From 2003-07-01 to 2003-07-14
10:25 Feature #1239 (Closed): Binding of joystick axes
- Joystick axes should produce bindable events when they
reach a certain threshold. This would make it possible
to bi...
19:58 Revision dfbfa5a4 (github): Possibility to include custom files in snapshot
19:33 Revision 44b62af5 (github): Title played with MusicOnce, 'imp' demo script
19:32 Revision 9c101037 (github): Fixed WaitText timing, SoundAt volume
19:32 Revision fb0e7cd0 (github): InFine fixes
17:33 Revision 43696235 (github): Generic object handling, rotation, rectangles
17:32 Revision b3939ef2 (github): Added R_GetPatchInfo()
17:31 Revision 60f7a48e (github): InFine: generic object handling, rotation, rectangles
11:07 Feature #1237: Cheats
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Shouldn't be allowed to cheat at all in multiplayer, ... -
09:21 Bug #107 (Closed): jHeretic: demo compatibility
- see attach demo in 1.7.10 and 1.7.11
I think that loss of compatibility with Doomsday the
previous versions (all... -
09:21 Bug #107: jHeretic: demo compatibility
- jHeretic demo
* -
01:28 Revision d8815227 (github): InFine enhancements, title scripts
01:28 Revision a49714e6 (github): Added InFine overlay mode, common G_StartTitle()
01:26 Revision 19397046 (github): Comment
01:26 Revision bf6e6454 (github): Common G_StartTitle()
01:25 Revision 642a2346 (github): Use map validation routine in warp cheat
01:25 Revision 9c26430c (github): Common G_StartTitle
01:24 Revision 0affe230 (github): Removed
01:23 Revision 6c43717e (github): Common G_StartTitle, removed old title stuff
01:23 Revision 51c01c7b (github): Removed advancedemo
01:22 Revision ac547bfc (github): Cleanup, added InFine overlay mode
01:22 Revision 3e175571 (github): Can't save if not in game, common G_StartTitle
01:21 Revision 94a0e5f3 (github): Added InFine overlay mode
01:20 Revision f40cfcb5 (github): Common G_StartTitle()
01:19 Revision 15f036c4 (github): Cleanup, added startinf, stopinf
01:18 Revision bef4d116 (github): Def_Get: DD_DEF_FINALE, removed game from Finale def
01:18 Revision e2465f42 (github): Don't profile
01:17 Revision 713ed8ef (github): Default DL brightness to .7
01:17 Revision e75b3aca (github): Accept "InFine" as alias for "Finale", remove game from Finale def
01:16 Revision 38f1e3bb (github): Removed commented stuff
01:15 Revision 345c4282 (github): Cleanup, fixed potential crash with Con_Error()
01:14 Revision 15b4acc0 (github): Comment
01:14 Revision f542938f (github): Updated call to FI_Start (modes)
01:13 Revision 7051230f (github): Common G_StartTitle(), removed old title stuff
01:12 Revision a046e72e (github): State stack, new commands, interactivity, DO-blocks, PlayDemo
01:11 Revision b6e9f5f6 (github): Version upgrade, removed old title stuff
01:10 Revision 3f3fcf82 (github): Added map validation routine
01:10 Revision fdec258b (github): Version upgrade
01:10 Revision 709ec73e (github): Removed obsolete stuff
01:09 Revision 9d4af685 (github): Common G_StartTitle()
01:08 Revision abf11173 (github): Added InFine modes, interactivity, PlayDemo
01:07 Revision 1e1c23c3 (github): Added InFine overlay mode
01:07 Revision fdfc51d7 (github): Added DD_GetKeyCode()
01:05 Revision 010ed53a (github): Removed game from Finale/InFine def
01:05 Revision 50410f40 (github): Version upgrade to 1.7.12, define DD_DEF_FINALE
01:04 Revision 6fb6b941 (github): Added missing header files
01:03 Revision e40ed315 (github): Added titlescreen scripts
00:26 Feature #1238 (Closed): 2 Features
- 1. Please make that map (automap) showing mode isn't
toggle. (and also leave current mode, make switcher in
20:28 Bug #105: Net: Clipping / Door Issues & Instability
- Logged In: YES
I meant to say we both upgraded to 1.7.11, not 1.7.10 as
indicated above. Typo. -
20:27 Bug #105: Net: Clipping / Door Issues & Instability
- Logged In: YES
The clipping problems aren't consistent; I believe (my guess)
it has to do with pre... -
17:26 Bug #105: Net: Clipping / Door Issues & Instability
- Logged In: YES
Do the clipping/getting-stuck problems happen consistently?
