



From 2013-12-15 to 2013-12-28


09:40 Revision 8d162c90 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Game UI should be behind busy transition
If possible, keep the game UI behind the busy transition. Note that
when using the UI compositor for Oculus Rift, we ...


22:15 Bug #1690 (In Progress): [Windows] OpenAL sound plugin not being found
commit:85a37c89 will hopefully fix this. skyjake
11:10 Bug #1690 (Closed): [Windows] OpenAL sound plugin not being found
Long standing issue, at least on Windows, is that during startup, Dday is reporting that it is unable to locate the O... vermil
21:43 Revision 47f54a5b (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
21:40 Revision 85a37c89 (github): OpenAL|Windows|Installer: Deploy missing openal32.dll
This should solve the error loading the OpenAL audio plugin. The
plugin itself may still be broken, though...
14:29 Bug #1689 (Closed): game options
11:08 Bug #1689: game options
Those options have been removed from Snowberry due to those options becoming redundant and/or that Snowberry is slowl... vermil
02:45 Bug #1689 (Closed): game options
Hi guys ! that mod so bee very good, but from the new version something is missing from the settings / display / grap... zytharr99


19:53 Revision 832c6970 (github): libcommon|libdoom: Running player thinkers and their mobjs in fractional time
Proof of concept where players and their mobjs live in fractional
time while the rest of the world uses only sharp ti...
19:52 Revision 88c4daeb (github): Started work branch for low-latency input and modern player movement
The objective is to allow players (and only players) to be controlled
and moved in fractional time, i.e., as fast as ...
19:48 Revision e4595f67 (github): Stereo 3D: Copyright notice
18:41 Revision d129effd (github): Documentation|Console: Updated help for ‘postfx’
13:19 Revision 8d7aae87 (github): Documentation|Readme: Added stereoscopic rendering to feature list
10:24 Revision 0b4e2934 (github): Default Style: Revised VR icon


20:41 Revision a4646fe3 (github): Oculus Rift|UI: Added a button to restore desktop settings
Also, head tracking is now only active in Oculus Rift mode. skyjake
16:58 Revision f895c0db (github): libgui|GLFramebuffer: Fall back to non-multisampled if an error occurs
16:26 Revision a74e4117 (github): Oculus Rift: Autoconfigure a larger size for HUD elements


14:37 Bug #932 (Closed): mf2_floatbob not affecting particle generators
Bobbing now affects particle spawn positions. However, it only affects the original position of the particle — as the... skyjake
14:34 Revision 9408252d (github): Fixed|Particles: Particle spawn position affected by source float bobbing
When particles are spawned, in addition to floorclip, float-bobbing
is also taken into account.
Todo for later: It w...
13:50 Bug #1659 (Closed): Crash when loading a save game of Ultimate Doom
13:06 Bug #1659 (Resolved): Crash when loading a save game of Ultimate Doom
This looks like a corrupt save file. I fixed the cause of the crash, however it cannot be loaded successfully. skyjake
13:45 Feature #1688 (New): Command line options documented with Amethyst
All command line options should be documented using Amethyst, much like the console variables and commands are docume... skyjake
13:43 Feature #1503 (Closed): [Unix] Basic command line options (e.g., help, version)
13:42 Revision 4ce0669d (github): Unix|Client|Server: Added command line options --version and --help
It is customary in Unix to have these.
IssueID #1503
13:38 Revision 37752a77 (github): Documentation|Readme: Added Oculus Rift support
13:10 Feature #1687 (Progressed): In-game error dialogs (e.g., corrupt savegame)
Instead of shutting down the entire engine due to an uncaught exception, error situations like a corrupt savegame sho... skyjake
13:04 Revision 0c496733 (github): Fixed|Client|libcommon: Avoid crash when loading a corrupt savegame
IssueID #1659 skyjake
12:29 Feature #1678: Optimize stereoscopic pixel formats
Repurposing this issue to be more about optimizing the memory use and performance of 3D stereo rendering. skyjake
12:25 Feature #1656 (Closed): UI for VR / Oculus Rift config
12:24 Feature #1636 (Closed): Support for Oculus Rift
I'm closing this issue as complete. @libovr@ is now included in Doomsday's Windows and OS X 10.8 packages and there ... skyjake
10:06 Revision 03ce5b0d (github): Oculus Rift: Ensure prediction latency is set
Attempting to make sure that OculusTracker is always informed about
the configured prediction latency.
09:46 Revision fbfb48c2 (github): Oculus Rift: Auto-configuration includes color adjustments
Set some more reasonable color settings for the Rift display. skyjake
07:58 Revision 4e666ff7 (github): Fixed|Task Bar: Hide and show the correct menu items
07:58 Revision 5f72c210 (github): Oculus Rift: View bobbing should be reduced in Rift mode


