



From 2013-09-16 to 2013-09-29


22:51 Feature #1586: Load/manage add-ons from the home screen
Indeed this is the plan: (#1600).
However, full support for ...
22:40 Feature #1587 (New): 3D weapon behaviour
The vertical and horizontal spreads of all player hitscan weapons and also Heretic's Crossbow, in all games currently... vermil
19:39 Revision 81e758e6 (github): Fixed|Hexen: Default value of 'msg-echo' should be 1
The console variable 'msg-echo' was defaulting to zero, which meant
no game messages were being shown in the console ...
19:30 Revision 330a14d9 (github): Fixed|LineEditWidget: Typing a ~ character in the console
When focused, LineEditWidget doesn't eat Shift any more, so that
the event goes down to the bindings system and it ca...


20:35 Revision 9cab6761 (github): Fixed|Map Renderer|Client: Font selection of thinker id debug visual
The thinker id debug visual failed to select a font before drawing,
so used whichever font was last in use.
Also con...


03:26 Revision 6b42cf44 (github): Fixed|BSP Builder|ConvexSubspace: Failed to partition a map with overlapped single sided lines
When two or more single sided lines are overlapping and reference the
same sector, depending on how the map is partit...
02:04 Revision 07e56665 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
02:03 Revision e6a16e35 (github): Fixed|World|Client: Attempt to free pointer without ZONEID following failed map load
The "objlink" blockmap allocates storage for global data from the
memory zone with the PU_MAP/MAPSTATIC purge level. ...


23:33 Revision b53908ed (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Consolidated drawing of sound emitter debug visuals; cleanup
22:47 Revision a86fe160 (github): Refactor|Map Renderer|Client: Consolidated drawing of generator debug visuals; cleanup
12:55 Revision 47f2bfc5 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
05:19 Revision e0949639 (github): Cleanup|World: Use new mobj accessor functions where applicable
02:37 Revision 40eb2b07 (github): Cleanup|World|BspLeaf: Removed BspLeaf::isDegenerate()
BspLeaf::hasPoly() should be used to determine if a convex geometry
is assigned to the BSP leaf.
01:39 Revision 607d7a1d (github): World|Map: Allow linking mobjs to a sector of a degenerate BSP leaf
There appears to be some confusion as to what it means for a mobj to
be "sector linked". Specifically, whether a mobj...


18:01 Revision 78f135d1 (github): World|Mobj: Various functions to assist future clean up of mobj management
From version 1.13 onwards the map's BSP element instances will no
longer be exposed via the public API. In the future...
15:54 Revision 286f104c (github): Cleanup|API: Moved SideSection and DMU_FLAG_FOR_SIDESECTION to dmu_lib.h
Also removed the unused fdivline_t danij
07:51 Revision f4cf503c (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Warning about unused variable


12:19 Revision 7856b758 (github): Cleanup|World|BspLeaf: Removed all obsolete BspLeaf accessor methods
A BSP leaf should not be thought of as a "subsector" as this produces
too strong of a binding with the much higher le...
03:17 Revision 49e5df03 (github): World|Sector: Improved sector cluster containment determination
Comparing cluster bounding boxes is not always enough to accurately
determine whether one cluster contains another. I...


21:12 Revision 4a32c662 (github): UI|Renderer Appearance: "Dynamic Lights" is a toggle (on/off)
17:20 Revision cfc428eb (github): UI|Updater: Updater Settings dialog is non-modal (like other settings)
The Updater Settings dialog now works using the same principle as
the other dialogs: changes are applied immediately,...
17:19 Bug #1118: [OpenAL] patch #27 revisited
- **labels**: --> OpenAL
- **assigned_to**: Jaakko Keränen
- **priority**: 1 --> 5
17:07 Bug #1118: [OpenAL] patch #27 revisited
The first part is a bit odd though - fluidsynth doesn't need such markings to work... galt_gendo
17:07 Bug #1117: [Plutonia] Missing explosion sprites of Icon of Sin
Also, for another example, here's Map30 of AV. In Chocolate Doom, you can see the explosions cover much of the Icon o... sonicdoommario
16:31 Revision 176247ce (github): Updater: Added option to download available updates automatically
When enabled, the download is started in the background (with the
progress notification visible) and when ready, the ...
15:23 Revision 89671055 (github): UI|Client: Allow opening editor sidebar with read-only settings profiles
However, the item is labeled "View" instead of "Edit" as all the
groups will be disabled.
14:23 Revision 053f9901 (github): UI|Client: Folding/unfolding all groups in the Renderer Appearance editor
Right-clicking on one of the group titles now opens a popup menu with
fold/unfold actions.
Added a generic GuiWidget...