Is there a certain map w... -
17:18 Bug #106 (Closed): Client can jump even if jumping disabled on server
- The client can jump even if the server has disabled
*Labels:* Multiplayer -
05:44 Feature #1236: Multiplayer modes integrated into Doomsday
- Out of date.
21:08 Feature #1237 (Closed): Cheats
- Why cheat "give *" (give a;give w;give i) is working in
Multiplayer game (version 1.7.11)? I think this s... -
21:05 Feature #1142: Cheating in netgames
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
i do believe the give command need refinement too. i ... -
15:29 Bug #105 (Closed): Net: Clipping / Door Issues & Instability
- No changes to test system between 1.7.10 and 1.7.11;
but in Netgames (coop), client machine (connecting to a
list... -
15:23 Bug #72: Loading a savegame kicks all clients
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Yes. Doomsday was re-packaged for a friend without ac... -
10:21 Bug #104 (Closed): XG: Scrolling Textures on Clientside
- There may be some problems with XG plane
movement in netgames. Make sure that the server is
sending the correct a...
10:54 Feature #1234: Particle Grass
- Considering to be the same as "Surface detail models". Closing as duplicate.
03:41 Feature #1234 (Closed): Particle Grass
- A pseudo 3D grass effect made out of particles (like in
Star Fox Adventures). Not really needed, as
bumpmapped gr... -
10:50 Feature #1233: Surface decorations using 3D models
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Also, slope support. Now that Doom has mouse look sup... -
03:24 Feature #1233 (New): Surface decorations using 3D models
- Ability to add better 3D detail to levels, such as proper
cracks in walls, pipes hanging from ceilings, railings,
... -
10:42 Feature #1225: Tenebrae style blood
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Take a look at some ... -
03:14 Feature #1225: Tenebrae style blood
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
A lot of features that tenebrae has would benefit Doo... -
10:30 Feature #1230: Full DirectX 9 support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Get over direct X! Why are so many people victim to t... -
06:04 Feature #1236 (Closed): Multiplayer modes integrated into Doomsday
- The plugin gamemode idea is great. I think eventually
Doomsday should have all the basic modes (Teamplay,
Deathma... -
03:49 Feature #1235 (Closed): Plugin weapons, etc....
- Weapons, levels, etc.. for each game would have their
own folder. They would be able to be tagged (name,
author, ... -
03:39 Feature #1232: Customiseable barrel explosion damage
- Will be addressed when we move the AI to external scripts.
03:16 Feature #1229: Input plugins: generate events from connected controllers
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Proper support for analog. Instead of holding down ru...
