command segfaults (needs retesting)
In the latest unstable, the load console command causes a segfault when it tries to load a file.
Not the most tech...
13:06 Bug #1993 (Feedback): Switching maps while XG lines are active causes seg fault
13:06 Bug #1993: Switching maps while XG lines are active causes seg fault
Please provide a copy of the mod in question and detail the steps to replicate the issue. The original report is too ... danij
12:51 Bug #1993 (Feedback): Switching maps while XG lines are active causes seg fault
Exiting or warping to another map while an XG def is active (whether or not it is actually affecting the map) appears... vermil
03:09 Bug #1860 (Resolved): [Doom] Final Doom teleporter quirk broken
02:59 Bug #1860 (In Progress): [Doom] Final Doom teleporter quirk broken


23:45 Bug #216 (Closed): Wrong model rendered (Model Selector/DED reader)
It seems this issue was indeed resolved some time ago. danij
23:21 Bug #1119 (Rejected): Non-functional secret exit (No Rest For The Living)
BFG Edition and the extension episode No Rest For The Living are not presently supported (RFE #1575 covers this, also). danij
18:53 Bug #1929: Sprite priority handling
Evidently this is also sensitive to the load order. In the above example, if one provides an additional POSSA0 lump _... danij
17:40 Bug #765 (Resolved): [Hexen] Korax teleport order
17:30 Bug #765 (In Progress): [Hexen] Korax teleport order


17:51 Bug #1990 (Resolved): Qt 4 incompatibility in ResourceSystem::initSprites()
16:01 Bug #1990 (In Progress): Qt 4 incompatibility in ResourceSystem::initSprites()
08:17 Bug #1990 (Closed): Qt 4 incompatibility in ResourceSystem::initSprites()
Build 1528 fails when compiling with Qt 4.7, because QMap::firstKey() is not availble.
This loop could be written ...
08:27 Feature #1991 (Closed): Qt 5.5 as minimum requirement for GUI, Qt 5.x for non-GUI build
Qt 4 is nowdays in maintenance mode and is not being actively developed any more. Qt 5 offers better APIs and more up... skyjake


17:11 Bug #1969 (Closed): [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
17:06 Bug #1969 (Resolved): [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
17:04 Bug #1989 (New): Client assert fail (possible crash) if joining game during intermission
If the server is in the intermission screen, a client connects, and then triggers the Fire control (to advance to the... skyjake
02:10 Bug #1988 (New): [MP] When spawning on a weapon, weapon fires at speed of pistol
not sure if this is still a bug.
When spawning ontop of a weapon in deathmatch, latest doomsday stable build doomsda...
00:36 Bug #1968 (New): [Heretic, HeXen] Player's death removes footclipping effect (viewpoint jumps abruptly)


