Bug #514
Light decoration placement on planes if origin is incident with a sector boundary
Here are some example wads of some visual issues I have encountered in Dday.
TextureIssue.wad highlights an issue where the default renderer options seem to occasionally display different textures incorrectly on adjacent linedefs when one of said linedef's is of odd numbered length.
Entering "lowres" into the console alters the renderer options and causes this visual anomalie to vanish.
DynamicLight+ScrollingTexIssues.wad showcases another two visual issues (and includes a small DD_DEFNS lump within).
Firstly it shows that a flat based dynamic light not being rendered when it should be. The cause appears to be the linedef running directly through the part of the flat where the light should be rendered (splitting the exact pixel the light should be rendered on in two).
This wad also shows a minor offset issue regarding rightward scrolling textures. It seems Dday offset's any rightward scrolling texture by a fraction of a unit. With hi-res textures this is hardly noticeable, but when dealing with textures of a similar resolution to the originals, it can stand out (such as with the example textures I've used) quite a bit. Using "lowres" makes this one much easier to see.
I haven't yet been able to reproduce my "blurred texture" issue accurately other than nothing it appears to only occur when you change the height of an original texture (and replace the patches used on it with suitable new ones of course).
A small note, both these examples use different custom textures and palletes. The maps in both wads are Map01.
Labels: Graphics
Updated by danij almost 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
The only issue here that I have been able to reproduce is that of the light decoration not being created when logically that is the desired outcome.
Updated by vermil almost 17 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: YES
How is it the logical outcome that flat based dynamic lights aren't drawn over a linedef when the height and plane texture used on the sectors on either side of the line are the same?
Maybe the scrolling texture issue is simply with my computer perhaps? I can reproduce it.
Updated by danij over 16 years ago
Logged In: YES
Originator: NO
You misunderstand, I meant that the logical outcome is that there should be a dynamic light there.
Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
After discussion with vermil, the first issue mentioned in this report turns out to be a gl rendering, bilinear filtering artefact that we can't really fix.
Updated by vermil about 14 years ago
To re-activate this long dormant bug report with a little more information.
I've noticed that horizontally scrolling textures are actually moving up/down slowly, in game, rather than just being incorrectly offset once at map start up as I originally indicated in my original comment above. How fast it moves up/down is affected by the scroll speed. The faster the scroll speed, the faster it moves up/down.
The direction (i.e. whether up or down), as hinted at in my original comment, is affected by the scroll direction.
In hindsight, the "blurred textures" issue mentioned above was probably because Dday then didn't support non-power of 2 textures (it would stretch all non-power 2 graphics to the nearest power 2 internally). Now it does, the "blurred textures" appear gone.
Updated by danij over 12 years ago
- summary: Some Visual Anomalies --> Light decoration placement on planes if origin is incident with a sector boundary
- milestone: --> v1.8.6
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Tags set to Decorations, Lights, Renderer
- Category set to Defect
- Target version deleted (
Updated by skyjake over 11 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
Updated by skyjake almost 8 years ago
- Target version set to Rendering