23:43 Feature #1232 (New): Customiseable barrel explosion damage
- I would like to see a customizable damage set for the
barrel, so that I can kill pinky demons if next to them
*L... -
23:37 Feature #1231 (New): Ragdoll physics
- What about adding ragdoll physics, such as dead
monsters tilting on staircases, or slumping down off an
edge? Of ... -
14:00 Revision d49a51e5 (github): Removed obsolete network settings
14:00 Revision 77d899db (github): The game is always zero
14:00 Revision a84bec45 (github): Fixed console text height bug on first time the console is visible
13:59 Revision b94f48e3 (github): Removed help for obsolete settings
13:58 Revision 806b7095 (github): Fixes for 1.7.11 glitches
03:34 Feature #1192: 3D models for menu/HUD graphics
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Have you seen Metroid Prime? It has a 3D hud that is ... -
03:27 Feature #1228: Damage from nukage splats
- Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
Duplicate -
02:56 Feature #1228: Damage from nukage splats
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
this would be an idea for modders not for the engine ... -
03:07 Feature #1230 (Closed): Full DirectX 9 support
- Support for all the new features and hardware present
and supported by the new DirectX 9.
*Labels:* Graphics -
03:04 Feature #1229 (Rejected): Input plugins: generate events from connected controllers
- Much like the audio plugins, input devices should be abstracted behind a plugin mechanism. An input plugin would feed...
17:40 Feature #1227: Per pixel lighting
- Closing as duplicate.
17:24 Feature #1228 (Closed): Damage from nukage splats
- It would be interesting if the spilled nukage from
exploding a barrel hurt the player when stepped on.
Apart fro... -
04:24 Bug #103: All Objects have black square around them
- Logged In: YES
You might wanna upgrade to a real video card (geforce2 or
higher, geforce2 has PCI)...
09:25 Feature #1227: Per pixel lighting
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
So your saying bump map everything from a single stat... -
07:43 Bug #103 (Closed): All Objects have black square around them
- When i use jdoom, all the objects such as enemies,
guns, etc, have black around them. I have a 300 mhz,
48 meg or... -
03:39 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
PNG works yeah. I'm just getting a lot more slow down... -
03:21 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- Logged In: YES
PCXs can't have an alpha channel, but color-keying should work (see
Readme). I'm und...
22:33 Feature #1227: Per pixel lighting
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
per pixel lighting doesn't have to have anything to d... -
13:55 Feature #1227: Per pixel lighting
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Very good, but where do you get your light source dat... -
03:28 Feature #1227 (Closed): Per pixel lighting
- Look at Tenebrae to figure this one out.
*Labels:* Graphics -
17:19 Revision ec7fa0fd (github): Fixed typo in comment
17:18 Revision 01992656 (github): Cleanup for version 1.7.11
17:15 Revision 98a6b889 (github): Initial checkin, light decors for Doom II (nothing yet)
17:14 Revision eadaf67e (github): Updated for 1.7.11
17:11 Revision fc73296c (github): One more for 1.7.11 (rend-tex-external-always)
14:13 Revision 2a295d43 (github): Added rend-tex-external-always
14:12 Revision e89fd276 (github): makelocp checks for ingame before creating new player
14:11 Revision 3cd1eee8 (github): Check connected before creating new local player
14:10 Revision af0969fd (github): Fix dupe ID check, clear ID when player leaves
08:44 Feature #1226: Bumpmapping
- Closing as duplicate.
03:27 Feature #1226 (Closed): Bumpmapping
- nuff said.
*Labels:* Graphics
18:19 Bug #102: jHeretic: crash with makelocp
- Logged In: YES
Fixed for 1.7.11. Correct behaviour: makelocp fails if the
player is already in the... -
14:29 Bug #102 (Closed): jHeretic: crash with makelocp
- While testing out models for Corvus, I had created two
more besides con0: con1 and con2.
When I used "setcon ... -
15:56 Feature #1225: Tenebrae style blood
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
yeah that would be fine but this should be called 'do...
21:22 Feature #1142: Cheating in netgames
- Logged In: YES
I used the term "cheating" loosely, and this mostly applies to
COOP games... -
16:06 Feature #1224: Cvar to disable model spinning
- Logged In: YES
It will be "rend-model-spin-speed" (a float factor). 0=no
spin. -
14:13 Revision 2d3d4b34 (github): Don't allow floatbob to go through floor, allow playerstart arg >4
14:12 Revision ce98c590 (github): Fixed view border flicker, again
14:12 Revision 217b2600 (github): Frozen for 1.7.11
12:53 Bug #96: jHexen: Gargoyle stretched out?