20:33 Feature #1636: Support for Oculus Rift
This weekend I have made several Rift-related improvements:
* Fixed rendering glitches so that the left and right ey...
20:25 Revision 4c201e7e (github): Default Style|Stereo 3D: Added an icon for 3D & VR config
20:01 Revision dc9d476d (github): Stereo 3D|UI: Oculus Rift settings only appear when Rift connected
Also added a quick-setup button for setting a good configuration for
the Rift.
19:58 Revision 4d972fe7 (github): Input|Bindings: Only active input devices should be considered
When checking for existing bindings for a control, only active input
devices should be taken into account.
18:53 Bug #925: [Doom] Map32: Secret exit quirk not replicated
You've got it the wrong way around. Warping manually messes it up. vermil
12:25 Bug #925: [Doom] Map32: Secret exit quirk not replicated
Maybe I'm being thick but how does this map specifically take advantage of that if the only way to trigger it is by w... danij
11:01 Bug #925: [Doom] Map32: Secret exit quirk not replicated
I believe that Vanilla Doom2 has no understanding of what to do with a secret exit trigger on Map32 and thus in a cas... vermil
04:22 Bug #925: [Doom] Map32: Secret exit quirk not replicated
Am I correct to conclude that the PWAD mentioned in the initial report is actually irrelevant to the issue in question? danij
17:27 Revision bf0aa55d (github): UI|Stereo 3D: Show latency setting only when head tracking available
17:22 Revision 5e888266 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Relocate popups when UI composition mode changes
If the compositor is activated, open popups must be relocated to
the compositor instead of staying in the root widget.
17:07 Revision ecef8cd0 (github): Stereo 3D|UI: Added settings to the “3D & VR Settings” dialog
Also, updated some Oculus Rift defaults according to averages
from Wikipedia (average male IPD, height).
15:48 Revision 953a2d31 (github): UI|Stereo 3D: Added a VR settings dialog
Todo: Add all the VR settings. skyjake
14:12 Revision 813273ae (github): Oculus Rift|Stereo 3D: Improved latency of head tracking
This commit improves the integration of Oculus Rift head tracking
into player view angles.
For the best experience, ...
09:56 Revision c90ad394 (github): Debug|libdeng2: Added assertions regarding valid use of Observers and Widgets
09:56 Revision e1238bc7 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Crash when deleting a popup menu widget
There was an inadvertent duplicate call to the base class’s
preparePanelForOpening() method in PopupMenuWidget.
09:56 Revision 1c1bda80 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Don’t offer events to the fake mouse cursor widget
09:56 Revision 77006c33 (github): UI|ProfilePickerWidget: Conform to common widget behavior of popup menus
Close picker’s menu if it’s already open. skyjake
09:52 Revision 1b362513 (github): Fixed|UI|Renderer Appearance: Typo in 'Anisotropic Filter:' button label
08:15 Revision 42e608f9 (github): Refactor|World: Removed the World-internal MapLoadTaskData
Now that the editable to playable map state conversion is performed
with a secondary step, the high level logic of th...
00:51 Bug #1133 (Closed): Menu selector is tiny in Hell Revealed 2
00:42 Revision cbad8a65 (github): Fixed|Menu|libcommon: Tiny menu cursor with some mods (e.g., Hell Revealed II)
The size of the menu cursor is determined dynamically according to
the dimensions of the currently focused menu item....


