Bug #949
[Hexen] Crash on returning to Heresiarch's Seminary
Pressing the puzzle switch in the Wolf Chapel and then returning to the Heresiarch's Seminary causes Dday 1.9 Beta 6.9 to crash with a windows error.
More information can be found here: http://www.dengine.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=497
One notes that all these crashes with travelling through portals in HeXen using Beta 6.9, seem to relate to whether the player has activated a script that affect another map (and tries to travel to the affected map).
Labels: jHexen Gameplay
Updated by danij about 14 years ago
Fixed for the upcoming 1.9.0-beta6.10
Updated by vermil over 11 years ago
For reference: the Heresiarch's Seminary is map 13 (map27), and the main map/name of Hub3.
The Wolf Chapel is map 19 (map34) and the puzzle switch in question is in sector 204 (with noclip, walk forward from the start through the wall and you are in sector 204).