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Ok, It's fixed...I must have downloaded a less recent... -
00:23 Revision 734c6050 (github): D_Get/H_GetString/H2_GetString => G_Get
00:22 Revision 1a22dafc (github): Removed the savepath cvar
00:22 Revision 3b935622 (github): Fixed occlusion bug when eye Z == plane Z
00:21 Revision abc9d25b (github): SavePath no longer a pointer
00:20 Revision 761bf194 (github): Includes max number of light decors to 16
00:20 Revision 4af6dc65 (github): Changed version to 1.7.11
23:52 Revision e117abb5 (github): Fixed clientside wind
23:51 Revision 67ba8f54 (github): Subtract 4 ("gNd2") from GL verts lump length
23:51 Revision 29b081b4 (github): Subtract 4 ("gNd2") from GL verts lump length, cleanup
23:49 Revision 4aa129a6 (github): Use game mode in savegame dir, Sv_HxInit added
23:49 Revision da121878 (github): Use game mode in savegame dir
23:47 Revision 5f43405d (github): Fixes and changes
20:39 Bug #72: Loading a savegame kicks all clients
- Logged In: YES
I have now tested savegames in 1.7.11/net2 and things
seem to be working. Could it ... -
20:35 Bug #54: PWAD savegame crash
- Logged In: YES
As far as IWADs are concerned, this is no longer a
problem. Starting with 1.7.11, e... -
18:58 Feature #1163: Blended/faded texture animation
- Logged In: YES
If the animation sequences would be defined using DED
files, this would be easier t... -
15:56 Bug #101 (Closed): jHeretic: No wind on clientside
- For example in E1M1, the client is not feeling the
wind in the large water area.
*Labels:* jHeretic Multiplayer -
15:54 Bug #100: Doom2 level 29 floor hole bug
- Logged In: YES
This is glBSP's, not Doomsday's, fault. Solution here: -
13:45 Bug #100: Doom2 level 29 floor hole bug
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Level29 hole bug screenshot
* -
13:45 Bug #100 (Closed): Doom2 level 29 floor hole bug
- Doom2 level 29: If you walk up the long stairs (just
before you encounter cyberdemon) , player falls in the
invis... -
15:32 Feature #1191: More than 8 decor lights/texture
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Thanks, if the lights are small and the flares/halos ... -
15:29 Feature #1219: Configurable missile spawn points
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Good point. It would have to be an option in that cas... -
15:26 Feature #1220: Cutscenes
- Logged In: YES
Plans for the scripting in Doomsday 2.0 include this kind
of stuff. -
04:13 Feature #1220 (Rejected): Cutscenes
- Cutscenes that can be played before, during, and after
levels. Nothing overly elaborate. Using the engine to
gene... -
15:24 Feature #1222: 5.1 Digital sound
- Logged In: YES
If somebody has the needed hardware and wants to code
the support, I'm more than ha... -
04:22 Feature #1222 (Closed): 5.1 Digital sound
- Dolby Digital or DTS 5.1 surround sound support, as well
as support for 5.1 music tracks. Hard to implement
(espe... -
15:19 Feature #1201: Dynamic shadows
- Logged In: YES
There is so much Fireballs???
12:24 Bug #73: jHeretic: "Void" in the floor
- Logged In: YES
It appears the reason for the holes-in-the-floor bug (e.g.
Heretic E2M1) is glBSP v... -
10:02 Feature #1225 (Closed): Tenebrae style blood
- If youve seen tenebrae, or the early build of....that..
game... , youve noticed how beatifully dark and grisly
th... -
10:01 Bug #99: Doomsday: Forward + Forward = Use
- Logged In: YES
This is not a bug. Set cvar "ctl-use-dclick" to zero to
disable it. -
08:42 Bug #99 (Closed): Doomsday: Forward + Forward = Use
- Doomsday: Forward + Forward = Use
Double pressing of Forward will cause the
player to use.