21:15 Revision a3836db4 (github): Fixed|Stereo 3D|libgui: Visual discrepancies between left/right eyes
When a target was cleared, the current GLState wasn’t being
automatically applied. This meant that the right eye’s UI...
20:38 Revision aa6abd1c (github): Fixed|UI|Stereo 3D: Draw busy transition using correct width
When an active rectangle was specified, the busy transition was
drawn in wrong place. Now the transition viewport is ...
20:36 Revision 5772da80 (github): libgui|GLTarget: Querying currently used area of the target
19:34 Feature #1686: Derived resource packs
Another use case would be a HiDPI UI pack for OS X retina displays. skyjake
19:21 Feature #1686 (Closed): Derived resource packs
It should be possible to create a resource pack that is based on another, but with some changes applied. For instance... skyjake
19:32 Revision c6f4d05d (github): UI|Style: Added “-fontsize” option to change font sizes
This is a temporary solution to the Rift UI font sizing. One needs
to manually specify a suitable font size (e.g., “-...
19:29 Revision 7db7b842 (github): libdeng2|Refactor|CommandLine: Checking for command line options with parameters
Added a more convenient way to get all the parameters of a command
line option in one call.
19:28 Revision 5f2d70a7 (github): Fixed|PopupWidget: Stop observing parent’s deletion when popup closed
18:37 Revision 51928c0d (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Popups must observe deletion of original parent widget
When a popup is open, it is moved to the top of the root widget,
making it the topmost widget. When the popup is clos...
18:26 Revision 9fc79093 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Crash after switching to/from VR mode 9
Some hidden popups got inadvertently deleted when the offscreen UI
compositor was deleted.
18:26 Revision 50729c2f (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Restore normal cursor after returning from VR mode 9
17:17 Revision 95ee0bca (github): Debug: Fixed build
17:08 Revision 62c86f2a (github): Refactor|Oculus Rift: Frame buffer scaling factor
15:50 Revision 4c3aeac7 (github): UI|Client|Oculus Rift: Draw a custom mouse cursor in Oculus Rift mode
The cursor is simply a LabelWidget that shows the old mouse cursor
image. It is moved to the coordinates of the real ...
14:46 Revision c9f878f8 (github): Cleanup
09:53 Revision 3b4ad3db (github): Fixed|UI|Automap: Clipping of the automap when sidebar is open
The normalized coordinates should be agnostic of the game widget’s
size and position, so normalize against the widget...


21:29 Revision c692f125 (github): Refactor|libgui|GLInfo: Better name for a method
21:27 Revision de90fa31 (github): Renderer|Oculus Rift: Apply multisampling in unwarped frame buffer
This multisampling is intended to counter the 1.5x scaling. The
warping is smoothed out by using a linear filter on t...
15:40 Revision 171c4421 (github): libgui|GLInfo: Check for FBO-related OpenGL extensions
If missing, warnings are printed in the log. skyjake
14:16 Revision d57f2dc0 (github): libgui|GLFramebuffer: Fall back to no depth/stencil texture (just color)
It is conceivable that some OpenGL drivers do not support a
depth24/stencil8 texture in a FBO attachments. In this ca...
13:31 Revision 7e95c1fe (github): Fixed|WadMapConverter: Build failure (missing Doomsday API header)
13:17 Revision ddfab8be (github): Started work branch for low-latency input and modern player movement
The objective is to allow players (and only players) to be controlled
and moved in fractional time, i.e., as fast as ...
13:17 Revision 59639b2a (github): libcommon|libdoom: Running player thinkers and their mobjs in fractional time
Proof of concept where players and their mobjs live in fractional
time while the rest of the world uses only sharp ti...
12:14 Revision 09a7d8ca (github): World|Map: Added cmd "inspectmap" for logging details of the current map
The 'inspectmap' command can be used whenever the user is interested
in knowing detailed information about the curren...
10:55 Revision b25f63dd (github): World: Switch to busy mode on engine side, when changing the current map
Initiating busy mode on engine side allows splitting this task into
multiple subtasks. Also, in the future it may not...
09:37 Revision 306a037e (github): libcommon: Initiate map briefings from the main thread
09:02 Revision e8d0f7e1 (github): Fixed: Compiler warning (explicit de::IPrivate init in copy-ctor)
08:08 Revision bffdd8ac (github): WadMapConverter: Bumped version number to 1.1.1
08:05 Revision 6aff847c (github): WadMapConverter: Removed the now unused maplumpinfo.h
07:44 Revision 18c14590 (github): WadMapConverter: Cleanup
07:30 Revision 483565d8 (github): Refactor|WadMapConverter: Further Id1Map cleanup
06:45 Revision 58bf7c31 (github): Refactor|WadMapConverter: Removed the unnecessary MapLumpInfo; Id1Map cleanup
02:25 Revision e754886c (github): Refactor|WadMapConverter|Id1Map: Cleaned up the Id1Map API
00:10 Revision b8ad2338 (github): WadMapConverter|Id1Map: Applied pimpl idiom to Id1Map; cleanup


22:56 Revision dd4d0f84 (github): WadMapConverter: Cleanup
21:38 Feature #1668: Support id Tech 1 map hacks with sector lightlevels outside expected [0..255] range
Vermil started a thread about this on Doomworld, which has resulted in some useful information from the modding commu... danij
13:22 Revision 2d9d28f3 (github): libcommon|libdoom: Running player thinkers and their mobjs in fractional time
Proof of concept where players and their mobjs live in fractional
time while the rest of the world uses only sharp ti...
13:06 Revision fd281e5f (github): libcommon|libdoom: Running player thinkers and their mobjs in fractional time
Proof of concept where players and their mobjs live in fractional
time while the rest of the world uses only sharp ti...
13:04 Revision 05a067f4 (github): Started work branch for low-latency input and modern player movement
The objective is to allow players (and only players) to be controlled
and moved in fractional time, i.e., as fast as ...
12:30 Feature #1680 (Closed): Quad-buffered GL framebuffer
02:30 Feature #1680: Quad-buffered GL framebuffer
skyjake wrote:
> I pushed some changes to master that might fix VR mode 13.
> @cmbruns: could you test this, pl...


