



From 2009-04-29 to 2009-05-12


23:42 Revision 0cef1810 (github): Changed jDoom: Use the original STCFN* lumps (rather than the FONTA* lumps in jDOOM.pk3) for the small graphic font (desaturate and amplify at load time).
Moved all game-side font drawing routines used for both small and large fonts to hu_stuff.c danij
18:24 Revision 1a1dba3a (github): Added ignore rules for build/win32/bin and build/win32/vs8/debug.
14:58 Revision 51cfb492 (github): Updated OpenAL header include paths to match those of the OpenAL 1.1 Core SDK.


13:34 Bug #687: Missing Texture of rail
Closing as duplicate. danij
13:33 Bug #686: No music played
Closing as duplicate. danij
10:08 Bug #688: Hexen: Stuck while entering a portal in Seven Portals
Tried taking a screenshot but it's just black. replayed it a few times now with different classes and in single and m... hexenfan
09:05 Bug #689: Post map infine broken and intermission not working above 32
Whoops, I meant to write "(even if it is present)" above. vermil
08:35 Bug #689 (Closed): Post map infine broken and intermission not working above 32
Dday has supported more than 32 maps for, well, ages now.
However it has never supported the intermission screens ...


18:37 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect

18:37 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
Indeed, from further discussion with DaniJ, the floor flame does move eastward at a rate of 1 unit every 16 tic's (ha... vermil


15:46 Bug #688 (Closed): Hexen: Stuck while entering a portal in Seven Portals
Hey all,
If you try to enter the first portal in the second level in Hexen (after activating the switch and and goin...


14:52 Bug #687 (Closed): Missing Texture of rail
So, the problem is that the texture of rail in Doom1,2,TNT and plutonia is missing. I tryed everything as a change re... martin2412
08:39 Bug #686: No music played
doomsday.out for OpenAL, DSound and SDL
08:39 Bug #686 (Closed): No music played
1.9.0 b6.2
No midi or external (ogg or mp3) music played with OpenAL and DSound driver; the same music (menu music) ...
06:22 Bug #683: Snowberry: Crash at startup with every Universal Binary
It sounds more like a bug in wxPython... Let's see if upgrading to the latest version of wxPython helps. I'll do that... skyjake
01:21 Bug #683: Snowberry: Crash at startup with every Universal Binary
I fixed it. I deleted many font entries in the libwx_macud-2.8.0.dylib file, inside the engine os x package, leaving... luismercado


10:46 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
After an extended discussion with vermil, the problem he is reporting about the spawning of the floor fire when the M... danij
09:20 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
There is no such logic in the original source release to back up your claim that the Maulotaur's floor fire will not ... danij
09:05 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
// From the original Heretic source release by raven
void A_MntrFloorFire(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *mo;
07:45 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
I'm afraid I must dispute your response.
The floor fire flames do not move/slide eastward on the floor in the orig...
10:37 Bug #671: [Heretic] Enemy missile spreads have incorrect vertical aim
This due to the different handling of the Z momentum between P_SpawnMissile and P_SpawnMissleAngle. The former does a... danij
10:30 Bug #685 (Closed): Map cheat behaviour change
In Beta6.2 the map cheat goes 0,1,2,1,0. It should go 0,1,2,0.
In short entering the map cheat once all lines and ...
10:17 Bug #684: Sprites moving up if their bottom intersects the floor

10:16 Bug #684: Sprites moving up if their bottom intersects the floor

10:15 Bug #684 (New): Sprites moving up if their bottom intersects the floor
Dday correctly cuts off a sprite horizontally when it clip's through a wall. But vertically, it shifts the sprite upw... vermil
08:58 Bug #683: Snowberry: Crash at startup with every Universal Binary
But I have the font installed (Lucida Grande). I tried to change all the instances of Lucida Grande in "osx-appearanc... luismercado
06:51 Bug #683: Snowberry: Crash at startup with every Universal Binary
Which version of OS X are you using? Do you have a PowerPC or an Intel Mac?
Judging by that crash report, it looks...
07:27 Feature #1582: Player actions while game is paused
This isn't a bug. Pausing a game should mean just that, its paused. danij
01:59 Revision 0f7a67c7 (github): Fixed: Icon of Sin explosions spawned via A_BrainExplode appear far east of where they should be.


