Feature #1228
Damage from nukage splats
It would be interesting if the spilled nukage from
exploding a barrel hurt the player when stepped on.
Apart from giving the player pause before blowing up a
bunch of barrels, it could be fun in deathmatch, so long
as every player was effected.
Barrels would then become doubley dangerous, both
when and after exploding. Perhaps also dangerous to
stand on top of (which people may do when jumping
over them if they want to avoid a poisonous floor).
Be good if it also hurt monsters and forced them to try a
different route around (be good for running away), but
that would probably mean adding to the AI.
On a related note, how about a sector/texture tag that
could be used to designate slime as harmful to monsters
too? (This could be in XG, I haven't checked.)
Labels: Gameplay
Updated by skyjake over 21 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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this would be an idea for modders not for the engine or
skyjake's graphics enhanced doom/heretic/hexen
Updated by danij over 21 years ago
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Originator: NO
Updated by skyjake over 18 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
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Also be neat if the the nukage that splashed out of the barrel
after it exploded did some damage (ie:there would be an
explosion AND flying slime). If it splashed out in a similiar way
to the blood from monsters that would be great. Again,
probably only good for TCs and future projects.
Updated by papercut2 almost 18 years ago
Logged In: YES
I believe this brings us back to the damaging particles topic.