21:04 Feature #1684: Launching without Snowberry
Given that yourselves want users to be able to launch Dday without any Iwads, I wonder if the best way to display the... vermil
13:03 Feature #1684: Launching without Snowberry
skyjake wrote:
> The IWAD path must be specified somehow, as without it no games can be played. Perhaps make it poss...
18:40 Revision 796c1c8d (github): Fixed: Build failure (C standard)
17:51 Feature #1685 (Closed): [Doom] Inverted B&W palette for invulnerability
17:50 Revision c2ff3b40 (github): Renderer|libdoom: Use postfx for invulnerability effect
The “post.fx.monochrome.inverted” shader is used as the
invulnerability effect in libdoom.
The blinking effect when ...
13:21 Feature #1666 (In Progress): [Dehacked] Support for sprite renaming
10:34 Bug #1671: Doom Sector type 10 not 'releasing' sector after action has occurred
Indeed, it seems to have been fixed since the build I noticed and tested this issue in. vermil
06:26 Bug #1671 (Rejected): Doom Sector type 10 not 'releasing' sector after action has occurred
Doomsday appears to replicate the expected behavior. See the attached secspec10.wad, which has a door that closes 30 ... danij
10:22 Bug #1599 (Closed): Double Quit sound
10:20 Revision 200dc74c (github): Fixed|All Games|Menu: Double quit sound
Menu buttons will automatically play the relevant sound effect when
activated/triggered. The quit game menu action do...
09:40 Bug #1670 (Closed): [Automap] Yellow/Red key activated switches don't glow
07:46 Bug #1670 (Resolved): [Automap] Yellow/Red key activated switches don't glow
07:51 Revision 184d4424 (github): Refactor|MenuWidget|Client: Handling deletion of sub-widgets
When a widget is being deleted, only the de::Widget instance
remains; a dynamic cast to a subclass will fail.
07:45 Revision 5381ab8f (github): Fixed|Doom|Automap: Missing glow on some key activated switch lines
Switch line specials should glow irrespective of the sidedness of a
map line.
IssueID #1670
05:38 Feature #1668: Support id Tech 1 map hacks with sector lightlevels outside expected [0..255] range
The original issue which this report concerns (sector lightlevels being set to zero on saving the game) has now been ... danij
05:19 Revision 5de0f8f4 (github): Fixed|Sector: Ensure sector lightlevels are clamped to the normalized [0..1] range
Note that presently Doomsday does not support id Tech 1 map hacks
which depend on sector lightlevels outside of the [...


19:38 Revision d7de80de (github): Renderer: Clamp lightlevels applied uniformly to a chunk of map geometry
18:48 Revision 24698bf7 (github): Cleanup
18:46 Revision a88ec2ed (github): Refactor|UI|Task Bar: Custom widgets as submenus; improved task bar behavior
Added a SubwidgetItem class that allows one to create a custom
popup widget as the submenu of a menu item. MenuWidget...
18:03 Revision bd6c41b8 (github): Fixed|Homepage: Updated "Report Bugs" / "Request Features" links to the new tracker
Also fixed a minor positioning issue with the top panel.
IssueID #1683
17:23 Feature #1605: Tutorial
It is important to bear in mind that within the traditional sphere of a DOOM source port there is basically no parall... danij
13:44 Feature #1605: Tutorial
vermil wrote:
> Something I have also thought about, is that the taskbar and main taskbar menu should open by defaul...
10:02 Feature #1605: Tutorial
I know you want to highlight the cool UI, but is it actually best to wait until such a time comes that the typical us... vermil
02:17 Feature #1605: Tutorial
May I suggest to have the tutorial as an optional button, that for people to see the tutorial, they have to click, ra... eunbolt
13:50 Feature #1685 (Closed): [Doom] Inverted B&W palette for invulnerability
The new "postfx" command can be used to draw the game world with an inverted monochrome shader. This should be used i... skyjake
13:47 Feature #1682 (Closed): [UI] Button click behavior outside an open popup
08:52 Feature #1682 (In Progress): [UI] Button click behavior outside an open popup
08:46 Feature #1682: [UI] Button click behavior outside an open popup
This is the intended behavior at the moment. All popups are dismissed with a click outside the popup -- the dismissal... skyjake
02:25 Feature #1682 (Closed): [UI] Button click behavior outside an open popup
Switching between the video and render sub-menus
You are in the "Render" sub-menu and you want to go to the "video" ...
13:29 Feature #1684 (Closed): Launching without Snowberry
As a first step toward making #1600 a reality, it should be possible to start Doomsday directly in an officially supp... skyjake
13:22 Feature #6: Draw lens flares using GL2
vermil wrote (in #1605):
> Of course, I won't lie, I also think the new lens flares are coming in too early; that th...
13:15 Revision 62700d29 (github): UI|Client: Popups allow clicking through to widgets outside the popup
As a special case, mouse clicks on interactive widgets are allowed
to occur: even though the popup is open, it offers...
10:36 Revision 738bc0cd (github): UI|Client|GuiWidget: Added a method for hit-testing a widget tree
This allows looking up a widget that would get hit by a position. skyjake
10:35 Revision ad22f3e9 (github): Fixed|Release Build: Compiler warning (unused variable)