22:48 Bug #683 (Closed): Snowberry: Crash at startup with every Universal Binary
I cant use any of the Universal Binaries of the engine (1.9.0.beta 5 onwards). Beta 4 works, but it is slow.
Any g...
22:18 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
Neither of those are bugs.
If the Maulotaur is stood in a sector which is non-solid then the floor fire will spawn...
21:13 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
In Beta6.2 at least, I've got another couple of bugs to throw in here regarding the Maulotaurs ground flame.
The f...
22:13 Feature #1582: Player actions while game is paused
To elaborate a bit. All automap controls not related to player movement should still be usable while paused (i.e. fol... vermil
21:05 Feature #1582 (New): Player actions while game is paused
In Beta6.2, when you pause the game, you lose all control.
However in the original games, you could still toggle t...
21:23 Feature #1581: Melee attacks affected by looking up/down
- **summary**: Melee attacks not affected by looking up/down --> Melee attacks should be affected by looking up/down
20:36 Revision 7b55d498 (github): Updated version number.
20:36 Revision 09d884d4 (github): There is no malloc.h on the Mac. I believe stdlib.h and string.h should define it on all platforms (it's the standard, right?).
18:12 Bug #682 (Closed): Dying on Multiplayer Coop Problem
When you die on Multiplayer game, mode cooperative, and you try to respawn, you will get a video error and you have t... xrdvx
16:59 Feature #1492 (Closed): Ability for end level xg class to skip the intermission
As the summary suggests.
*Labels:* XG
16:19 Revision 913509a7 (github): Minor version number bump, all plugins.
14:43 Revision b421061e (github): Fixed capitalization in status message.
14:29 Revision 7f3c661a (github): Fixed (dsDirectSound): EAX support broken.


21:43 Bug #514: Light decoration placement on planes if origin is incident with a sector boundary
After discussion with vermil, the first issue mentioned in this report turns out to be a gl rendering, bilinear filte... danij
21:13 Revision 2ac151ce (github): Fixed jHexen: Command line option -warp not working.
21:03 Revision b0ceb933 (github): Fixed jHeretic: Command line option -warp not working.
20:52 Revision d513bc69 (github): Fixed jDoom: "Using diffrent weapon ammo bug" (see here
18:13 Bug #660: -warp parameter fails to start game
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
17:51 Bug #412: Using diffrent weapon ammo bug
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
16:32 Revision 24315241 (github): Combined the weapon, state number members of weaponmodeinfo_t into an array for convenience.
16:28 Revision c34e2358 (github): r_lumobjs.h was missing the predeclaration for LO_DrawLumobjs in non-debug builds.
12:16 Revision 09d502a1 (github): Updated Windows Inno Setup 5 script:
* Use /snowberry/graphics/snowberry.ico as the uninstall icon shown in Add/Remove programs.
* Added LICENSE docs to t...
11:01 Revision 2a8b35ab (github): Changed jHeretic: Speed+Use no longer skips an inventory item. The control binding system can now be used to replicate this functionality if desired. Removed command line option "-artiskip", obsolete.
Changed jHexen: Speed+Use no longer skips an inventory item. The control binding system now be used to replicate this... danij
10:25 Feature #1406: Record particles and other effects in demos
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
bump - whats happening here ?
10:18 Feature #1460: Remember the playing music in save game
Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
I wasn't sure whether to file this as a feature request or a bug/ove...
10:12 Feature #1361: Rotation of objects away from walls during map load
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
What if we just turned all mobjs away from walls, if they are within a...
10:10 Bug #364: SIGSEGV - Console "Reset" with Rain generator.
This issue has since been fixed (1.9.0-beta6.1). danij
10:09 Bug #366: SIGSEGV - Doom2 MAP12 with Rain generator.
This issue has since been fixed (1.9.0-beta6.1). danij
10:01 Feature #1314: Particle spawn rate affected by mobj visibility
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
bump - whats happening here ?
09:59 Feature #1484: [MP] Bindings for group chat
Not a bug. Don't forget that in Hexen, there are eight player colours/teams thats a lot of keys to lose.
09:44 Bug #609: Warp command commonalities
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
09:42 Revision a459f5b4 (github): Fixed: "Doom Armour Icon on full screen is squashed vertically" (see here
Reverted changes to ST_drawHUDSprite which assumed that the engine did not have to resize the HUD sprite textures to ... danij
09:40 Bug #672: HeXen Class menu wrong colours
I've since asked various users to check this on various different systems but none have reported this problem.
09:19 Bug #681: No MIDI or Music Pack playback
This issue should now be fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
09:13 Revision 4d078c93 (github): Fixed: Rendering glitch with shiny surfaces that do not specify a mask texture.
08:42 Revision 0d2dbe46 (github): Fixed typo.
08:28 Revision 30c3bf98 (github): Minor optimization to the message log so as to avoid reallocing where possible every time a message is posted.
07:56 Revision afa741e5 (github): Fixed typo in comment.
07:55 Revision 682e781d (github): Fixed all games: CCmd "msgrefresh" not working.
Changed jDoom/jDoom64/jHeretic: Renamed cvar "msg-secret" to "server-game-announce-secret". danij
06:42 Bug #670: Doom Armour Icon on full screen is squashed vertically
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
06:23 Bug #540: Alt+Tab disables mouse turning
This appears to be a long standing issue as it is present in a build 1.8.6 I made yesterday. When I replace the Direc... danij


