


Bug #565

Post level Infine seg fault

Added by vermil over 16 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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If a map exits while running an infine def (i.e a fade out) and the map also has an infine def set to run after it. There is a good chance that Dday will seg fault.

It does seem to be map specific; as in, it will always occur on a map. If you rebuild the nodes, there is a good chance, but not always, that the segfault will stop happening.

However there seems to be no determinable map set up that causes the seg faults in the first place.

I'd imagine that the above sounds a little convoluted. But I get repeatable seg fault's that randomly appear and disappear from the above infine set up often enough that has led to believe there is a bug in dday somewhere.

Labels: InFine


#1 Updated by danij over 16 years ago

Please can you attach the Infine scripts you are using to this tracker item. We will also need a step-by-step of how to reproduce this.

#2 Updated by vermil over 16 years ago

Well, as I said, it seems that, sometimes ,after editing some part of my multi map wad, that one or more of my infine def of this sort will suddenly stop working and crash dday.

The crash will eventually go away after another random edit to my wad.

Thinking about it further. It seems to only occur when the infine def running at map close is a filter based fade out. Dday will then scrash as soon as it tries to run the post map infine def.

Indeed, currently, one of my def's is segfaulting Dday. But it is an extremely long one (over 1000 lines).

#3 Updated by danij over 16 years ago

There is not much we can do to look into this without the data you are using and having problems with. Please attach everything we will need in order to debug this.

#4 Updated by danij almost 16 years ago

How is this in Doomsday 1.9.0-beta6.1 Vermil?

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