22:32 Bug #1968: [Heretic, HeXen] Player's death removes footclipping effect (viewpoint jumps abruptly)
Is it possible that the death camera be made to lower to a specific height above the floor (i.e instead of lowering t... vermil
17:31 Bug #1968: [Heretic, HeXen] Player's death removes footclipping effect (viewpoint jumps abruptly)
Fixing those kind of camera clipping issues is actually quite tricky. Simply checking the sector plane heights at the... danij
11:43 Bug #1968: [Heretic, HeXen] Player's death removes footclipping effect (viewpoint jumps abruptly)
Well, what I meant was, that the camera jumps up to non-footclipped position right at the start of the movement of th... vermil
03:55 Bug #1968 (Feedback): [Heretic, HeXen] Player's death removes footclipping effect (viewpoint jumps abruptly)
When the player dies, their view height is lowered to the floor and we don't want the player looking under the floor,... danij
16:59 Feature #1548: Multi-monitor support
Assuming that the monitors are set up as an extended desktop, it would be possible to configure a Nx1 viewgrid with a... skyjake
14:39 Bug #1947: Heretic Treasure Chest minor Mapinfo ded and lump reading errors
The mif_nointermission flag was implemented during the old 1.9.0-beta days, so 1.8.6 would have baulked at its presce... danij
11:56 Bug #1947: Heretic Treasure Chest minor Mapinfo ded and lump reading errors
I was not aware of a syntax error in the DD_DEFN lump? That said, Dday 1.8.6 appeared able to handle this syntax erro... vermil
03:07 Bug #1947 (Rejected): Heretic Treasure Chest minor Mapinfo ded and lump reading errors
This mod depends on various ZDoom specific features, which are not currently supported; extended MAPINFO syntax and f... danij
14:31 Bug #1026: Load console command music oversight
Sounds like we're looking at different versions of AV since the one I'm using has seven files including two .WADs (OT... danij
11:54 Bug #1026: Load console command music oversight
Hm, you shouldn't need the .DEH to load up AV's graphics. I started up Chocolate Doom without av.deh and everything l... sonicdoommario
08:08 Bug #1026: Load console command music oversight
sonicdoommario wrote:
> I typed in load av.wad into the title screen...
Note that Alien Vendetta is comprised of ...
06:04 Bug #1026: Load console command music oversight
I typed in load av.wad into the title screen on build 1525. The title screen music stops and does not switch to the A... sonicdoommario
04:05 Bug #1026 (Feedback): Load console command music oversight
This needs testing again with a current version of Doomsday. danij
09:34 Feature #1280 (Closed): Stages for decorations
This was actually implemented some time ago now, for Doomsday 1.10 in fact. danij
09:23 Feature #1387 (Rejected): Use GL_POINT_SPRITE_ARB for tex particle rendering
Closing as nowadays there are better algorithms for drawing particles. danij
07:43 Feature #1525: Allow gaps in Sprite animation frame sets
As of commit f4ab2ee Doomsday now supports gaps in Sprite frame animation sets and mimics ZDoom by hiding the sprite ... danij
07:40 Feature #1525 (Closed): Allow gaps in Sprite animation frame sets
04:11 Feature #1369 (Closed): Dynamic map lists (episode structure)
01:04 Feature #1369 (Resolved): Dynamic map lists (episode structure)
04:11 Bug #1896 (Closed): Validating Group def tic durations (value -1 is mishandled/unsupported)
04:02 Bug #1093 (Rejected): Single Use Teleporter Malfunction
03:43 Bug #1915 (New): Click-to-focus also handled as UI click
Further testing shows there is indeed an issue here - if one clicks to focus a presently unfocused window, while the ... danij
03:38 Bug #1915 (Feedback): Click-to-focus also handled as UI click
I cannot replicate this on my Windows 7 dev system. As skyjake pointed out, it would be very helpful to know the step... danij
03:29 Bug #1124 (Closed): Skybox bug
03:27 Bug #1137 (Closed): [Deathkings] Inventory navigation
03:26 Bug #1681 (Closed): Garbled screen build 1080
03:22 Bug #1857 (Rejected): Visual corruption on transparent textures
Looks like a problem with that grate texture's alpha mask, rather than a problem in Doomsday itself. Id suggest repor... danij


22:04 Bug #1896 (Resolved): Validating Group def tic durations (value -1 is mishandled/unsupported)
20:03 Bug #1896 (In Progress): Validating Group def tic durations (value -1 is mishandled/unsupported)
19:59 Bug #1896: Validating Group def tic durations (value -1 is mishandled/unsupported)
I see. Yeah a duration of Group.Flat/Texture.Tics = -1 has never been supported as there is no "infinite" concept at ... danij