21:21 Feature #1680: Quad-buffered GL framebuffer
I pushed some changes to master that might fix VR mode 13.
@cmbruns: could you test this, please?
09:35 Feature #1680 (Closed): Quad-buffered GL framebuffer
Support for VR mode 13 (quad buffered, stereoscopic framebuffer). @GLFramebuffer@ must provide a way to set which bac... skyjake
21:20 Revision 86d42937 (github): Renderer: Use the left/right stereo swap mode in VR mode 13 (quad-buffered)
Todo: Test this on actual hardware.
IssueID #1680
21:19 Revision ff523976 (github): libgui|GLFramebuffer: Stereo left/right swap mode
Even though rendering always happens in Canvas’s GL frame buffer,
VR mode 13 should now theoretically work as GLFrame...
20:42 Revision 771e85b0 (github): Fixed: Build error (non-const references to temporaries)
19:45 Bug #1681: Garbled screen build 1080
> Version: 3.0 Mesa 10.1.0-devel (git-cbe7431 saucy-oibaf-ppa)
> Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on AMD BARTS
We should fir...
13:07 Bug #1681: Garbled screen build 1080
1073 Is the last working version
Forgot to add
This is running ubuntu 13.10 64bit
12:51 Bug #1681 (Closed): Garbled screen build 1080
Screenshot of problem attached
dave@theBeast:/usr/bin$ ./doomsday -vv
Application path: /usr/bin/doomsday
Enabled ...
08:55 Revision 1eb8f988 (github): Changed release type to Candidate for 1.13


21:15 Revision e54eb5de (github): Fixed|CompositeBitmapFont: Inadvertent creation of redundant texture variants
R_GetPatchInfo should not be used here because obtaining the info
has the side effect of generating a redundant varia...
17:49 Revision c21797e1 (github): Fixed|libdeng2: Protect HighPerformanceTimer for multithreaded access
If two threads check the current value of HighPerformanceTimer at
the same time, a race condition could occur. Also, ...
17:47 Revision c4f614e0 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
17:46 Revision 5ef9c683 (github): Fixed|ResourceSystem: Automatically destroy a Material along with it's MaterialManifest
Todo: The way this is set up is now somewhat confused. The original
idea was to allow multiple material URIs to resol...
17:27 Revision 8cb5f828 (github): Fixed: Failed release build
Goto labels need a statement following them. skyjake
16:12 Revision 7821ff60 (github): SFX|Audio|Client: Ensure a sample is loaded in a channel before comparing ids
15:53 Revision e24c481f (github): Refactor|SFX|Audio|Client: Use de::Log for logging purposes; cleanup
13:52 Revision c7a1e7a0 (github): Fixed|UI|GuiWidget: Disabled widgets shouldn’t animate immediately after creation
If a widget is disabled before its first update, it will not animate
its opacity to visualize the disabled state. Thi...
13:23 Bug #1679 (Closed): main menu appearing in the loading screens when it shouldn't
Fixed for the next build. skyjake
13:23 Revision 0ccfc314 (github): Fixed|UI|All Games: Transition after selection a menu item
When a new game is started from the Main Menu, the menu is closed
before the map is loaded. Before, this was masked b...
13:06 Revision 8044fe3a (github): Fixed|Busy Mode: Don’t hold on an obsolete transition frame
There may be a redundant request to render a transition frame,
however, if one comes some time later, we should respe...

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