22:24 Revision 90eff117 (github): World|Sector: Extend dynamic plane mapping to those with sky-masked materials
With the plane mapping algorithm now finalized and the map renderer
updated accordingly we can extend support to plan...
19:23 Revision a38943b9 (github): World|Sector: Non-drawable materials classify for "missing texture" map hacks
The first texture defined in the TEXTURE1/2 lump of the IWAD is never
drawn by the original software renderer due to ...
11:01 Revision 34779369 (github): Fixed|TextDrawable|DocumentWidget: Updating text (e.g., autocompletion list)
DocumentWidget was jumping the gun and updating the text before
TextDrawable had finished the background wrapping tas...
10:37 Revision ec6eef73 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
10:36 Revision b9e1ee6d (github): Fixed|libcommon: Behavior of sector type 10 "close in 30 seconds"
When a mobj blocks the path of the plane preventing from completing
its mission of sealing off an area -- vanilla beh...
09:39 Revision 242f54ae (github): Client|Renderer Appearance: Renamed built-in profiles, added "Defaults"
"Retro" is now "Vanilla", and "Enhanced" is "Amplified". The "Defaults"
profile uses whatever built-in default values...
08:05 Revision b5c737e6 (github): Fixed|libcommon: Player spawn under 3D bridge object fails
Attempting to spawn a player at a map spot below/above a 3D bridge
object failed because the dummy player mobj used t...
07:34 Bug #1036: Automatic game selection failed. No Registered Games.
I just tried the Doomsday Engine 1.9.8 [#493] (Candidate 32-bit) for Windows, with Wine, no problem. legluondunet
05:45 Bug #1108: Infine corruption during first tic
Further analysis reveals two small separate issues.
1. Sound effects set to play in the first tic of an infine def...
05:02 Bug #1041: [Windows] Pressing Alt/AltGr key confuses turning
Just adding that it's whenever the player presses the alt key while turning; repeatedly tapping just causes it repeat... vermil
05:02 Bug #1040: [Hexen] Singleplayer starts on Deathkings MP map 35 broken
- **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
- **Milestone**: v1.9.7 --> v1.12
04:35 Bug #1040: [Hexen] Singleplayer starts on Deathkings MP map 35 broken
Fixed for the upcoming 1.12 release. danij
04:11 Bug #1040: [Hexen] Singleplayer starts on Deathkings MP map 35 broken
Turns out that P_CheckSpot() is to blame -- it specifically removes the MF2_PASSMOBJ flag from the dummy mobj. Why th... danij
03:35 Bug #1117: [Plutonia] Missing explosion sprites of Icon of Sin
03:34 Bug #1117: [Plutonia] Missing explosion sprites of Icon of Sin
Just wanted to revisit this. I did test this out with build #993, but if you compare where the explosion appears in D... sonicdoommario