13:16 Bug #1969: [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
Ah so the report is actually about the text replacement strings not being abbreviated, rather than their replacing th... danij
11:28 Bug #1969 (In Progress): [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
11:27 Bug #1969: [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
vermil wrote:
> the 'comment's' tab, that is displayed by default is sometimes erratic with regards to what, if any,...
11:16 Bug #1969: [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
Sorry, I thought DaniJ had deleted his comment (the 'comment's' tab, that is displayed by default is sometimes errati... vermil
07:57 Bug #1969: [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
danij wrote:
> All current versions of libdoom's inlude.ded seemingly use the correct names for these patches. Maybe...
12:15 Bug #1896: Validating Group def tic durations (value -1 is mishandled/unsupported)
I was indeed specifying -1 in a group def. As I wrote above, I wasn't sure if it was a bug or a never supported featu... vermil
08:38 Feature #1887: Migrate project build system to CMake 3
The final hurdle before this can be merged to master is to update the autobuilder to use CMake. This means that Snowb... skyjake
08:33 Bug #1987 (Closed): FOV gets maxed out too early in a very wide window
08:32 Bug #1941 (Closed): UI cursor illegible in stereoscopic 3D


13:41 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
danij wrote:
> If the exit conditions are converted to game rules and the cycle itself is defined in an Episode def,...
13:32 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
danij wrote:
> implementing such cycles as scripts
That is not what I meant. The idea I failed to describe in my ...
13:02 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
Thinking about the "timed exit conditions" of the map cycle - these are actually game rules. If the exit conditions a... danij
12:55 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
To make clear, everything I said above was meant to be server admin controlled; none of it was meant to be client con... vermil
12:52 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
I agree that the most logical course of action would be to simply restart the current episode once the finale has end... danij
11:43 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
STAGE 1: Dealing with the main issue
My opinion is that by default, an episode should loop back to its beginning w...
09:05 Feature #1900: OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile
This work has been started in the @opengl3.3@ branch, although the crucial step of switching to @QOpenGLWindow@ has n... skyjake
09:02 Feature #1900 (In Progress): OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile


22:03 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
I'm struggling to see a tangible benefit in implementing such cycles as scripts in and of themselves. Conceptually, a... danij
12:58 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
I sincerely hope you are joking re using Episodes to represent a cycle of episodes. It makes zero sense other than in... danij
10:42 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
However, to tackle this issue for the near term (with least amount of effort), even just restarting the cycle (if a c... skyjake
10:39 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
If we were to retain the current map cycle implementation, sure, that would make sense. However, I would like to repl... skyjake
06:57 Feature #1986: [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
Perhaps this functionality should be combined into the map cycle expression? The map cycle is already functioning at ... danij
12:49 Bug #1879: [Windows] Doomsday randomly fails to start when/after loading shader definitions
I didn't state or assume otherwise. My only intention was to draw attention to a point raised earlier - the apparent ... danij
10:32 Bug #1879: [Windows] Doomsday randomly fails to start when/after loading shader definitions
danij wrote:
> The only remaining issue that I'm seeing from the original report is the delayed minimum OpenGL versi...
00:10 Bug #1879: [Windows] Doomsday randomly fails to start when/after loading shader definitions
The only remaining issue that I'm seeing from the original report is the delayed minimum OpenGL version check. You ar... danij
10:34 Bug #1941: UI cursor illegible in stereoscopic 3D
Fixing this should be pretty trivial so I'll take care of it for 1.15. skyjake
10:33 Bug #1941 (In Progress): UI cursor illegible in stereoscopic 3D
05:12 Bug #1941: UI cursor illegible in stereoscopic 3D
Changing things so that the project-cursor-on-UI-plane logic is used in all stereoscopic 3D modes does indeed solve t... danij
06:34 Bug #1984 (Closed): Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
06:08 Bug #1896 (Feedback): Validating Group def tic durations (value -1 is mishandled/unsupported)
@vermil: How are you specifying a duration of -1 tics? Using the old Group method? (I don't believe a duration of -1 ... danij
05:52 Bug #1963: [Doom] Spawning on top of a weapon leads to broken weapon (multiplayer)
Most likely the reported behavior is symptomatic of a more general issue concerning player state updates in multiplay... danij
05:36 Bug #1969 (Feedback): [Doom] Multiplayer intermission using incorrect header graphics
All current versions of libdoom's inlude.ded seemingly use the correct names for these patches. Maybe this is a repor... danij
05:31 Bug #1983: [Doom] "Finished" graphic placed too low
This issue occurs only if a replacement text is found for the map title patch and replacements are actually enabled. ... danij
05:20 Bug #1064: [Hexen] Interludes can no longer be moved (MAPINFO vs. Infine)
Now that the map progression is described in Episode definitions it follows that the interlude to be played during a ... danij
03:33 Bug #1729: Repeat loading of DEHACKED patches specified on the command line following a game change
To fix the underlying issue the Right Way, requires implementing a new mechanism for describing game sessions; includ... danij
03:14 Bug #1964 (Closed): Problems with sprites with special chars [ / ] (Doom Arch Vile disappears; Hexen crash when Traductus dies)


