Bug #688
Hexen: Stuck while entering a portal in Seven Portals
Hey all,
If you try to enter the first portal in the second level in Hexen (after activating the switch and and going through the door with the ice and the elevator to the teleporter) you get stuck while entering the teleporter and at the bottom of my screen the wall texture keeps rolling. Menu and everything is still accessible.
Updated by hexenfan almost 16 years ago
Tried taking a screenshot but it's just black. replayed it a few times now with different classes and in single and multiplayer and always endet up with the same problem. so i hope its reproduceable for others aswell.
Updated by hexenfan almost 16 years ago
uhm.. yeah might have added earlier that i experienced that on the Windows version. V1.9 beta6.2
Updated by skyjake almost 16 years ago
(originally posted by anonymous SF.net user)
Following procedure described by hexenfan, I was able to reproduce this bug. A temporary workaround is to open the console with the ~ key and use the "warp #", replacing # by the mp number. (Seven Portals is 2, and this value should increment according to game progression).
Updated by danij almost 16 years ago
Fixed in svn for 1.9.0-beta6.3