22:50 Revision 55fa33f1 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
22:43 Revision 6c186bc0 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Closed fold panel content; read-only appearance profiles in editor
When a fold panel is closed, its content is removed from the widget
tree entirely.
The editor prevents modifying rea...
22:43 Revision e2f69d02 (github): Renderer: Fine-tuned lighting and halo default settings
Dynamic lights are a little larger and glows/halos a little brighter.
Sky color is factored in a bit more into sector...
22:43 Revision c72e0f0e (github): Client: Read-only setting profiles; added "Retro" and "Enhanced"
Added two built-in renderer appearance profiles that are available
for use in read-only mode.
22:18 Revision 0226533e (github): Doom: Added compatibility option "game-objects-gibcrushednonbleeders"
In the original game any crushed object will be turned into a pile of
gibs irrespective of whether said object is a m...
21:56 Revision d059992b (github): Renderer: Fine-tuned lighting and halo default settings
Dynamic lights are a little larger and glows/halos a little brighter.
Sky color is factored in a bit more into sector...
21:56 Revision 7d0d4575 (github): Client: Read-only setting profiles; added "Retro" and "Enhanced"
Added two built-in renderer appearance profiles that are available
for use in read-only mode.
19:39 Revision fa7d1fd4 (github): Fixed|World|Sector|Client: Crashes in various Hexen maps when mapping sector planes
The Hexen IWAD is littered with maps containing severely broken map
geometry, such as one-sided line constructs facin...
19:23 Bug #939: [Doom] Barrels are not turning into gib piles if crushed
Added the compatibility option "game-objects-gibcrushednonbleeders" (default: disabled) for the upcoming 1.12 release... danij
19:23 Bug #940: [Doom] Exit switches play the wrong sound
Another instance where the source says one thing but does another due to a bug. The original P_ChangeSwitchTexture ha... danij
18:22 Bug #52: [Render hack] Fake/see-through bridges
Fixed for the upcoming 1.12 release. danij
18:22 Bug #52: [Render hack] Fake/see-through bridges
- **status**: open --> fixed
- **Milestone**: v1.8.6 --> v1.12
18:20 Bug #587: [Render hack] Plutonia 2 map11: 3D bridge does not construct
- **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
- **Milestone**: v1.8.6 --> v1.12
18:20 Bug #587: [Render hack] Plutonia 2 map11: 3D bridge does not construct
Fixed for the upcoming 1.12 release. danij
18:19 Bug #747: warnings require fixes
build log
18:19 Bug #745: [Render hack] Deep water tricks not supported
Fixed for the upcoming 1.12 release. danij
18:19 Bug #745: [Render hack] Deep water tricks not supported
- **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
- **Milestone**: v1.9.0-beta6 --> v1.12
18:16 Bug #949: [Hexen] Crash on returning to Heresiarch's Seminary
For reference: the Heresiarch's Seminary is map 13 (map27), and the main map/name of Hub3.
The Wolf Chapel is map ...
18:16 Bug #948: Dynamic Lights: Use the non-transferred plane height
- **status**: open --> fixed
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
- **Milestone**: v1.8.6 --> v1.12
18:10 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.11.2 (Stable 32-bit #971) Aug 29 2013 07:27:56.
OpenGL information:
Version: 4.3.0
18:10 Bug #1132: Rendering slow - slow graphics (1.11.0 => 1.11.2)
Check that vid-fsaa is set to 0 (zero). Antialiasing often has a big negative impact on framerate.
Also, could you...
15:31 Bug #1134: [Hexen] Uncaught exception in Heresiarch's Seminary
- **labels**: Hexen, Data --> Hexen, Renderer
- **summary**: Hexen exits at map Heresiarch's Seminary --> [Hexen] Unc...
15:31 Bug #1134: [Hexen] Uncaught exception in Heresiarch's Seminary
I'm seeing the same error in other maps, e.g., map 8. skyjake
11:05 Bug #1134: [Hexen] Uncaught exception in Heresiarch's Seminary
- **status**: open --> fixed
11:05 Bug #1134: [Hexen] Uncaught exception in Heresiarch's Seminary
Fixed for the next 1.12 candidate build.
See: [fa7d1f]
09:34 Revision 7a935b3e (github): Merge branch 'master' of
09:33 Revision d40f83d0 (github): Fixed|World|Client: Crash on map load with dynamic lights disabled
P_MobjCreate() initialized the attributed lumobj index incorrectly
(now zero-based).
Also fixed a couple more initia...
08:51 Revision f63fd717 (github): Documentation|Client|libdeng2: Added comments
07:27 Revision 0febdeeb (github): World|Sector: Re-apply wall material fixes following back plane height changes
Also dynamically choose a new fix material depending on the current
plane heights and ensure that wall surface lighti...
03:50 Revision fce97ee0 (github): World|Sector: More stringently classify "missing texture" map hacks
To be eligible for missing texture map hack support, all edges which
define the boundary between sector clusters must...