23:45 Bug #1982 (Closed): Crash warping to a map without MapInfo data
19:29 Bug #1982 (In Progress): Crash warping to a map without MapInfo data
22:07 Bug #1985: Linux: Doomsday halts startup until window looses focus.
Confirmed that the issue is now fixed.
22:04 Bug #1984: Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
Confirmed that it builds and runs successfully with the latest build.
09:28 Bug #1987 (Resolved): FOV gets maxed out too early in a very wide window
09:14 Bug #1987 (In Progress): FOV gets maxed out too early in a very wide window
09:03 Bug #1987 (Closed): FOV gets maxed out too early in a very wide window
When the game window is very wide, the FOV setting gets maxed out too early. The behavior should be changed so that i... skyjake
08:52 Feature #1986 (New): [MP] Configure what the server does when an episode ends
Currently if an episode ends, the server will get stuck in the finale animation and the only way forward is to manual... skyjake


19:32 Bug #1985 (Closed): Linux: Doomsday halts startup until window looses focus.
18:49 Bug #1985 (Resolved): Linux: Doomsday halts startup until window looses focus.
18:55 Feature #1887: Migrate project build system to CMake 3
CPack packaging is now set up. The produced packages still need fine-tuning with regard to metadata, installer UI gra... skyjake
15:08 Feature #1643: Windows installer using WiX Toolset
CMake supports WiX, so unless significant customization is required, we can switch to an @.msi@ installer quite easily. skyjake
15:05 Feature #1643 (In Progress): Windows installer using WiX Toolset


19:59 Bug #1984: Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
Please check if commit:9d85dd9e compiles correctly (does for me). skyjake
19:58 Bug #1984 (Resolved): Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
07:27 Bug #1984: Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
There must be a config.h on the include path that gets priority over libcommon's config.h. I'll make the #include use... skyjake
07:23 Bug #1984 (In Progress): Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
00:42 Bug #1984: Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
*Update:* Modified d_config.h, d_config.h (in doom64) and h_config.h to use the absolute path for #include "config.h"... toxicshadow
00:16 Bug #1984 (Closed): Fedora (Linux) : error: unknown type name ‘libcommon_config_t’
@gcc -c -pipe -std=c99 -fms-extensions -I/usr/include/assimp -O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIF... toxicshadow
07:30 Bug #1985: Linux: Doomsday halts startup until window looses focus.
I have seen something similar recently. I'll investigate... skyjake
07:29 Bug #1985 (In Progress): Linux: Doomsday halts startup until window looses focus.
01:11 Bug #1985: Linux: Doomsday halts startup until window looses focus.
Additional: I am using Fedora 21 with the Nvidia 346.35 driver toxicshadow
01:06 Bug #1985 (Closed): Linux: Doomsday halts startup until window looses focus.
I have seen this issue on both Ubuntu and Fedora. Only noticed it on recent builds.
When doomsday is launched a wi...

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