*Labels:* Gameplay -
09:39 Feature #1224 (Closed): Cvar to disable model spinning
- Add a cvar to disable the model "df_spin" flag. Maybe
"rend-model-spin-disable", or just "r... -
07:59 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
If I use a 256 color pcx image as a particle, it isn'... -
02:44 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
The ability to rotate a particle would be usefull.
... -
04:30 Feature #1197: Scriptable UI
- Logged In: YES
I think all the menus should be set up using console
commands, read from e.g. Menus.... -
04:25 Feature #1223 (Closed): 16:9 widescreen mode
- Problably hard to implement. Through DVI??? or
composite connections. New HUD would be required for
widescreen. J... -
04:20 Feature #1149: MD3 support
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
the md3 format does not support skelletal animation, ... -
04:16 Feature #1221 (Rejected): Movies playing on world surfaces (monitors, etc.)
- Longer, movies that could be viewed off of textures like
monitors or whatever in game. Small, compressed format
w... -
01:32 Revision 5e782c74 (github): Added pcl_commands
01:31 Revision f0e4cf3a (github): Version changed to 1.7.11/net2, player events for ticcmd packing
01:31 Revision 0450c272 (github): Added Con_IsValidCommand
01:30 Revision b52caeb3 (github): Cleanup
01:30 Revision 5c7d7bb6 (github): Reject clients with dupe IDs, game unpacks ticcmd packet
01:29 Revision 5a8d18c0 (github): Cosmetic change
01:28 Revision c28b2e27 (github): Fixed map init command execution
01:28 Revision 77025f72 (github): Don't spawn particles if clmobj is hidden or unpredictable
01:27 Revision d2626894 (github): Timings fixed in Net_Update, game packs ticcmds
01:27 Revision 4829a801 (github): Added -huffcodes option: print the Huffman codes
01:26 Revision 9bd38142 (github): Added -pwadtex
01:26 Revision 653966f9 (github): Added braces, blinking cursor
01:25 Revision 2db35ad4 (github): Fixed Speed+UseArti = Jump bug
01:25 Revision a2117fdd (github): Packing/unpacking ticcmds
01:23 Revision 4d6d5964 (github): Fixes and changes for Net Test #2
01:23 Revision 7766af6a (github): Added -pwadtex, section for Textures
23:08 Feature #1188: Particle Generator - More funtionality
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Yeah pcx works great, I'll use that. Just through usi... -
23:05 Feature #1219: Configurable missile spawn points
- Logged In: YES
This shouldn't be too difficult to implement.
The Thing definition already has fou... -
15:54 Feature #1219 (Rejected): Configurable missile spawn points
- When using models, and a monster shoots a missile it is
spawned from the center of the object. This looks fairly
... -
20:14 Bug #73: jHeretic: "Void" in the floor
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
I've had the same problem. However it only seems to o... -
17:03 Bug #73: jHeretic: "Void" in the floor
- Logged In: YES
Aha! Now I see it. Two possibilities:
- glBSP v2.0 produces incorrect data
- jHer... -
16:54 Bug #73: jHeretic: "Void" in the floor
- Logged In: YES
Unfortunately this never happens for me. And since we're
using the exact same Heret... -
18:11 Feature #1217: Controls for all supported games adjusted at the same time
- Logged In: YES
There will be no 'common' controls for all the games at
this time. Perhaps later, w... -
17:32 Bug #47: jDoom: Bullet puffs in face
- Logged In: YES
Annoying, but hardly critical... -
17:31 Bug #51: Sky rendering glitch
- Logged In: YES
Might be a bug with skyfix calculations/rendering. -
17:30 Bug #54: PWAD savegame crash
- Logged In: YES
Each game mode should use its own subdir under
Run\Game\Savegame. Then there would ... -
16:52 Bug #74: Voodoo: Brightness setting messes with desktop
- Logged In: YES
I have no way to reproduce this bug. Doomsday does
restore the original color adjus... -
16:45 Bug #89: Can't load DooM, although DooM2 loads fine
- Logged In: YES
This doesn't appear to be a problem with Doomsday as
such. You could always try the... -
16:37 Bug #96: jHexen: Gargoyle stretched out?