18:51 Bug #1134: [Hexen] Uncaught exception in Heresiarch's Seminary
- **assigned_to**: Daniel Swanson
18:01 Bug #1134 (Closed): [Hexen] Uncaught exception in Heresiarch's Seminary
Since commit 4a17186db0e22a8a02494ea5d9c7ac492817254d ("Cleanup|World|Sector: Determine missing materials when classi... arus-2
17:42 Revision 89b75e7c (github): UI|Client: Added a 'gauge' popup for Audio Settings dialog
Like Renderer Settings, the Audio Settings dialog now has a 'gauge'
button for additional settings that are intended ...
17:33 Revision df614d64 (github): Refactor|UI|Client: Added a popup widget with a grid
GridPopupWidget makes it easier to create popups whose content is
laid out in a grid.
17:31 Revision 666dc888 (github): Fixed|UI|Client|GridLayout: Determining cell alignment
17:30 Revision 7aa939fc (github): Fixed|libdeng2|Vector: Vector comparison operators
Vector comparison operators were not working as expected. For instance,
comparing (0,2) < (0,4) would result in 'fals...
15:39 Revision d93fdc4d (github): All Games|Menu: Removed obsolete options linking to the Control Panel
These settings are now available in the new task bar. skyjake
12:56 Revision fac1fa5f (github): Console|Client: Added console command 'rendedit'
'rendedit' opens the Renderer Appearance editor sidebar.
Updated the help text compilations.
11:05 Revision a5675503 (github): Fixed|Multiplayer|Client: Crash when joining a game
The luminousClipped array was evidently accessed before being
allocated for the first time, resulting in a null point...
05:28 Revision bf503643 (github): BSP Builder: Cleanup
05:03 Revision 945fd639 (github): Fixed|BSP Builder: Space partitioner incorrectly assigned sectors adjoining map hacks
When building line segments along the partitioning half-plane it is
not simply the self-referencing state of the inte...


18:37 Revision d16d72b7 (github): UI|Client: Modified style of settings dialog subheadings
Now using bold weight with the accent color. skyjake
18:37 Revision 805c99a9 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Applying text styles before widget initialized
17:43 Revision 8b85191e (github): UI|Renderer: Moved HUD mirroring option, added "Behavior" subtitle


17:46 Revision ae79ff41 (github): Merge branch 'master' of
17:44 Revision d42d3402 (github): Refactor|World|Sector: Reimplemented algorithm for sector plane mapping avoiding recursion
As one can separate boundary clusters by containment relationship
the recursive solution added unnecessary complicati...


18:40 Revision 8af08472 (github): Optimize|SliderWidget|ToggleWidget: Avoid per-frame PathTree queries
Sliders and toggles were looking up colors on every geometry update.
PathTree is not quite efficient enough for this ...
09:32 Bug #1131: 'server-game-skill' doesn't function
I verified that 'server-game-skill' is working on OS X. This could be a Windows-only issue? (Hopefully not another /O... skyjake
06:12 Revision b6b9f984 (github): World|Sector: Improved dynamic plane mapping wrt deeply nested map hacks
When such a mapping is made, rather than directly map the immediate
interior clusters directly we will instead invali...
05:05 Revision a1c34382 (github): World|Line|Sector: Relocated missing material fixing to Line::Side
When a missing material fix is applied, automatically mark reverb
data for the adjoining sector cluster dirty.
Also ...


10:57 Revision f70697c6 (github): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
10:57 Revision 163b962e (github): Fixed: Build failure (missing header)
10:50 Revision 6d8dd583 (github): UI|Client: Run small text preprocessing tasks synchronously
Label texts are typically quite short, so now TextDrawable carries
out short (<20 chars) wrapping tasks immediately.
10:50 Revision a2bf9191 (github): Fixed|UI|Client: Alignment issue due unsigned math
The "No LOD" label of a slider was missing because negative values
were interpreted as large positive values.
10:50 Revision 1b250aa5 (github): Fixed|Busy Mode: Screen capture for transition-free busy mode
If there will be no animated transition at the end of the busy mode,
we must capture the entire view because busy mod...
02:53 Revision ba2be816 (github): World|Sector: Cleanup
02:28 Revision 1dbc3e00 (github): World|Sector: Only reclassify sector clusters when necessary
02:23 Revision 4a17186d (github): Cleanup|World|Sector: Determine missing materials when classifying sector clusters
01:31 Revision 95e03039 (github): World|Sector: Defer boundary info init for sector clusters
Actually, we'll defer this until after the whole boundary has been
classified wrt missing materials -- this info is i...
01:00 Revision a2cd796d (github): Refactor|Optimize|World: Preprocess sector cluster containment for dynamic plane mapping
Sector cluster containment and unique neighbor determination is now
processed only once when the cluster is first dyn...

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