23:25 Revision 6cf4cd33 (github): Fixed: Rarely, a game message would not be displayed in the player's HUD message log.
18:07 Revision ebd6df8d (github): Changed: "msgrefresh" is now an impulse. The ccmd of the same name has been removed.
17:40 Bug #680: heretic load savestate crash
ok i have attached the savestate. reaperxtc
17:40 Bug #680: heretic load savestate crash
heretic savestate
15:28 Bug #680: heretic load savestate crash
Under Windows, the jHeretic save game data is written to *.hsg files and stored here (by default):
XP- C:\Program ...
14:43 Bug #680: heretic load savestate crash
I beleive I have attached the savestates, if not please tellme where I can find them. reaperxtc
17:17 Revision eb7bf76c (github): Fixed: Changes to cvar "player-eyeheight" not effective immediately.
16:12 Revision e1470b8f (github): Changed: Use busy mode when doing a GL texture reset.
15:42 Revision 1e957a68 (github): Changed the default control bindings for viewsize -/+ to repeaters.
13:50 Revision b393aa24 (github): Added: Compatibility option for the Maulotaur floor fire fix, cvar "server-game-maulotaur-fixfloorfire".
13:36 Revision 019acab0 (github): Changed: Emulate bug in original Heretic which results in immediate destruction of the Maulotaur's ground fire attack if attempted when the Maulotaur's feet are clipped (it is in a non-solid).
10:55 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
The floor fire issue has now been resolved in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 (emulate original behaviour by default. Added com... danij
09:51 Bug #664: Heretic Maulotaur attack behaviour incorrect
Both of these issues are due to bugs in the original Heretic which have only now just come to light.
When an attem...
02:57 Revision a9a55fd2 (github): Removed unnecessary include for m_mus2midi.h from sys_audiod_sdlmixer.c
02:56 Revision ee96547f (github): Fixed: Repeated playback of the same music track broken using the CDAudio interface of dsWinMM (e.g., the DOOM title sequence when no demos are played).
Fixed: If a music interface is not present but CDAudio interface is; playback via CDAudio not possible. danij
02:38 Revision fc66cb4b (github): Updated dsWinMM to support getting the current playback status for both the music and cdaudio interfaces.
02:12 Revision e9b088d2 (github): Fixed: Repeated playback of the same music track broken using sdl_mixer (e.g., the DOOM title sequence when no demos are played).
00:29 Bug #652: Music volume and balance
Confirmed. In addition, the music volume control does not work at all under Vista, as we are trying to use the old Wi... danij
00:04 Revision a5cc4c79 (github): Fixed: "Segfault when starting jdoom with music" (see here