- Logged In: YES
Try this:
- Install 1.7.10 into a temp directory.
- Apply the latest snapshot.
- D... -
12:12 Feature #1214: No external textures for PWAD textures
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: YES
One example for why this can be helpf... -
08:50 Feature #1214: No external textures for PWAD textures
- Logged In: YES
Make that "-pwadtex". -
08:18 Bug #85: Virtual File Hierarchy (pk3) route folders bug
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Heh, I think quake 3 had this bug at one point :) -
03:05 Revision 3f4796f0 (github): Added Dir_IsEqual()
03:04 Revision 77b64ec8 (github): Read included DEDs immediately, ignore 'prefix' keys in header
03:04 Revision 72e1d8af (github): Commented out Include handling
03:03 Revision a2f85e93 (github): Default keyrepeat wait is now 3 tics
03:03 Revision 32eb5ba1 (github): Read included DEDs immediately
03:02 Revision ff589c57 (github): Added 'if' and 'toggle', editable command line (left, right), block cursor
03:01 Revision acbae98b (github): Less whitespace
03:00 Revision 9d360d7d (github): Added DED_ReadProcessDED
02:59 Revision 9b6d2ba4 (github): More cmdline space
02:59 Revision 8cc0e19b (github): Removed obsolete DED_Add/RemoveInclude
02:58 Revision fda1ec44 (github): Static weapon switching (value, weaponinfo)
02:57 Revision 4727a801 (github): Fixes and minor changes
22:39 Bug #37: Fog isn't saved into savegames
- Logged In: YES
This will be fixed in 1.8. -
22:12 Feature #1218 (Closed): gnf_group: Triggered by all in flat group
- A "gnf_group" flag should be added. It would
associate a flat-triggered particle generator with all
the... -
17:02 Bug #97: Loading order of included DEDs
- Logged In: YES
Fixed for 1.7.11. -
11:15 Bug #97 (Closed): Loading order of included DEDs
- The order in which DED files included from other DED
files are read is incorrect. An included DED file
should be re... -
15:45 Revision a78a1a7a (github): Added pool missile record
15:44 Revision ee387b65 (github): Initial checkin, the pool missile record
15:44 Revision d65b4ac8 (github): Added kludge to skip mobj collision checking
15:43 Revision ba17de29 (github): Added sv_missile.h
15:43 Revision aba430ef (github): Params changed for Cl_CheckMobj
15:42 Revision 9bd6cd06 (github): Allow massacre only when GS_LEVEL
15:41 Revision d2c5b45c (github): Added kludge to allow missiles to move free of their originators
15:40 Revision f3ac37ab (github): Added kludge to skip mobj collision testing
15:39 Revision 4128bd48 (github): Modified window title in dedicated mode
15:38 Revision c090b244 (github): Pool missile record, adde Sv_ExcludeDelta
15:38 Revision 6ac49860 (github): Initial checkin, the pool missile record
15:36 Revision 1345cc40 (github): Added sv_missile
11:54 Bug #96: jHexen: Gargoyle stretched out?
- _(originally posted by anonymous user)_
Logged In: NO
Actually it's not...In the gardian of steel the gargo... -
11:18 Bug #98 (Closed): jHeretic: Speed + Use Artifact = Jump
- Holding down the Speed control and pressing the Use
Artifact control (e.g. Shift and Enter) will cause the
player t...
Also available in: Atom