23:58 Bug #681 (Closed): No MIDI or Music Pack playback
190 6.1 midi and Ashley Carr or similar will not playback in any sound device. Using working X-Fi sound device, midi ... wadflap
20:58 Bug #673: Segfault when starting jdoom with music
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
20:09 Revision f28004d4 (github): Fixed: "Heretic Gargoyles not spawning correctly" (see here
I decided to fix all such problems for good by unifying the way we interpret z heights for spawnspots across DOOM, He... danij
19:53 Bug #680: heretic load savestate crash
Please attach the save game file in question to this tracker item so that we can debug the problem. danij
19:27 Bug #680 (Closed): heretic load savestate crash
Using a savestate from 1.9.0-beta5.x crashes 1.9.0-beta6 in heretic.
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
19:27 Bug #680: heretic load savestate crash
crash picture
19:52 Revision 886461de (github): Fixed: "HeXen Quietus flames spawning way off where they should" (see here
19:51 Revision 441f99c2 (github): Fixed sigsegv in jHexen on shutdown (VG_CHEATARROW was defined, which incremented NUM_VECTOR_GRAPHS one larger than it should be. Thus when deleting the display lists for the vectorgraps in Rend_AutomapUnloadData we were indexing beyond the end of vectorGraphs[] and returning some random memory location which we then attempted to free.
16:56 Bug #656: Heretic Gargoyles not spawning correctly
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
16:53 Bug #677: HeXen Quietus flames spawning way off where they should
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
12:45 Revision 09fd2488 (github): Enabled the lumobj debug display in non-debug builds, added cvar "rend-dev-lums" to enable it.
12:42 Revision adb484e1 (github): Minor tweaks.


21:22 Revision 0e8b1759 (github): Peppered the main loop with profile timers enabled when DD_PROFILE is defined.
I had a feeling something was going awry and performance was gradually degrading. I made a 15min run of the starting ... danij
21:12 Revision 0389bb4f (github): Reordered the console output from the PRINT_PROF macro to be more easily readable.
19:07 Revision cb30f1fe (github): Fixed compilation error in r_lumobjs.c if DD_PROFILE is defined.
19:05 Revision 2c9930d6 (github): Variable texDefs in readDoomTextureDefLump() was left uninitialized if ALL textures in the currently processed TEXTURE1/2 lump were invalid (highly unlikely...).
18:43 Revision d16cf425 (github): Fixed: Logic error in p_objlink.c::processSeg which resulted in mobjs hidden behind onesided walls being visible from the other side when they should not be.
17:29 Revision f3981ed2 (github): Fixed: Things not visible in the automap after resolution change.
17:03 Revision 648e9f93 (github): Correct NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS value in all games.
16:51 Revision d78be072 (github): Fixed: "Weapon controls wrong selection" (see here
14:36 Bug #565: Post level Infine seg fault
How is this in Doomsday 1.9.0-beta6.1 Vermil? danij
13:51 Bug #675: Weapon controls wrong selection
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
12:23 Revision 9f5723b7 (github): Added b_util.h to doomsday.vcproj (was missing).
10:32 Bug #678: Automap: Rotation angle smoothing
That is kind of what is happening atm when the angle wraps.
In fact, I'm actually wondering whether we should be e...
10:01 Bug #678: Automap: Rotation angle smoothing
I'm guessing the map angle is trying to follow the player mobj angle, and when the 0xffffffff <-> 0 jump occurs, it c... skyjake
09:37 Bug #678: Automap: Rotation angle smoothing
I'm not entirely sure which type of interpolation should be used for this, any suggestions skyjake? danij
08:59 Revision f8195e62 (github): Updated version to beta6.2
03:54 Revision ce85e3de (github): Fixed: "Artefact key's not checking that player actually has item" (see here
03:41 Revision e19b7686 (github): Fixed: "New armour bug: blue and green armour add" (see here
03:16 Revision 27bfc2d4 (github): Fixed: "HeXen inventory not saved between maps" (see here
02:40 Revision 0f136317 (github): Fixed: [jDoom] Menu items disappear after engine reset (see here
02:25 Revision c54a1512 (github): Optimize: Improved load time with large maps (memory allocation of vertexillums).
02:22 Revision e5e0f5f8 (github): Fixed: Only process the default WAD list during startup if it has been populated.
02:21 Revision ff9403d2 (github): Fixed a comment.
02:20 Revision 385a3f7b (github): Renamed global variable classInfo in r_extres.c to resClasses.
00:54 Bug #655: Artefact key's not checking that player actually has item
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
00:41 Bug #661: New armour bug: blue and green armour add
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij
00:16 Bug #676: HeXen inventory not saved between maps
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij


23:40 Bug #679: [jDoom] Menu items disappear after engine reset
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.2 danij


23:12 Bug #679 (Closed): [jDoom] Menu items disappear after engine reset
Each time the engine is reset, a menu item from the DOOM2 menu disappears.
*Labels:* jDoom
11:58 Feature #1491 (New): Variable damage for the pmf_crush plane move flag
Variable damage for the pmf_crush plane move flag.
Currently the flag will make the plane do hardcoded 10 damage a...

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